#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os, glob, fnmatch
+import sys, os, glob, fnmatch, tempfile
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.spawn import spawn
-from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+import distutils.command.install_data
+import distutils.command.clean
# flags and values that affect this script
-VER_MAJOR = 2 # The first three must match wxWindows
+VER_MAJOR = 2 # The first three must match wxWidgets
-VER_SUBREL = 0 # wxPython release num for x.y.z release of wxWindows
-VER_FLAGS = "p1" # release flags, such as prerelease num, unicode, etc.
+VER_SUBREL = 2 # wxPython release num for x.y.z release of wxWidgets
+VER_FLAGS = "p" # release flags, such as prerelease num, unicode, etc.
DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
AUTHOR = "Robin Dunn"
AUTHOR_EMAIL = "Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>"
URL = "http://wxPython.org/"
-LICENSE = "wxWindows (LGPL derivative)"
+DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://wxPython.org/download.php"
+LICENSE = "wxWidgets Library License (LGPL derivative)"
+KEYWORDS = "GUI,wx,wxWindows,wxWidgetscross-platform"
wxPython is a GUI toolkit for Python that is a wrapper around the
-wxWindows C++ GUI library. wxPython provides a large variety of
+wxWidgets C++ GUI library. wxPython provides a large variety of
window types and controls, all implemented with a native look and
feel (by using the native widgets) on the platforms it is supported
+Development Status :: 6 - Mature
+Environment :: MacOS X :: Carbon
+Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)
+Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK
+Intended Audience :: Developers
+License :: OSI Approved
+Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
+Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/2000
+Operating System :: POSIX
+Programming Language :: Python
+Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces
+## License :: OSI Approved :: wxWidgets Library Licence
# Config values below this point can be reset on the setup.py command line.
# Internet Explorer wrapper (experimental)
BUILD_IEWIN = (os.name == 'nt')
+BUILD_ACTIVEX = (os.name == 'nt') # new version of IEWIN
CORE_ONLY = 0 # if true, don't build any of the above
USE_SWIG = 0 # Should we actually execute SWIG, or just use the
# files already in the distribution?
+SWIG = "swig" # The swig executable to use.
+BUILD_RENAMERS = 1 # Should we build the renamer modules too?
UNICODE = 0 # This will pass the 'wxUSE_UNICODE' flag to SWIG and
# will ensure that the right headers are found and the
# right libs are linked.
-IN_CVS_TREE = 1 # Set to true if building in a full wxWindows CVS
- # tree, or the new style of a full wxPythonSrc tarball.
- # wxPython used to be distributed as a separate source
- # tarball without the wxWindows but with a copy of the
- # needed contrib code. That's no longer the case and so
- # this setting is now defaulting to true. Eventually it
- # should be removed entirly.
UNDEF_NDEBUG = 1 # Python 2.2 on Unix/Linux by default defines NDEBUG,
# and distutils will pick this up and use it on the
# compile command-line for the extensions. This could
- # conflict with how wxWindows was built. If NDEBUG is
- # set then wxWindows' __WXDEBUG__ setting will be turned
- # off. If wxWindows was actually built with it turned
+ # conflict with how wxWidgets was built. If NDEBUG is
+ # set then wxWidgets' __WXDEBUG__ setting will be turned
+ # off. If wxWidgets was actually built with it turned
# on then you end up with mismatched class structures,
# and wxPython will crash.
# version, port, etc. and it will be looked for on the
# default $PATH.
-WXPORT = 'gtk' # On Linux/Unix there are several ports of wxWindows available.
+WXPORT = 'gtk' # On Linux/Unix there are several ports of wxWidgets available.
# Setting this value lets you select which will be used for
# the wxPython build. Possibilites are 'gtk', 'gtk2' and
# 'x11'. Curently only gtk and gtk2 works.
-BUILD_BASE = "build" # Directory to use for temporary build files.
+BUILD_BASE = "build" # Directory to use for temporary build files.
+ # This name will be appended to if the WXPORT or
+ # the UNICODE flags are set to non-standard
+ # values. See below.
+CONTRIBS_INC = "" # A dir to add as an -I flag when compiling the contribs
# Some MSW build settings
HYBRID = 1 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
# hybrid extension that can be used by the
# non-debug version of python, but contains
- # debugging symbols for wxWindows and wxPython.
- # wxWindows must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
+ # debugging symbols for wxWidgets and wxPython.
+ # wxWidgets must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
# (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
- # Version part of wxWindows LIB/DLL names
+ # Version part of wxWidgets LIB/DLL names
# Some other globals
-PKGDIR = 'wxPython'
+PKGDIR = 'wx'
wxpExtensions = []
force = '--force' in sys.argv or '-f' in sys.argv
debug = '--debug' in sys.argv or '-g' in sys.argv
+cleaning = 'clean' in sys.argv
# change the PORT default for wxMac
if sys.platform[:6] == "darwin":
# Boolean (int) flags
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(flag) == 0:
sys.argv[x] = ''
# String options
-for option in ['WX_CONFIG', 'WXDLLVER', 'BUILD_BASE', 'WXPORT']:
+for option in ['WX_CONFIG', 'WXDLLVER', 'BUILD_BASE', 'WXPORT', 'SWIG',
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(option) == 0:
pos = sys.argv[x].find('=') + 1
# if WX_CONFIG hasn't been set to an explicit value then construct one.
global WX_CONFIG
if WX_CONFIG is None:
- if debug: # TODO: Fix this. wxPython's --debug shouldn't be tied to wxWindows...
+ if debug: # TODO: Fix this. wxPython's --debug shouldn't be tied to wxWidgets...
df = 'd'
df = ''
uf = ''
ver2 = "%s.%s" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR)
- WX_CONFIG = 'wx%s%s%s-%s-config' % (WXPORT, uf, df, ver2)
+ port = WXPORT
+ if port == "x11":
+ port = "x11univ"
+ WX_CONFIG = 'wx%s%s%s-%s-config' % (port, uf, df, ver2)
searchpath = os.environ["PATH"]
for p in searchpath.split(':'):
def run_swig(files, dir, gendir, package, USE_SWIG, force, swig_args, swig_deps=[]):
"""Run SWIG the way I want it done"""
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, gendir)):
+ if USE_SWIG and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, gendir)):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, gendir))
+ if USE_SWIG and not os.path.exists(os.path.join("docs", "xml-raw")):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join("docs", "xml-raw"))
sources = []
for file in files:
basefile = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
i_file = os.path.join(dir, file)
py_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.py')
- cpp_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.cpp')
+ cpp_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'_wrap.cpp')
+ xml_file = os.path.join("docs", "xml-raw", basefile+'_swig.xml')
- if USE_SWIG:
+ if not cleaning and USE_SWIG:
for dep in swig_deps:
if newer(dep, py_file) or newer(dep, cpp_file):
force = 1
if force or newer(i_file, py_file) or newer(i_file, cpp_file):
- # we need forward slashes here even on win32
- cpp_file = '/'.join(cpp_file.split('\\'))
- i_file = '/'.join(i_file.split('\\'))
- cmd = ['./wxSWIG/wxswig'] + swig_args + ['-I'+dir, '-c', '-o', cpp_file, i_file]
+ ## we need forward slashes here even on win32
+ #cpp_file = opj(cpp_file) #'/'.join(cpp_file.split('\\'))
+ #i_file = opj(i_file) #'/'.join(i_file.split('\\'))
+ #tempfile.tempdir = sourcePath
+ xmltemp = tempfile.mktemp('.xml')
+ # First run swig to produce the XML file, adding
+ # an extra -D that prevents the old rename
+ # directives from being used
+ cmd = [ swig_cmd ] + swig_args + \
+ [ '-DBUILDING_RENAMERS', '-xmlout', xmltemp ] + \
+ ['-I'+dir, '-o', cpp_file, i_file]
+ msg(' '.join(cmd))
+ spawn(cmd)
+ # Next run build_renamers to process the XML
+ cmd = [ sys.executable, '-u',
+ './distrib/build_renamers.py', dir, basefile, xmltemp]
+ msg(' '.join(cmd))
+ spawn(cmd)
+ os.remove(xmltemp)
+ # Then run swig for real
+ cmd = [ swig_cmd ] + swig_args + ['-I'+dir, '-o', cpp_file,
+ '-xmlout', xml_file, i_file]
msg(' '.join(cmd))
# copy the generated python file to the package directory
copy_file(py_file, package, update=not force, verbose=0)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj(package, os.path.basename(py_file)))
return sources
-def contrib_copy_tree(src, dest, verbose=0):
- """Update local copies of wxWindows contrib files"""
- from distutils.dir_util import mkpath, copy_tree
+# Specializations of some distutils command classes
+class smart_install_data(distutils.command.install_data.install_data):
+ """need to change self.install_dir to the actual library dir"""
+ def run(self):
+ install_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('install')
+ self.install_dir = getattr(install_cmd, 'install_lib')
+ return distutils.command.install_data.install_data.run(self)
- mkpath(dest, verbose=verbose)
- copy_tree(src, dest, update=1, verbose=verbose)
+class extra_clean(distutils.command.clean.clean):
+ """Also cleans stuff that setup.py copies itself. If the --all
+ flag was used also searches for .pyc, .pyd, .so files"""
+ def run(self):
+ from distutils import log
+ from distutils.filelist import FileList
+ global CLEANUP
+ distutils.command.clean.clean.run(self)
+ if self.all:
+ fl = FileList()
+ fl.include_pattern("*.pyc", 0)
+ fl.include_pattern("*.pyd", 0)
+ fl.include_pattern("*.so", 0)
+ CLEANUP += fl.files
+ for f in CLEANUP:
+ if os.path.isdir(f):
+ try:
+ if not self.dry_run and os.path.exists(f):
+ os.rmdir(f)
+ log.info("removing '%s'", f)
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning("unable to remove '%s'", f)
+ else:
+ try:
+ if not self.dry_run and os.path.exists(f):
+ os.remove(f)
+ log.info("removing '%s'", f)
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning("unable to remove '%s'", f)
-class smart_install_data(install_data):
- def run(self):
- #need to change self.install_dir to the actual library dir
- install_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('install')
- self.install_dir = getattr(install_cmd, 'install_lib')
- return install_data.run(self)
def build_locale_dir(destdir, verbose=1):
dest = opj(destdir, lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')
mkpath(dest, verbose=verbose)
copy_file(src, opj(dest, 'wxstd.mo'), update=1, verbose=verbose)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj(dest, 'wxstd.mo'))
+ CLEANUP.append(dest)
def build_locale_list(srcdir):
if debug:
if os.name == 'nt':
# Set compile flags and such for MSVC. These values are derived
- # from the wxWindows makefiles for MSVC, other compilers settings
+ # from the wxWidgets makefiles for MSVC, other compilers settings
# will probably vary...
if os.environ.has_key('WXWIN'):
WXDIR = os.environ['WXWIN']
GENDIR = 'msw'
- includes = ['src',
- opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'vc_msw' + libFlag() + 'dll'),
+ includes = ['include', 'src',
+ opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'vc_dll', 'msw' + libFlag()),
opj(WXDIR, 'include'),
opj(WXDIR, 'contrib', 'include'),
('WXUSINGDLL', '1'),
('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
- ('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
defines.append( ('NDEBUG',) ) # using a 1-tuple makes it do an undef
+ if HYBRID:
+ defines.append( ('__NO_VC_CRTDBG__', None) )
if not FINAL or HYBRID:
defines.append( ('__WXDEBUG__', None) )
- libdirs = [ opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'vc_msw' + libFlag() + 'dll') ]
+ libdirs = [ opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'vc_dll') ]
libs = [ 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag(), # TODO: trim this down to what is really needed for the core
'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_net',
'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_xml',
elif os.name == 'posix':
- WXDIR = '..' # assumes IN_CVS_TREE
- includes = ['src']
+ WXDIR = '..'
+ includes = ['include', 'src']
defines = [('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
libdirs = []
libs = []
+ # If you get unresolved symbol errors on Solaris and are using gcc, then
+ # uncomment this block to add the right flags to the link step and build
+ # again.
+ ## if os.uname()[0] == 'SunOS':
+ ## libs.append('gcc')
+ ## libdirs.append(commands.getoutput("gcc -print-search-dirs | grep '^install' | awk '{print $2}'")[:-1])
cflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --cxxflags', 'r').read()[:-1]
cflags = cflags.split()
if debug:
+ else:
+ cflags.append('-O3')
lflags = os.popen(WX_CONFIG + ' --libs', 'r').read()[:-1]
lflags = lflags.split()
- raise 'Sorry Charlie, platform not supported...'
+ raise 'Sorry, platform not supported...'
# Unconditionally updated since the version string can change based
# on the UNICODE flag
-open('src/__version__.py', 'w').write("""\
+open('wx/__version__.py', 'w').write("""\
# This file was generated by setup.py...
-wxRELEASE_NUMBER = wxRELEASE_VERSION # for compatibility
""" % globals())
# SWIG defaults
+swig_cmd = SWIG
swig_force = force
-swig_args = ['-c++', '-shadow', '-python', '-keyword',
- '-dnone',
- #'-dascii',
- #'-docstring', '-Sbefore',
- '-I./src', '-D'+WXPLAT,
+swig_args = ['-c++',
+ '-Wall',
+ '-nodefault',
+ '-python',
+ '-keyword',
+ '-new_repr',
+ '-modern',
+ '-I./src',
+ '-D'+WXPLAT,
+ '-noruntime'
-swig_deps = ['src/my_typemaps.i']
+swig_deps = [ 'src/my_typemaps.i',
+ 'src/common.swg',
+ 'src/pyrun.swg',
+ ]
+depends = [ #'include/wx/wxPython/wxPython.h',
+ #'include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h',
+ #'src/pyclasses.h',
+ ]
msg('Preparing CORE...')
-swig_files = [ 'wx.i', 'windows.i', 'windows2.i', 'windows3.i', 'events.i',
- 'misc.i', 'misc2.i', 'gdi.i', 'mdi.i', 'controls.i',
- 'controls2.i', 'cmndlgs.i', 'stattool.i', 'frames.i', 'image.i',
- 'printfw.i', 'sizers.i', 'clip_dnd.i',
- 'filesys.i', 'streams.i', 'utils.i', 'fonts.i'
- ]
-swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+swig_sources = run_swig(['core.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/_accel.i',
+ 'src/_app.i',
+ 'src/_app_ex.py',
+ 'src/_constraints.i',
+ 'src/_core_api.i',
+ 'src/_core_ex.py',
+ 'src/_core_rename.i',
+ 'src/_core_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_defs.i',
+ 'src/_event.i',
+ 'src/_event_ex.py',
+ 'src/_evthandler.i',
+ 'src/_filesys.i',
+ 'src/_gdicmn.i',
+ 'src/_image.i',
+ 'src/_menu.i',
+ 'src/_obj.i',
+ 'src/_sizers.i',
+ 'src/_gbsizer.i',
+ 'src/_streams.i',
+ 'src/_validator.i',
+ 'src/_window.i',
+ 'src/_control.i',
+ ])
copy_file('src/__init__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
-copy_file('src/__version__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
+CLEANUP.append(opj(PKGDIR, '__init__.py'))
-if IN_CVS_TREE: # update the license files
- mkpath('licence')
- for file in ['preamble.txt', 'licence.txt', 'licendoc.txt', 'lgpl.txt']:
- copy_file(opj(WXDIR, 'docs', file), opj('licence',file), update=1, verbose=0)
+# update the license files
+for file in ['preamble.txt', 'licence.txt', 'licendoc.txt', 'lgpl.txt']:
+ copy_file(opj(WXDIR, 'docs', file), opj('licence',file), update=1, verbose=0)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj('licence',file))
if os.name == 'nt':
rc_file = []
-ext = Extension('wxc', ['src/helpers.cpp',
- 'src/drawlist.cpp',
- 'src/libpy.c',
+ext = Extension('_core', ['src/helpers.cpp',
+ 'src/libpy.c',
] + rc_file + swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
-# Extension for the grid module
-swig_sources = run_swig(['grid.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-ext = Extension('gridc', swig_sources,
+# Extension for the GDI module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['gdi.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ ['src/_gdi_rename.i',
+ 'src/_bitmap.i',
+ 'src/_colour.i',
+ 'src/_dc.i',
+ 'src/_gdiobj.i',
+ 'src/_imaglist.i',
+ 'src/_region.i',
+ 'src/_stockobjs.i',
+ 'src/_effects.i',
+ 'src/_intl.i',
+ 'src/_intl_ex.py',
+ 'src/_brush.i',
+ 'src/_cursor.i',
+ 'src/_font.i',
+ 'src/_icon.i',
+ 'src/_pen.i',
+ 'src/_palette.i',
+ ])
+ext = Extension('_gdi', ['src/drawlist.cpp'] + swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
-# Extension for the html modules
-swig_sources = run_swig(['html.i', 'htmlhelp.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-ext = Extension('htmlc', swig_sources,
+# Extension for the windows module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['windows.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ ['src/_windows_rename.i',
+ 'src/_windows_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_panel.i',
+ 'src/_toplvl.i',
+ 'src/_statusbar.i',
+ 'src/_splitter.i',
+ 'src/_sashwin.i',
+ 'src/_popupwin.i',
+ 'src/_tipwin.i',
+ 'src/_vscroll.i',
+ 'src/_taskbar.i',
+ 'src/_cmndlgs.i',
+ 'src/_mdi.i',
+ 'src/_pywindows.i',
+ 'src/_printfw.i',
+ ])
+ext = Extension('_windows', swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
-# Extension for the calendar module
+# Extension for the controls module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['controls.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/_controls_rename.i',
+ 'src/_controls_reverse.txt',
+ 'src/_toolbar.i',
+ 'src/_button.i',
+ 'src/_checkbox.i',
+ 'src/_choice.i',
+ 'src/_combobox.i',
+ 'src/_gauge.i',
+ 'src/_statctrls.i',
+ 'src/_listbox.i',
+ 'src/_textctrl.i',
+ 'src/_scrolbar.i',
+ 'src/_spin.i',
+ 'src/_radio.i',
+ 'src/_slider.i',
+ 'src/_tglbtn.i',
+ 'src/_notebook.i',
+ 'src/_listctrl.i',
+ 'src/_treectrl.i',
+ 'src/_dirctrl.i',
+ 'src/_pycontrol.i',
+ 'src/_cshelp.i',
+ 'src/_dragimg.i',
+ ])
+ext = Extension('_controls', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
+ )
+# Extension for the misc module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['misc.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ 'src/_settings.i',
+ 'src/_functions.i',
+ 'src/_misc.i',
+ 'src/_tipdlg.i',
+ 'src/_timer.i',
+ 'src/_log.i',
+ 'src/_process.i',
+ 'src/_joystick.i',
+ 'src/_sound.i',
+ 'src/_mimetype.i',
+ 'src/_artprov.i',
+ 'src/_config.i',
+ 'src/_datetime.i',
+ 'src/_dataobj.i',
+ 'src/_dnd.i',
+ 'src/_display.i',
+ 'src/_clipbrd.i',
+ ])
+ext = Extension('_misc', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
+ )
+## Core modules that are not in the "core" namespace start here
swig_sources = run_swig(['calendar.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-ext = Extension('calendarc', swig_sources,
+ext = Extension('_calendar', swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
-# Extension for the help module
-swig_sources = run_swig(['help.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+swig_sources = run_swig(['grid.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-ext = Extension('helpc', swig_sources,
+ext = Extension('_grid', swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
-# Extension for the wizard module
+swig_sources = run_swig(['html.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
+ext = Extension('_html', swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
+ )
swig_sources = run_swig(['wizard.i'], 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
-ext = Extension('wizardc', swig_sources,
+ext = Extension('_wizard', swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
+ depends = depends
# Define the GLCanvas extension module
msg('Preparing GLCANVAS...')
location = 'contrib/glcanvas'
- swig_files = ['glcanvas.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['glcanvas.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
gl_libs = []
gl_libs = libs + ['opengl32', 'glu32'] + makeLibName('gl')
gl_lflags = lflags
- ext = Extension('glcanvasc',
+ ext = Extension('_glcanvas',
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
msg('Preparing OGL...')
location = 'contrib/ogl'
- swig_files = ['ogl.i', 'oglbasic.i', 'oglshapes.i', 'oglshapes2.i',
- 'oglcanvas.i']
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['ogl.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_oglbasic.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglshapes.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglshapes2.i' % location,
+ '%s/_oglcanvas.i' % location,
+ '%s/_ogldefs.i' % location,
+ ])
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('oglc',
+ ext = Extension('_ogl',
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ location ] + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines + [('wxUSE_DEPRECATED', '0')],
library_dirs = libdirs,
STC_H = opj(WXPREFIX, 'include/wx/stc')
-## NOTE: need to add this to the stc.bkl...
+## NOTE: need to add something like this to the stc.bkl...
## # Check if gen_iface needs to be run for the wxSTC sources
## if (newer(opj(CTRB_SRC, 'stc/stc.h.in'), opj(CTRB_INC, 'stc/stc.h' )) or
## os.chdir(cwd)
- swig_files = ['stc_.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['stc.i'], location, '', PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force,
swig_args + ['-I'+STC_H, '-I'+location],
[opj(STC_H, 'stc.h')] + swig_deps)
- # copy a contrib project specific py module to the main package dir
- copy_file(opj(location, 'stc.py'), PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
- ext = Extension('stc_c',
+ ext = Extension('_stc',
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('iewinc', ['%s/IEHtmlWin.cpp' % location,
+ ext = Extension('_iewin', ['%s/IEHtmlWin.cpp' % location,
'%s/wxactivex.cpp' % location,
] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
+ define_macros = defines,
+ library_dirs = libdirs,
+ libraries = libs,
+ extra_compile_args = cflags,
+ extra_link_args = lflags,
+ )
+ wxpExtensions.append(ext)
+# Define the ACTIVEX extension module (experimental)
+ msg('Preparing ACTIVEX...')
+ location = 'contrib/activex'
+ axloc = opj(location, "wxie")
+ swig_files = ['activex.i', ]
+ swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_activex_ex.py' % location])
+ ext = Extension('_activex', ['%s/IEHtmlWin.cpp' % axloc,
+ '%s/wxactivex.cpp' % axloc,
+ ] + swig_sources,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ axloc ],
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
msg('Preparing XRC...')
location = 'contrib/xrc'
- swig_files = ['xrc.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
- USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('xrcc',
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['xrc.i'], location, '', PKGDIR,
+ USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps +
+ [ '%s/_xrc_rename.i' % location,
+ '%s/_xrc_ex.py' % location,
+ '%s/_xmlres.i' % location,
+ '%s/_xmlsub.i' % location,
+ '%s/_xml.i' % location,
+ '%s/_xmlhandler.i' % location,
+ ])
+ ext = Extension('_xrc',
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
msg('Preparing GIZMOS...')
location = 'contrib/gizmos'
- swig_files = ['gizmos.i']
- swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
+ swig_sources = run_swig(['gizmos.i'], location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args, swig_deps)
- ext = Extension('gizmosc',
+ ext = Extension('_gizmos',
[ '%s/treelistctrl.cpp' % location ] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + [ location ] + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
# copy a contrib project specific py module to the main package dir
copy_file(opj(location, 'dllwidget.py'), PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
+ CLEANUP.append(opj(PKGDIR, 'dllwidget.py'))
ext = Extension('dllwidget_c', [
'%s/dllwidget.cpp' % location,
] + swig_sources,
- include_dirs = includes,
+ include_dirs = includes + CONTRIBS_INC,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
-DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wxPython/tools/XRCed', '*.txt', '*.xrc')
-DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wxPython/py', '*.txt', '*.ico', '*.css', '*.html')
+DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx/tools/XRCed', '*.txt', '*.xrc')
+DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx/py', '*.txt', '*.ico', '*.css', '*.html')
DATA_FILES += find_data_files('wx', '*.txt', '*.css', '*.html')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not PREP_ONLY:
- setup(name = PKGDIR,
+ setup(name = 'wxPython',
version = VERSION,
description = DESCRIPTION,
long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
author = AUTHOR,
author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
url = URL,
+ download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL,
license = LICENSE,
+ platforms = PLATFORMS,
+ classifiers = filter(None, CLASSIFIERS.split("\n")),
+ keywords = KEYWORDS,
packages = ['wxPython',
- 'wxPython.lib.PyCrust',
- 'wxPython.py',
- 'wxPython.py.wxd',
- 'wxPython.tools.XRCed',
scripts = SCRIPTS,
- cmdclass = { 'install_data': smart_install_data},
+ cmdclass = { 'install_data': smart_install_data,
+ 'clean': extra_clean,
+ },
data_files = DATA_FILES,