- GdkFont *font = wxLoadQueryFont( pointSize, family, style, weight,
- underlined, facename, encoding );
- if (!font)
- {
- /* search up and down by stepsize 10 */
- int max_size = pointSize + 20 * (1 + (pointSize/180));
- int min_size = pointSize - 20 * (1 + (pointSize/180));
- int i;
- /* Search for smaller size (approx.) */
- for ( i = pointSize - 10; !font && i >= 10 && i >= min_size; i -= 10 )
- {
- font = wxLoadQueryFont(i, family, style, weight, underlined,
- facename, encoding );
- }
- /* Search for larger size (approx.) */
- for ( i = pointSize + 10; !font && i <= max_size; i += 10 )
- {
- font = wxLoadQueryFont( i, family, style, weight, underlined,
- facename, encoding );
- }
- /* Try default family */
- if ( !font && family != wxDEFAULT )
- {
- font = wxLoadQueryFont( pointSize, wxDEFAULT, style, weight,
- underlined, facename, encoding );
- }
- /* Bogus font */
- if ( !font )
- {
- font = wxLoadQueryFont(120, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
- underlined, facename, encoding );
- }
- }
- return font;
-// wow, what's this stuff? Is it used/useful? (VZ)
-#if 0
-// face names and index functions
-static char *font_defaults[] = {
- "FamilyDefault", "Default",
- "FamilyRoman", "Roman",
- "FamilyDecorative", "Decorative",
- "FamilyModern", "Modern",
- "FamilyTeletype", "Teletype",
- "FamilySwiss", "Swiss",
- "FamilyScript", "Script",
- "AfmMedium", "",
- "AfmBold", "Bo",
- "AfmLight", "",
- "AfmStraight", "",
- "AfmItalic", "${AfmSlant}",
- "AfmSlant", "O",
- "AfmRoman", "Ro",
- "AfmTimes", "Times",
- "AfmHelvetica", "Helv",
- "AfmCourier", "Cour",
- "Afm___", "${AfmTimes,$[weight],$[style]}",
- "AfmTimes__", "${AfmTimes}${Afm$[weight]}${Afm$[style]}",
- "AfmTimesMediumStraight", "${AfmTimes}${AfmRoman}",
- "AfmTimesLightStraight", "${AfmTimes}${AfmRoman}",
- "AfmTimes_Italic", "${AfmTimes}$[weight]${AfmItalic}",
- "AfmTimes_Slant", "${AfmTimes}$[weight]${AfmItalic}",
- "AfmSwiss__", "${AfmHelvetica}${Afm$[weight]}${Afm$[style]}",
- "AfmModern__", "${AfmCourier}${Afm$[weight]}${Afm$[style]}",
- "AfmTeletype__", "${AfmModern,$[weight],$[style]}",
- "PostScriptMediumStraight", "",
- "PostScriptMediumItalic", "-Oblique",
- "PostScriptMediumSlant", "-Oblique",
- "PostScriptLightStraight", "",
- "PostScriptLightItalic", "-Oblique",
- "PostScriptLightSlant", "-Oblique",
- "PostScriptBoldStraight", "-Bold",
- "PostScriptBoldItalic", "-BoldOblique",
- "PostScriptBoldSlant", "-BoldOblique",
- "PostScript___", "${PostScriptTimes,$[weight],$[style]}",
- "PostScriptRoman__", "${PostScriptTimes,$[weight],$[style]}",
- "PostScript___", "LucidaSans${PostScript$[weight]$[style]}",
- "PostScriptTimesMedium", "",
- "PostScriptTimesLight", "",
- "PostScriptTimesBold", "Bold",
- "PostScriptTimes__", "Times${PostScript$[weight]$[style]}",
- "PostScriptTimesMediumStraight", "Times-Roman",
- "PostScriptTimesLightStraight", "Times-Roman",
- "PostScriptTimes_Slant", "Times-${PostScriptTimes$[weight]}Italic",
- "PostScriptTimes_Italic", "Times-${PostScriptTimes$[weight]}Italic",
- "PostScriptSwiss__", "Helvetica${PostScript$[weight]$[style]}",
- "PostScriptModern__", "Courier${PostScript$[weight]$[style]}",
- "PostScriptTeletype__", "${PostScriptModern,$[weight],$[style]}",
- "PostScriptScript__", "Zapf-Chancery-MediumItalic",
- "ScreenMedium", "medium",
- "ScreenBold", "bold",
- "ScreenLight", "light",
- "ScreenStraight", "r",
- "ScreenItalic", "i",
- "ScreenSlant", "o",
- "ScreenDefaultBase", "*-times",
- "ScreenRomanBase", "*-times",
- "ScreenDecorativeBase", "*-helvetica",
- "ScreenModernBase", "*-courier",
- "ScreenTeletypeBase", "*-lucidatypewriter",
- "ScreenSwissBase", "*-lucida",
- "ScreenScriptBase", "*-zapfchancery",
- "ScreenStdSuffix", "-${Screen$[weight]}-${Screen$[style]}"
- "-normal-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- "Screen___",
- "-${ScreenDefaultBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenRoman__",
- "-${ScreenRomanBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenDecorative__",
- "-${ScreenDecorativeBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenModern__",
- "-${ScreenModernBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenTeletype__",
- "-${ScreenTeletypeBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenSwiss__",
- "-${ScreenSwissBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- "ScreenScript__",
- "-${ScreenScriptBase}${ScreenStdSuffix}",
- (char *) NULL