@class wxString
+ The wxString class has been completely rewritten for wxWidgets 3.0
+ and this change was actually the main reason for the calling that
+ version wxWidgets 3.0.
wxString is a class representing a Unicode character string.
wxString uses @c std::string internally to store its content
unless this is not supported by the compiler or disabled
- specifically when building wxWidgets. Therefore wxString
- inherits many features from @c std::string. Most
- implementations of @c std::string are thread-safe and don't
- use reference counting. By default, wxString uses @c std::string
- internally even if wxUSE_STL is not defined.
- Since wxWidgets 3.0 wxString internally uses UCS-2 (basically 2-byte per
- character wchar_t and nearly the same as UTF-16) under Windows and
- UTF-8 under Unix, Linux and OS X to store its content.
+ specifically when building wxWidgets and it therefore inherits
+ many features from @c std::string. Most implementations of
+ @c std::string are thread-safe and don't use reference counting.
+ By default, wxString uses @c std::string internally even if
+ wxUSE_STL is not defined.
+ wxString now internally uses UTF-16 under Windows and UTF-8 under
+ Unix, Linux and OS X to store its content. Note that when iterating
+ over a UTF-16 string under Windows, the user code has to take care
+ of surrogate pair handling whereas Windows itself has built-in
+ support pairs in UTF-16, such as for drawing strings on screen.
Much work has been done to make existing code using ANSI string literals
- work as before. If you need to have a wxString that uses wchar_t on Unix
- and Linux, too, you can specify this on the command line with the
- @c configure @c --disable-utf8 switch.
- If you need a Unicode string class with O(1) access on all platforms
- you should consider using wxUString.
- Since iterating over a wxString by index can become inefficient in UTF-8
- mode iterators should be used instead of index based access:
+ work as before. If you nonetheless need to have a wxString that uses wchar_t
+ on Unix and Linux, too, you can specify this on the command line with the
+ @c configure @c --disable-utf8 switch or you can consider using wxUString
+ or std::wstring instead.
+ Accessing a UTF-8 string by index can be very inefficient because
+ a single character is represented by a variable number of bytes so that
+ the entire string has to be parsed in order to find the character.
+ Since iterating over a string by index is a common programming technique and
+ was also possible and encouraged by wxString using the access operator[]()
+ wxString implements caching of the last used index so that iterating over
+ a string is a linear operation even in UTF-8 mode.
+ It is nonetheless recommended to use iterators (instead of index based
+ access) like this:
wxString s = "hello";
Appends the string literal @e psz with max length @e nLen.
- wxString& Append(const char* psz, size_t nLen);
+ wxString& Append(const wchar_t* pwz);
Appends the wide string literal @e psz with max length @e nLen.
Appends the string @e s.
- wxString &Append(const wxString &s);
+ wxString& Append(const wchar_t* pwz, size_t nLen);
Appends the character @e ch @e count times.
wxString& MakeCapitalized();
- Converts all characters to lower case and returns the result.
+ Converts all characters to lower case and returns the reference to the
+ modified string.
@see Lower()
wxString& MakeLower();
- Converts all characters to upper case and returns the result.
+ Converts all characters to upper case and returns the reference to the
+ modified string.
@see Upper()
wxString& operator<<(const char* psz)
wxString& operator<<(const wchar_t* pwz)
wxString& operator<<(const wxCStrData& psz)
- wxString& operator<<(wxUniChar ch);
+ wxString& operator<<(const char* psz);
wxString& operator<<(wxUniCharRef ch)
wxString& operator<<(char ch)
wxString& operator<<(unsigned char ch)
wxString& operator<<(wchar_t ch)
wxString& operator<<(const wxCharBuffer& s)
wxString& operator<<(const wxWCharBuffer& s)
- wxString& operator<<(int i);
+ wxString& operator<<(wxUniCharRef ch);
wxString& operator<<(unsigned int ui);
wxString& operator<<(long l);
wxString& operator<<(unsigned long ul);