+// the built-in conversions functions create non-premultiplied bitmaps, while GDIPlus needs them in the
+// premultiplied format, therefore in the failing cases we create a new bitmap using the non-premultiplied
+// bytes as parameter, since there is no real copying of the data going in, only references are stored
+// m_helper has to be kept alive as well
+// wxGDIPlusBitmapData implementation
+wxGDIPlusBitmapData::wxGDIPlusBitmapData( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, Bitmap* bitmap ) :
+ wxGraphicsObjectRefData( renderer ), m_bitmap( bitmap )
+ m_helper = NULL;
+wxGDIPlusBitmapData::wxGDIPlusBitmapData( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer,
+ const wxBitmap &bmp) : wxGraphicsObjectRefData( renderer )
+ m_bitmap = NULL;
+ m_helper = NULL;
+ Bitmap* image = NULL;
+ if ( bmp.GetMask() )
+ {
+ Bitmap interim((HBITMAP)bmp.GetHBITMAP(),
+ (HPALETTE)bmp.GetPalette()->GetHPALETTE()
+ );
+ size_t width = interim.GetWidth();
+ size_t height = interim.GetHeight();
+ Rect bounds(0,0,width,height);
+ image = new Bitmap(width,height,PixelFormat32bppPARGB) ;
+ Bitmap interimMask((HBITMAP)bmp.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap(),NULL);
+ wxASSERT(interimMask.GetPixelFormat() == PixelFormat1bppIndexed);
+ BitmapData dataMask ;
+ interimMask.LockBits(&bounds,ImageLockModeRead,
+ interimMask.GetPixelFormat(),&dataMask);
+ BitmapData imageData ;
+ image->LockBits(&bounds,ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat32bppPARGB, &imageData);
+ BYTE maskPattern = 0 ;
+ BYTE maskByte = 0;
+ size_t maskIndex ;
+ for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < height ; ++y)
+ {
+ maskIndex = 0 ;
+ for( size_t x = 0 ; x < width; ++x)
+ {
+ if ( x % 8 == 0)
+ {
+ maskPattern = 0x80;
+ maskByte = *((BYTE*)dataMask.Scan0 + dataMask.Stride*y + maskIndex);
+ maskIndex++;
+ }
+ else
+ maskPattern = maskPattern >> 1;
+ ARGB *dest = (ARGB*)((BYTE*)imageData.Scan0 + imageData.Stride*y + x*4);
+ if ( (maskByte & maskPattern) == 0 )
+ *dest = 0x00000000;
+ else
+ {
+ Color c ;
+ interim.GetPixel(x,y,&c) ;
+ *dest = (c.GetValue() | Color::AlphaMask);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ image->UnlockBits(&imageData);
+ interimMask.UnlockBits(&dataMask);
+ interim.UnlockBits(&dataMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ image = Bitmap::FromHBITMAP((HBITMAP)bmp.GetHBITMAP(),
+ (HPALETTE)bmp.GetPalette()->GetHPALETTE()
+ );
+ if ( bmp.HasAlpha() && GetPixelFormatSize(image->GetPixelFormat()) == 32 )
+ {
+ size_t width = image->GetWidth();
+ size_t height = image->GetHeight();
+ Rect bounds(0,0,width,height);
+ static BitmapData data ;
+ m_helper = image ;
+ image = NULL ;
+ m_helper->LockBits(&bounds, ImageLockModeRead,
+ m_helper->GetPixelFormat(),&data);
+ image = new Bitmap(data.Width, data.Height, data.Stride,
+ PixelFormat32bppPARGB , (BYTE*) data.Scan0);
+ m_helper->UnlockBits(&data);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( image )
+ m_bitmap = image;
+ delete m_bitmap;
+ delete m_helper;