Parameters string format is "width[,precision]".
- void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
Sets the precision.
@class wxGridTableBase
- Grid table classes.
+ The almost abstract base class for grid tables.
+ A grid table is responsible for storing the grid data and, indirectly, grid
+ cell attributes. The data can be stored in the way most convenient for the
+ application but has to be provided in string form to wxGrid. It is also
+ possible to provide cells values in other formats if appropriate, e.g. as
+ numbers.
+ This base class is not quite abstract as it implements a trivial strategy
+ for storing the attributes by forwarding it to wxGridCellAttrProvider and
+ also provides stubs for some other functions. However it does have a number
+ of pure virtual methods which must be implemented in the derived classes.
+ @see wxGridStringTable
class wxGridTableBase : public wxObject
- /**
- */
+ /// Default constructor.
+ /// Destructor frees the attribute provider if it was created.
+ virtual ~wxGridTableBase();
+ Must be overridden to return the number of rows in the table.
- */
- ~wxGridTableBase();
+ For backwards compatibility reasons, this method is not const.
+ Use GetRowsCount() instead of it in const methods of derived table
+ classes.
+ */
+ virtual int GetNumberRows() = 0;
+ Must be overridden to return the number of columns in the table.
- */
- bool AppendCols(size_t numCols = 1);
+ For backwards compatibility reasons, this method is not const.
+ Use GetColsCount() instead of it in const methods of derived table
+ classes,
+ */
+ virtual int GetNumberCols() = 0;
+ Return the number of rows in the table.
- */
- bool AppendRows(size_t numRows = 1);
+ This method is not virtual and is only provided as a convenience for
+ the derived classes which can't call GetNumberRows() without a @c
+ const_cast from their const methods.
+ */
+ int GetRowsCount() const;
+ Return the number of columns in the table.
- */
- bool CanGetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
+ This method is not virtual and is only provided as a convenience for
+ the derived classes which can't call GetNumberCols() without a @c
+ const_cast from their const methods.
+ */
+ int GetColsCount() const;
- /**
- Does this table allow attributes? Default implementation creates
- a wxGridCellAttrProvider if necessary.
- */
- bool CanHaveAttributes();
+ Accessing table cells.
+ */
+ //@{
- */
- bool CanSetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
+ /// Must be overridden to implement testing for empty cells.
+ virtual bool IsEmptyCell(int row, int col) = 0;
+ Same as IsEmptyCell() but taking wxGridCellCoords.
- */
- void Clear();
+ Notice that this method is not virtual, only IsEmptyCell() should be
+ overridden.
+ */
+ bool IsEmpty(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
- /**
+ /// Must be overridden to implement accessing the table values as text.
+ virtual wxString GetValue(int row, int col) = 0;
- */
- bool DeleteCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
+ /// Must be overridden to implement setting the table values as text.
+ virtual void SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString& value) = 0;
+ Returns the type of the value in the given cell.
- */
- bool DeleteRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
+ By default all cells are strings and this method returns @c
+ */
+ virtual wxString GetTypeName(int row, int col);
- by default forwarded to wxGridCellAttrProvider if any. May be
- overridden to handle attributes directly in the table.
- */
- wxGridCellAttr* GetAttr(int row, int col);
+ Returns true if the value of the given cell can be accessed as if it
+ were of the specified type.
- /**
- get the currently used attr provider (may be @NULL)
- */
- wxGridCellAttrProvider* GetAttrProvider() const;
+ By default the cells can only be accessed as strings. Note that a cell
+ could be accessible in different ways, e.g. a numeric cell may return
+ @true for @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER but also for @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING
+ indicating that the value can be coerced to a string form.
+ */
+ virtual bool CanGetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
+ Returns true if the value of the given cell can be set as if it were of
+ the specified type.
- */
- wxString GetColLabelValue(int col);
+ @see CanGetValueAs()
+ */
+ virtual bool CanSetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
+ Returns the value of the given cell as a long.
- */
- int GetNumberCols();
+ This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER argument. Default implementation always
+ return 0.
+ */
+ virtual long GetValueAsLong(int row, int col);
- You must override these functions in a derived table class.
- */
- int GetNumberRows();
+ Returns the value of the given cell as a double.
+ This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT argument. Default implementation always
+ return 0.0.
+ */
+ virtual double GetValueAsDouble(int row, int col);
+ Returns the value of the given cell as a boolean.
- */
- wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row);
+ This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL argument. Default implementation always
+ return false.
+ */
+ virtual bool GetValueAsBool(int row, int col);
- Data type determination and value access.
- */
- wxString GetTypeName(int row, int col);
+ Returns the value of the given cell as a user-defined type.
- /**
+ This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @a typeName. Default implementation always return @NULL.
+ */
+ virtual void *GetValueAsCustom(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
- */
- wxString GetValue(int row, int col);
+ Sets the value of the given cell as a long.
- */
- bool GetValueAsBool(int row, int col);
+ This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER argument. Default implementation doesn't do
+ anything.
+ */
+ virtual void SetValueAsLong(int row, int col, long value);
- For user defined types
- */
- void* GetValueAsCustom(int row, int col,
- const wxString& typeName);
+ Sets the value of the given cell as a double.
+ This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT argument. Default implementation doesn't do
+ anything.
+ */
+ virtual void SetValueAsDouble(int row, int col, double value);
+ Sets the value of the given cell as a boolean.
- */
- double GetValueAsDouble(int row, int col);
+ This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL argument. Default implementation doesn't do
+ anything.
+ */
+ virtual void SetValueAsBool( int row, int col, bool value );
+ Sets the value of the given cell as a user-defined type.
- */
- long GetValueAsLong(int row, int col);
+ This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
+ with @a typeName. Default implementation doesn't do anything.
+ */
+ virtual void SetValueAsCustom(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName,
+ void *value);
+ //@}
+ Called by the grid when the table is associated with it.
- */
- wxGrid* GetView() const;
+ The default implementation stores the pointer and returns it from its
+ GetView() and so only makes sense if the table cannot be associated
+ with more than one grid at a time.
+ */
+ virtual void SetView(wxGrid *grid);
+ Returns the last grid passed to SetView().
+ */
+ virtual wxGrid *GetView() const;
- */
- bool InsertCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
+ Modifying the table structure.
- */
- bool InsertRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
+ Notice that none of these functions are pure virtual as they don't have
+ to be implemented if the table structure is never modified after
+ creation, i.e. neither rows nor columns are never added or deleted but
+ that you do need to implement them if they are called, i.e. if your
+ code either calls them directly or uses the matching wxGrid methods, as
+ by default they simply do nothing which is definitely inappropriate.
+ */
+ //@{
+ Clear the table contents.
- */
- bool IsEmptyCell(int row, int col);
+ This method is used by wxGrid::ClearGrid().
+ */
+ virtual void Clear();
- these functions take ownership of the pointer
- */
- void SetAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int row, int col);
+ Insert additional rows into the table.
- /**
- Attribute handling
- give us the attr provider to use - we take ownership of the pointer
- */
- void SetAttrProvider(wxGridCellAttrProvider* attrProvider);
+ @param pos
+ The position of the first new row.
+ @param numRows
+ The number of rows to insert.
+ */
+ virtual bool InsertRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
+ Append additional rows at the end of the table.
- */
- void SetColAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int col);
+ This method is provided in addition to InsertRows() as some data models
+ may only support appending rows to them but not inserting them at
+ arbitrary locations. In such case you may implement this method only
+ and leave InsertRows() unimplemented.
+ @param pos
+ The position of the first new row.
+ @param numRows
+ The number of rows to add.
+ */
+ virtual bool AppendRows(size_t numRows = 1);
- , @e wxString)
- */
- void SetColLabelValue() const;
+ Delete rows from the table.
+ @param pos
+ The first row to delete.
+ @param numRows
+ The number of rows to delete.
+ */
+ virtual bool DeleteRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
+ /// Exactly the same as InsertRows() but for columns.
+ virtual bool InsertCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
+ /// Exactly the same as AppendRows() but for columns.
+ virtual bool AppendCols(size_t numCols = 1);
+ /// Exactly the same as DeleteRows() but for columns.
+ virtual bool DeleteCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
+ //@}
+ Table rows and columns labels.
- */
- void SetRowAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int row);
+ By default the numbers are used for labeling rows and Latin letters for
+ labeling columns. If the table has more than 26 columns, the pairs of
+ letters are used starting from the 27-th one and so on, i.e. the
+ sequence of labels is A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ..., AZ, BA, ..., ..., ZZ,
+ AAA, ...
+ */
+ //@{
+ /// Return the label of the specified row.
+ virtual wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row);
+ /// Return the label of the specified column.
+ virtual wxString GetColLabelValue(int col);
- , @e wxString)
- */
- void SetRowLabelValue() const;
+ Set the given label for the specified row.
+ The default version does nothing, i.e. the label is not stored. You
+ must override this method in your derived class if you wish
+ wxGrid::SetRowLabelValue() to work.
+ */
+ virtual void SetRowLabelValue(int row, const wxString& label);
+ /// Exactly the same as SetRowLabelValue() but for columns.
+ virtual void SetColLabelValue(int col, const wxString& label);
+ //@}
+ Attributes management.
- */
- void SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString& value);
+ By default the attributes management is delegated to
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider class. You may override the methods in this
+ section to handle the attributes directly if, for example, they can be
+ computed from the cell values.
+ */
+ //@{
+ Associate this attributes provider with the table.
- */
- void SetValueAsBool(int row, int col, bool value);
+ The table takes ownership of @a attrProvider pointer and will delete it
+ when it doesn't need it any more. The pointer can be @NULL, however
+ this won't disable attributes management in the table but will just
+ result in a default attributes being recreated the next time any of the
+ other functions in this section is called. To completely disable the
+ attributes support, should this be needed, you need to override
+ CanHaveAttributes() to return @false.
+ */
+ void SetAttrProvider(wxGridCellAttrProvider *attrProvider);
+ Returns the attribute provider currently being used.
- */
- void SetValueAsCustom(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName,
- void* value);
+ This function may return @NULL if the attribute provider hasn't been
+ neither associated with this table by SetAttrProvider() nor created on
+ demand by any other methods.
+ */
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider *GetAttrProvider() const { return m_attrProvider; }
+ Returns true if this table supports attributes or false otherwise.
- */
- void SetValueAsDouble(int row, int col, double value);
+ By default, the table automatically creates a wxGridCellAttrProvider
+ when this function is called if it had no attribute provider before and
+ returns @true.
+ */
+ virtual bool CanHaveAttributes();
+ Return the attribute for the given cell.
- */
- void SetValueAsLong(int row, int col, long value);
+ By default this function is simply forwarded to
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr() but it may be overridden to handle
+ attributes directly in the table.
+ */
+ virtual wxGridCellAttr *GetAttr(int row, int col,
+ wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind);
- Overriding these is optional
- */
- void SetView(wxGrid* grid);
+ Set attribute of the specified cell.
+ By default this function is simply forwarded to
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetAttr().
+ The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
+ */
+ virtual void SetAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int row, int col);
+ Set attribute of the specified row.
- */
- void UpdateAttrCols(size_t pos, int numCols);
+ By default this function is simply forwarded to
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetRowAttr().
+ The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
+ */
+ virtual void SetRowAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int row);
- change row/col number in attribute if needed
- */
- void UpdateAttrRows(size_t pos, int numRows);
+ Set attribute of the specified column.
+ By default this function is simply forwarded to
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetColAttr().
+ The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
+ */
+ virtual void SetColAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int col);
+ //@}
Final cleanup.
- void Destroy();
+ virtual void Destroy();
Complete the editing of the current cell. Returns @true if the value has
Some types of controls on some platforms may need some help
with the Return key.
- void HandleReturn(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void HandleReturn(wxKeyEvent& event);
Size and position the edit control.
- void SetSize(const wxRect& rect);
+ virtual void SetSize(const wxRect& rect);
Show or hide the edit control, use the specified attributes to set
colours/fonts for it.
- void Show(bool show, wxGridCellAttr* attr = NULL);
+ virtual void Show(bool show, wxGridCellAttr* attr = NULL);
If the editor is enabled by clicking on the cell, this method will be
- void StartingClick();
+ virtual void StartingClick();
If the editor is enabled by pressing keys on the grid,
this will be called to let the editor do something about
that first key if desired.
- void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
The parameters string format is "n" where n is a number representing the
maximum width.
- void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
Parameters string format is "item1[,item2[...,itemN]]"
- void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
Parameters string format is "min,max".
- void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
Column at which the event occurred.
- int GetCol();
+ virtual int GetCol();
Position in pixels at which the event occurred.
Row at which the event occurred.
- int GetRow();
+ virtual int GetRow();
Returns @true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event.
Parameters string format is "width,precision"
- void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
without (yet) matching calls to EndBatch(). While
the grid's batch count is greater than zero the display will not be updated.
- int GetBatchCount() const;
+ int GetBatchCount();
Sets the arguments to the horizontal and vertical text alignment values
See GetRowGridLinePen() for an example.
- wxPen GetColGridLinePen(int col);
+ virtual wxPen GetColGridLinePen(int col);
Sets the arguments to the current column label alignment values.
@see GetColGridLinePen(), GetRowGridLinePen()
- wxPen GetDefaultGridLinePen();
+ virtual wxPen GetDefaultGridLinePen();
Returns a pointer to the current default grid cell renderer.
- wxPen GetRowGridLinePen(int row);
+ virtual wxPen GetRowGridLinePen(int row);
Returns the alignment used for row labels.
wxGridTableBase *GetTable() const;
+ //@{
+ /**
+ Make the given cell current and ensure it is visible.
+ This method is equivalent to calling MakeCellVisible() and
+ SetGridCursor() and so, as with the latter, a wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL
+ event is generated by it and the selected cell doesn't change if the
+ event is vetoed.
+ */
+ void GoToCell(int row, int col);
+ void GoToCell(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
+ //@}
Returns @true if drawing of grid lines is turned on, @false otherwise.
void SetDefaultRowSize(int height, bool resizeExistingRows = false);
+ //@{
Set the grid cursor to the specified cell.
- This function calls MakeCellVisible().
+ The grid cursor indicates the current cell and can be moved by the user
+ using the arrow keys or the mouse.
+ Calling this function generates a wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL event and if
+ the event handler vetoes this event, the cursor is not moved.
+ This function doesn't make the target call visible, use GoToCell() to
+ do this.
void SetGridCursor(int row, int col);
+ void SetGridCursor(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
+ //@}
Sets the colour used to draw grid lines.
int XToEdgeOfCol(int x) const;
+ //@{
+ /**
+ Translates logical pixel coordinates to the grid cell coordinates.
+ Notice that this function expects logical coordinates on input so if
+ you use this function in a mouse event handler you need to translate
+ the mouse position, which is expressed in device coordinates, to
+ logical ones.
+ @see XToCol(), YToRow()
+ */
+ // XYToCell(int, int, wxGridCellCoords&) overload is intentionally
+ // undocumented, using it is ugly and non-const reference parameters are
+ // not used in wxWidgets API
+ wxGridCellCoords XYToCell(int x, int y) const;
+ wxGridCellCoords XYToCell(const wxPoint& pos) const;
+ //@}
Returns the row whose bottom edge is close to the given logical y