-static MetroNubUserEntryBlock* gMetroNubEntry = NULL;
-static long fRunOnce = false;
-Boolean IsCompatibleVersion(short inVersion);
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IsCompatibleVersion
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Boolean IsCompatibleVersion(short inVersion)
- Boolean result = false;
- if (fRunOnce)
- {
- MetroNubUserEntryBlock* block = (MetroNubUserEntryBlock *)result;
- result = (inVersion <= block->apiHiVersion);
- }
- return result;
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IsMetroNubInstalled
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Boolean IsMetroNubInstalled()
- if (!fRunOnce)
- {
- long result, value;
- fRunOnce = true;
- gMetroNubEntry = NULL;
- if (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &value) == noErr && value < 0x1000)
- {
- /* look for MetroNub's Gestalt selector */
- if (Gestalt(kMetroNubUserSignature, &result) == noErr)
- {
- if (gCallUniversalProc_Proc == NULL)
- {
- CFragConnectionID connectionID;
- Ptr mainAddress;
- Str255 errorString;
- ProcPtr symbolAddress;
- OSErr err;
- CFragSymbolClass symbolClass;
- symbolAddress = NULL;
- err = GetSharedLibrary("\pInterfaceLib", kPowerPCCFragArch, kFindCFrag,
- &connectionID, &mainAddress, errorString);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- gCallUniversalProc_Proc = NULL;
- goto end;
- }
- err = FindSymbol(connectionID, "\pCallUniversalProc",
- (Ptr *) &gCallUniversalProc_Proc, &symbolClass);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- gCallUniversalProc_Proc = NULL;
- goto end;
- }
- }
- #endif
- {
- MetroNubUserEntryBlock* block = (MetroNubUserEntryBlock *)result;
- /* make sure the version of the API is compatible */
- if (block->apiLowVersion <= kMetroNubUserAPIVersion &&
- kMetroNubUserAPIVersion <= block->apiHiVersion)
- gMetroNubEntry = block; /* success! */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (gMetroNubEntry != NULL && gCallUniversalProc_Proc != NULL);
- return (gMetroNubEntry != NULL);
+ // release the lock now to not keep it while we are logging the
+ // messages below, allowing background threads to run
+ }
+ if ( !bufferedLogRecords.empty() )
+ {
+ for ( wxLogRecords::const_iterator it = bufferedLogRecords.begin();
+ it != bufferedLogRecords.end();
+ ++it )
+ {
+ CallDoLogNow(it->level, it->msg, it->info);
+ }
+ }