// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "log.h"
// wxWindows
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/window.h"
- #include "wx/msw/private.h"
- #include <wx/event.h>
- #include <wx/app.h>
- #include <wx/string.h>
- #include <wx/intl.h>
- #include <wx/menu.h>
- #include <wx/frame.h>
- #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
- #include <wx/filedlg.h>
- #include <wx/textctrl.h>
+ #ifdef __WXMSW__
+ #include "wx/msw/private.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "wx/event.h"
+ #include "wx/app.h"
+ #include "wx/string.h"
+ #include "wx/intl.h"
+ #ifndef wxUSE_NOGUI
+ #include "wx/msgdlg.h"
+ #endif
#endif //WX_PRECOMP
-#include <wx/file.h>
-#include <wx/textfile.h>
-#include <wx/utils.h>
-#include <wx/log.h>
+#include "wx/file.h"
+#include "wx/textfile.h"
+#include "wx/utils.h"
+#include "wx/wxchar.h"
+#include "wx/log.h"
// other standard headers
#include <errno.h>
static void wxLogWrap(FILE *f, const char *pszPrefix, const char *psz);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// global variables
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// we use a global variable to store the frame pointer for wxLogStatus - bad,
-// but it's he easiest way
-static wxFrame *gs_pFrame; // FIXME MT-unsafe
// ============================================================================
// implementation
// ============================================================================
-// accepts an additional argument which tells to which frame the output should
-// be directed
-void wxLogStatus(wxFrame *pFrame, const wxChar *szFormat, ...)
- wxLog *pLog = wxLog::GetActiveTarget();
- if ( pLog != NULL ) {
- va_list argptr;
- va_start(argptr, szFormat);
- wxVsprintf(s_szBuf, szFormat, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
- wxASSERT( gs_pFrame == NULL ); // should be reset!
- gs_pFrame = pFrame;
- wxLog::OnLog(wxLOG_Status, s_szBuf, time(NULL));
- gs_pFrame = (wxFrame *) NULL;
- }
// same as info, but only if 'verbose' mode is on
void wxLogVerbose(const wxChar *szFormat, ...)
if ( !s_bInGetActiveTarget ) {
s_bInGetActiveTarget = TRUE;
-#ifdef wxUSE_NOGUI
+#ifdef wxUSE_NOGUI
ms_pLogger = new wxLogStderr;
+#else // GUI
// ask the application to create a log target for us
if ( wxTheApp != NULL )
ms_pLogger = wxTheApp->CreateLogTarget();
ms_pLogger = new wxLogStderr;
+#endif // !GUI/GUI
s_bInGetActiveTarget = FALSE;
+void wxLog::TimeStamp(wxString *str)
+ if ( ms_timestamp )
+ {
+ wxChar buf[256];
+ time_t timeNow;
+ (void)time(&timeNow);
+ wxStrftime(buf, WXSIZEOF(buf), ms_timestamp, localtime(&timeNow));
+ str->Empty();
+ *str << buf << _T(": ");
+ }
void wxLog::DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t)
switch ( level ) {
void wxLogStderr::DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t WXUNUSED(t))
- wxString str(szString);
- str << _T('\n');
+ wxString str;
+ TimeStamp(&str);
+ str << szString << _T('\n');
fputs(str.mb_str(), m_fp);
void wxLogStream::DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t WXUNUSED(t))
- (*m_ostr) << wxConv_libc.cWX2MB(szString) << endl << flush;
+ (*m_ostr) << wxConvCurrent->cWX2MB(szString) << endl << flush;
#endif // wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM
-#ifndef wxUSE_NOGUI
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxLogTextCtrl implementation
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-wxLogTextCtrl::wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl *pTextCtrl)
-#if !defined(NO_TEXT_WINDOW_STREAM)
-: wxLogStream(new ostream(pTextCtrl))
- delete m_ostr;
-#endif // wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxLogGui implementation (FIXME MT-unsafe)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Clear();
-void wxLogGui::Clear()
- m_bErrors = m_bWarnings = FALSE;
- m_aMessages.Empty();
- m_aTimes.Empty();
-void wxLogGui::Flush()
- if ( !m_bHasMessages )
- return;
- // do it right now to block any new calls to Flush() while we're here
- m_bHasMessages = FALSE;
- // concatenate all strings (but not too many to not overfill the msg box)
- wxString str;
- size_t nLines = 0,
- nMsgCount = m_aMessages.Count();
- // start from the most recent message
- for ( size_t n = nMsgCount; n > 0; n-- ) {
- // for Windows strings longer than this value are wrapped (NT 4.0)
- const size_t nMsgLineWidth = 156;
- nLines += (m_aMessages[n - 1].Len() + nMsgLineWidth - 1) / nMsgLineWidth;
- if ( nLines > 25 ) // don't put too many lines in message box
- break;
- str << m_aMessages[n - 1] << _T("\n");
- }
- const wxChar *title;
- long style;
- if ( m_bErrors ) {
- title = _("Error");
- style = wxICON_STOP;
- }
- else if ( m_bWarnings ) {
- title = _("Warning");
- }
- else {
- title = _("Information");
- }
- wxMessageBox(str, title, wxOK | style);
- // no undisplayed messages whatsoever
- Clear();
-// the default behaviour is to discard all informational messages if there
-// are any errors/warnings.
-void wxLogGui::DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t)
- switch ( level ) {
- case wxLOG_Info:
- if ( GetVerbose() )
- case wxLOG_Message:
- if ( !m_bErrors ) {
- m_aMessages.Add(szString);
- m_aTimes.Add((long)t);
- m_bHasMessages = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case wxLOG_Status:
- {
- // find the top window and set it's status text if it has any
- wxFrame *pFrame = gs_pFrame;
- if ( pFrame == NULL ) {
- wxWindow *pWin = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow();
- if ( pWin != NULL && pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)) ) {
- pFrame = (wxFrame *)pWin;
- }
- }
- if ( pFrame != NULL )
- pFrame->SetStatusText(szString);
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- break;
- case wxLOG_Trace:
- case wxLOG_Debug:
- #ifdef __WXDEBUG__
- {
- #ifdef __WXMSW__
- // don't prepend debug/trace here: it goes to the
- // debug window anyhow, but do put a timestamp
- OutputDebugString(wxString(szString) + _T("\n\r"));
- #else
- // send them to stderr
- wxFprintf(stderr, _T("%s: %s\n"),
- level == wxLOG_Trace ? _T("Trace") : _T("Debug"),
- szString);
- fflush(stderr);
- #endif
- }
- #endif // __WXDEBUG__
- break;
- case wxLOG_FatalError:
- // show this one immediately
- wxMessageBox(szString, _("Fatal error"), wxICON_HAND);
- break;
- case wxLOG_Error:
- // discard earlier informational messages if this is the 1st
- // error because they might not make sense any more
- if ( !m_bErrors ) {
- m_aMessages.Empty();
- m_aTimes.Empty();
- m_bHasMessages = TRUE;
- m_bErrors = TRUE;
- }
- // fall through
- case wxLOG_Warning:
- if ( !m_bErrors ) {
- // for the warning we don't discard the info messages
- m_bWarnings = TRUE;
- }
- m_aMessages.Add(szString);
- m_aTimes.Add((long)t);
- break;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxLogWindow and wxLogFrame implementation
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// log frame class
-// ---------------
-class wxLogFrame : public wxFrame
- // ctor & dtor
- wxLogFrame(wxFrame *pParent, wxLogWindow *log, const wxChar *szTitle);
- virtual ~wxLogFrame();
- // menu callbacks
- void OnClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
-#if wxUSE_FILE
- void OnSave (wxCommandEvent& event);
-#endif // wxUSE_FILE
- void OnClear(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent&);
- // accessors
- wxTextCtrl *TextCtrl() const { return m_pTextCtrl; }
- enum
- {
- Menu_Close = 100,
- Menu_Save,
- Menu_Clear
- };
- // instead of closing just hide the window to be able to Show() it later
- void DoClose() { Show(FALSE); }
- wxTextCtrl *m_pTextCtrl;
- wxLogWindow *m_log;
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxLogFrame, wxFrame)
- // wxLogWindow menu events
- EVT_MENU(Menu_Close, wxLogFrame::OnClose)
-#if wxUSE_FILE
- EVT_MENU(Menu_Save, wxLogFrame::OnSave)
-#endif // wxUSE_FILE
- EVT_MENU(Menu_Clear, wxLogFrame::OnClear)
- EVT_CLOSE(wxLogFrame::OnCloseWindow)
-wxLogFrame::wxLogFrame(wxFrame *pParent, wxLogWindow *log, const wxChar *szTitle)
- : wxFrame(pParent, -1, szTitle)
- m_log = log;
- m_pTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
- wxDefaultSize,
- // create menu
- wxMenuBar *pMenuBar = new wxMenuBar;
- wxMenu *pMenu = new wxMenu;
-#if wxUSE_FILE
- pMenu->Append(Menu_Save, _("&Save..."), _("Save log contents to file"));
-#endif // wxUSE_FILE
- pMenu->Append(Menu_Clear, _("C&lear"), _("Clear the log contents"));
- pMenu->AppendSeparator();
- pMenu->Append(Menu_Close, _("&Close"), _("Close this window"));
- pMenuBar->Append(pMenu, _("&Log"));
- SetMenuBar(pMenuBar);
- // status bar for menu prompts
- CreateStatusBar();
-#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- m_log->OnFrameCreate(this);
-void wxLogFrame::OnClose(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- DoClose();
-void wxLogFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- DoClose();
-#if wxUSE_FILE
-void wxLogFrame::OnSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- // get the file name
- // -----------------
- const wxChar *szFileName = wxSaveFileSelector(_T("log"), _T("txt"), _T("log.txt"));
- if ( szFileName == NULL ) {
- // cancelled
- return;
- }
- // open file
- // ---------
- wxFile file;
- bool bOk = FALSE;
- if ( wxFile::Exists(szFileName) ) {
- bool bAppend = FALSE;
- wxString strMsg;
- strMsg.Printf(_("Append log to file '%s' "
- "(choosing [No] will overwrite it)?"), szFileName);
- switch ( wxMessageBox(strMsg, _("Question"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) ) {
- case wxYES:
- bAppend = TRUE;
- break;
- case wxNO:
- bAppend = FALSE;
- break;
- case wxCANCEL:
- return;
- default:
- wxFAIL_MSG(_("invalid message box return value"));
- }
- if ( bAppend ) {
- bOk = file.Open(szFileName, wxFile::write_append);
- }
- else {
- bOk = file.Create(szFileName, TRUE /* overwrite */);
- }
- }
- else {
- bOk = file.Create(szFileName);
- }
- // retrieve text and save it
- // -------------------------
- int nLines = m_pTextCtrl->GetNumberOfLines();
- for ( int nLine = 0; bOk && nLine < nLines; nLine++ ) {
- bOk = file.Write(m_pTextCtrl->GetLineText(nLine) +
- // we're not going to pull in the whole wxTextFile if all we need is this...
- wxTextFile::GetEOL()
-#else // !wxUSE_TEXTFILE
- '\n'
-#endif // wxUSE_TEXTFILE
- );
- }
- if ( bOk )
- bOk = file.Close();
- if ( !bOk ) {
- wxLogError(_("Can't save log contents to file."));
- }
- else {
- wxLogStatus(this, _("Log saved to the file '%s'."), szFileName);
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_FILE
-void wxLogFrame::OnClear(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- m_pTextCtrl->Clear();
- m_log->OnFrameDelete(this);
-// wxLogWindow
-// -----------
-wxLogWindow::wxLogWindow(wxFrame *pParent,
- const wxChar *szTitle,
- bool bShow,
- bool bDoPass)
- m_bPassMessages = bDoPass;
- m_pLogFrame = new wxLogFrame(pParent, this, szTitle);
- m_pOldLog = wxLog::SetActiveTarget(this);
- if ( bShow )
- m_pLogFrame->Show(TRUE);
-void wxLogWindow::Show(bool bShow)
- m_pLogFrame->Show(bShow);
-void wxLogWindow::Flush()
- if ( m_pOldLog != NULL )
- m_pOldLog->Flush();
- m_bHasMessages = FALSE;
-void wxLogWindow::DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t)
- // first let the previous logger show it
- if ( m_pOldLog != NULL && m_bPassMessages ) {
- // FIXME why can't we access protected wxLog method from here (we derive
- // from wxLog)? gcc gives "DoLog is protected in this context", what
- // does this mean? Anyhow, the cast is harmless and let's us do what
- // we want.
- ((wxLogWindow *)m_pOldLog)->DoLog(level, szString, t);
- }
- if ( m_pLogFrame ) {
- switch ( level ) {
- case wxLOG_Status:
- // by default, these messages are ignored by wxLog, so process
- // them ourselves
- if ( !wxIsEmpty(szString) )
- {
- wxString str;
- str << _("Status: ") << szString;
- DoLogString(str, t);
- }
- break;
- // don't put trace messages in the text window for 2 reasons:
- // 1) there are too many of them
- // 2) they may provoke other trace messages thus sending a program
- // into an infinite loop
- case wxLOG_Trace:
- break;
- default:
- // and this will format it nicely and call our DoLogString()
- wxLog::DoLog(level, szString, t);
- }
- }
- m_bHasMessages = TRUE;
-void wxLogWindow::DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t WXUNUSED(t))
- // put the text into our window
- wxTextCtrl *pText = m_pLogFrame->TextCtrl();
- // remove selection (WriteText is in fact ReplaceSelection)
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- long nLen = pText->GetLastPosition();
- pText->SetSelection(nLen, nLen);
-#endif // Windows
- pText->WriteText(szString);
- pText->WriteText(_T("\n")); // "\n" ok here (_not_ "\r\n")
- // TODO ensure that the line can be seen
-wxFrame *wxLogWindow::GetFrame() const
- return m_pLogFrame;
-void wxLogWindow::OnFrameCreate(wxFrame * WXUNUSED(frame))
-void wxLogWindow::OnFrameDelete(wxFrame * WXUNUSED(frame))
- m_pLogFrame = (wxLogFrame *)NULL;
- delete m_pOldLog;
- // may be NULL if log frame already auto destroyed itself
- delete m_pLogFrame;
-#endif //wxUSE_NOGUI
// ============================================================================
// Global functions/variables
// ============================================================================
wxLog *wxLog::ms_pLogger = (wxLog *)NULL;
bool wxLog::ms_doLog = TRUE;
bool wxLog::ms_bAutoCreate = TRUE;
+const wxChar *wxLog::ms_timestamp = _T("%X"); // time only, no date
wxTraceMask wxLog::ms_ulTraceMask = (wxTraceMask)0;
wxArrayString wxLog::ms_aTraceMasks;
#else // Unix
static wxChar s_szBuf[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE / 2];
- wxConv_libc.MB2WC(s_szBuf, strerror(nErrCode), WXSIZEOF(s_szBuf) -1);
+ wxConvCurrent->MB2WC(s_szBuf, strerror(nErrCode), WXSIZEOF(s_szBuf) -1);
return s_szBuf;
return strerror(nErrCode);
+#else // GUI
// this message is intentionally not translated - it is for
// developpers only
wxStrcat(szBuf, _T("\nDo you want to stop the program?"
//case wxNO: nothing to do
-#endif // USE_NOGUI
+#endif // !GUI/GUI
s_bInAssert = FALSE;