Create(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition,
Size size=DefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxNO_BORDER,
String name=PanelNameStr) -> bool
+ Create the GUI part of the Window for 2-phase creation mode.
return _windows_.Panel_Create(*args, **kwargs)
Create(self, Window parent, int id=-1, Point pos=DefaultPosition,
Size size=DefaultSize, long style=wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL,
String name=PanelNameStr) -> bool
+ Create the GUI part of the Window for 2-phase creation mode.
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_Create(*args, **kwargs)
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_SetScrollRate(*args, **kwargs)
def GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetScrollPixelsPerUnit() -> (xUnit, yUnit)"""
+ """
+ GetScrollPixelsPerUnit() -> (xUnit, yUnit)
+ Get the size of one logical unit in physical units.
+ """
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(*args, **kwargs)
def EnableScrolling(*args, **kwargs):
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_EnableScrolling(*args, **kwargs)
def GetViewStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetViewStart() -> (x,y)"""
+ """
+ GetViewStart() -> (x,y)
+ Get the view start
+ """
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_GetViewStart(*args, **kwargs)
def SetScale(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetTargetRect(self) -> Rect"""
return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_GetTargetRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DoPrepareDC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DoPrepareDC(self, DC dc)
+ Normally what is called by `PrepareDC`.
+ """
+ return _windows_.ScrolledWindow_DoPrepareDC(*args, **kwargs)
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(*args, **kwargs):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes
class TopLevelWindow(_core.Window):
def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError, "No constructor defined"
def __repr__(self):
"""SetShape(self, Region region) -> bool"""
return _windows_.TopLevelWindow_SetShape(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RequestUserAttention(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RequestUserAttention(self, int flags=USER_ATTENTION_INFO)"""
+ return _windows_.TopLevelWindow_RequestUserAttention(*args, **kwargs)
+ def IsActive(*args, **kwargs):
+ """IsActive(self) -> bool"""
+ return _windows_.TopLevelWindow_IsActive(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MacSetMetalAppearance(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MacSetMetalAppearance(self, bool on)"""
+ return _windows_.TopLevelWindow_MacSetMetalAppearance(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MacGetMetalAppearance(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MacGetMetalAppearance(self) -> bool"""
+ return _windows_.TopLevelWindow_MacGetMetalAppearance(*args, **kwargs)
class TopLevelWindowPtr(TopLevelWindow):
def __init__(self, this):
return _windows_.Dialog_GetClassDefaultAttributes(*args, **kwargs)
GetClassDefaultAttributes = staticmethod(GetClassDefaultAttributes)
+ def SendSizeEvent(self):
+ self.ProcessEvent(wx.SizeEvent((-1,-1)))
class DialogPtr(Dialog):
def __init__(self, this):
+SB_NORMAL = _windows_.SB_NORMAL
+SB_FLAT = _windows_.SB_FLAT
+SB_RAISED = _windows_.SB_RAISED
class StatusBar(_core.Window):
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxStatusBar instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
"""SetStatusWidths(self, int widths, int widths_field)"""
return _windows_.StatusBar_SetStatusWidths(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetStatusStyles(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetStatusStyles(self, int styles, int styles_field)"""
+ return _windows_.StatusBar_SetStatusStyles(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFieldRect(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetFieldRect(self, int i) -> Rect"""
return _windows_.StatusBar_GetFieldRect(*args, **kwargs)
SetSashSize(self, int width)
- Sets the sash size
+ Sets the sash size. Currently a NOP.
return _windows_.SplitterWindow_SetSashSize(*args, **kwargs)
SetBorderSize(self, int width)
- Sets the border size
+ Sets the border size. Currently a NOP.
return _windows_.SplitterWindow_SetBorderSize(*args, **kwargs)
return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_ScrollToLine(*args, **kwargs)
def ScrollLines(*args, **kwargs):
- """ScrollLines(self, int lines) -> bool"""
+ """
+ ScrollLines(self, int lines) -> bool
+ If the platform and window class supports it, scrolls the window by
+ the given number of lines down, if lines is positive, or up if lines
+ is negative. Returns True if the window was scrolled, False if it was
+ already on top/bottom and nothing was done.
+ """
return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_ScrollLines(*args, **kwargs)
def ScrollPages(*args, **kwargs):
"""RefreshLines(self, size_t from, size_t to)"""
return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_RefreshLines(*args, **kwargs)
- def HitTestXT(*args, **kwargs):
- """HitTestXT(self, int x, int y) -> int"""
- return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_HitTestXT(*args, **kwargs)
+ def HitTestXY(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ HitTestXY(self, int x, int y) -> int
+ Test where the given (in client coords) point lies
+ """
+ return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_HitTestXY(*args, **kwargs)
def HitTest(*args, **kwargs):
- """HitTest(self, Point pt) -> int"""
+ """
+ HitTest(self, Point pt) -> int
+ Test where the given (in client coords) point lies
+ """
return _windows_.VScrolledWindow_HitTest(*args, **kwargs)
def RefreshAll(*args, **kwargs):
class TaskBarIcon(_core.EvtHandler):
def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxTaskBarIcon instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
+ return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxPyTaskBarIcon instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""__init__(self) -> TaskBarIcon"""
newobj = _windows_.new_TaskBarIcon(*args, **kwargs)
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
del newobj.thisown
- def __del__(self, destroy=_windows_.delete_TaskBarIcon):
- """__del__(self)"""
- try:
- if self.thisown: destroy(self)
- except: pass
+ self._setCallbackInfo(self, TaskBarIcon, 0)
+ def _setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs):
+ """_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class, int incref)"""
+ return _windows_.TaskBarIcon__setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs)
def Destroy(*args, **kwargs):
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxTaskBarIconEvent instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """__init__(self, wxEventType evtType, TaskBarIcon tbIcon) -> TaskBarIconEvent"""
+ """__init__(self, wxEventType evtType, wxTaskBarIcon tbIcon) -> TaskBarIconEvent"""
newobj = _windows_.new_TaskBarIconEvent(*args, **kwargs)
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
def SetSelections(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelections(List selections)"""
+ """
+ SetSelections(List selections)
+ Specify the items in the list that should be selected, using a list of
+ integers.
+ """
return _windows_.MultiChoiceDialog_SetSelections(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelections(*args, **kwargs):
__init__(self, Window parent, String message, String caption=GetTextFromUserPromptStr,
String defaultValue=EmptyString,
- long style=wxOK|wxCANCEL|wxCENTRE, Point pos=DefaultPosition) -> TextEntryDialog
+ long style=wxTextEntryDialogStyle, Point pos=DefaultPosition) -> TextEntryDialog
Constructor. Use ShowModal method to show the dialog.
self.__class__ = TextEntryDialog
+class PasswordEntryDialog(TextEntryDialog):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxPasswordEntryDialog instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, Window parent, String message, String caption=GetPasswordFromUserPromptStr,
+ String value=EmptyString,
+ long style=wxTextEntryDialogStyle, Point pos=DefaultPosition) -> PasswordEntryDialog
+ """
+ newobj = _windows_.new_PasswordEntryDialog(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.this = newobj.this
+ self.thisown = 1
+ del newobj.thisown
+class PasswordEntryDialogPtr(PasswordEntryDialog):
+ def __init__(self, this):
+ self.this = this
+ if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
+ self.__class__ = PasswordEntryDialog
+GetPasswordFromUserPromptStr = cvar.GetPasswordFromUserPromptStr
class FontData(_core.Object):
This class holds a variety of information related to font dialogs and
Update(self, int value, String newmsg=EmptyString) -> bool
Updates the dialog, setting the progress bar to the new value and, if
- given changes the message above it. Returns true unless the Cancel
- button has been pressed.
+ given changes the message above it. The value given should be less
+ than or equal to the maximum value given to the constructor and the
+ dialog is closed if it is equal to the maximum. Returns true unless
+ the Cancel button has been pressed.
If false is returned, the application can either immediately destroy
the dialog or ask the user for the confirmation and if the abort is
class PrintData(_core.Object):
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxPrintData instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
"""GetQuality(self) -> int"""
return _windows_.PrintData_GetQuality(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetBin(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetBin(self) -> int"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_GetBin(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPrintMode(self) -> int"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_GetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs)
def SetNoCopies(*args, **kwargs):
"""SetNoCopies(self, int v)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetNoCopies(*args, **kwargs)
"""SetQuality(self, int quality)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetQuality(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetBin(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetBin(self, int bin)"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_SetBin(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetPrintMode(self, int printMode)"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_SetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetFilename(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetFilename(self) -> String"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_GetFilename(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetFilename(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetFilename(self, String filename)"""
+ return _windows_.PrintData_SetFilename(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __nonzero__(self): return self.Ok()
def GetPrinterCommand(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetPrinterCommand(self) -> String"""
return _windows_.PrintData_GetPrinterCommand(*args, **kwargs)
"""GetPreviewCommand(self) -> String"""
return _windows_.PrintData_GetPreviewCommand(*args, **kwargs)
- def GetFilename(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFilename(self) -> String"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_GetFilename(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFontMetricPath(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetFontMetricPath(self) -> String"""
return _windows_.PrintData_GetFontMetricPath(*args, **kwargs)
"""GetPrinterTranslateY(self) -> long"""
return _windows_.PrintData_GetPrinterTranslateY(*args, **kwargs)
- def GetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPrintMode(self) -> int"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_GetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs)
def SetPrinterCommand(*args, **kwargs):
"""SetPrinterCommand(self, String command)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetPrinterCommand(*args, **kwargs)
"""SetPreviewCommand(self, String command)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetPreviewCommand(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetFilename(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFilename(self, String filename)"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_SetFilename(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFontMetricPath(*args, **kwargs):
"""SetFontMetricPath(self, String path)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetFontMetricPath(*args, **kwargs)
"""SetPrinterTranslation(self, long x, long y)"""
return _windows_.PrintData_SetPrinterTranslation(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPrintMode(self, int printMode)"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_SetPrintMode(*args, **kwargs)
- def GetOutputStream(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetOutputStream(self) -> OutputStream"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_GetOutputStream(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetOutputStream(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetOutputStream(self, OutputStream outputstream)"""
- return _windows_.PrintData_SetOutputStream(*args, **kwargs)
- def __nonzero__(self): return self.Ok()
class PrintDataPtr(PrintData):
def __init__(self, this):
self.__class__ = PageSetupDialogData
-class PageSetupDialog(Dialog):
+class PageSetupDialog(_core.Object):
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxPageSetupDialog instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
del newobj.thisown
- self._setOORInfo(self)
def GetPageSetupData(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetPageSetupData(self) -> PageSetupDialogData"""
return _windows_.PageSetupDialog_GetPageSetupData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPageSetupDialogData(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPageSetupDialogData(self) -> PageSetupDialogData"""
+ return _windows_.PageSetupDialog_GetPageSetupDialogData(*args, **kwargs)
def ShowModal(*args, **kwargs):
"""ShowModal(self) -> int"""
return _windows_.PageSetupDialog_ShowModal(*args, **kwargs)
"""GetSetupDialog(self) -> bool"""
return _windows_.PrintDialogData_GetSetupDialog(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetSetupDialog(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetSetupDialog(self, bool flag)"""
+ return _windows_.PrintDialogData_SetSetupDialog(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFromPage(*args, **kwargs):
"""SetFromPage(self, int v)"""
return _windows_.PrintDialogData_SetFromPage(*args, **kwargs)
"""SetPrintToFile(self, bool flag)"""
return _windows_.PrintDialogData_SetPrintToFile(*args, **kwargs)
- def SetSetupDialog(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSetupDialog(self, bool flag)"""
- return _windows_.PrintDialogData_SetSetupDialog(*args, **kwargs)
def EnablePrintToFile(*args, **kwargs):
"""EnablePrintToFile(self, bool flag)"""
return _windows_.PrintDialogData_EnablePrintToFile(*args, **kwargs)
self.__class__ = PrintDialogData
-class PrintDialog(Dialog):
+class PrintDialog(_core.Object):
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxPrintDialog instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
del newobj.thisown
- self._setOORInfo(self)
+ def ShowModal(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ShowModal(self) -> int"""
+ return _windows_.PrintDialog_ShowModal(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetPrintDialogData(self) -> PrintDialogData"""
return _windows_.PrintDialog_GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPrintData(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPrintData(self) -> PrintData"""
+ return _windows_.PrintDialog_GetPrintData(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPrintDC(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetPrintDC(self) -> DC"""
return _windows_.PrintDialog_GetPrintDC(*args, **kwargs)
- def ShowModal(*args, **kwargs):
- """ShowModal(self) -> int"""
- return _windows_.PrintDialog_ShowModal(*args, **kwargs)
class PrintDialogPtr(PrintDialog):
def __init__(self, this):
except: pass
def CreateAbortWindow(*args, **kwargs):
- """CreateAbortWindow(self, Window parent, Printout printout)"""
+ """CreateAbortWindow(self, Window parent, Printout printout) -> Window"""
return _windows_.Printer_CreateAbortWindow(*args, **kwargs)
- def GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPrintDialogData(self) -> PrintDialogData"""
- return _windows_.Printer_GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ReportError(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ReportError(self, Window parent, Printout printout, String message)"""
+ return _windows_.Printer_ReportError(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Setup(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Setup(self, Window parent) -> bool"""
+ return _windows_.Printer_Setup(*args, **kwargs)
def Print(*args, **kwargs):
- """Print(self, Window parent, Printout printout, int prompt=True) -> bool"""
+ """Print(self, Window parent, Printout printout, bool prompt=True) -> bool"""
return _windows_.Printer_Print(*args, **kwargs)
def PrintDialog(*args, **kwargs):
"""PrintDialog(self, Window parent) -> DC"""
return _windows_.Printer_PrintDialog(*args, **kwargs)
- def ReportError(*args, **kwargs):
- """ReportError(self, Window parent, Printout printout, String message)"""
- return _windows_.Printer_ReportError(*args, **kwargs)
- def Setup(*args, **kwargs):
- """Setup(self, Window parent) -> bool"""
- return _windows_.Printer_Setup(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPrintDialogData(self) -> PrintDialogData"""
+ return _windows_.Printer_GetPrintDialogData(*args, **kwargs)
def GetAbort(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetAbort(self) -> bool"""