- if ((m_widthCol != size.x/7) || (m_heightRow != size.y/9))
- { // mj10777 : only if size has changed
- // ShowCurrentControls(); // Turn off ?
- m_widthCol = size.x/7;
- m_heightRow = size.y/9;
- SetSize(m_widthCol*7,m_heightRow*9); // mj10777 : Set to fit full number
- m_weekdaysLen = m_weekdays[0].Length();
- dc.GetTextExtent(m_weekdays[0], &width, (wxCoord *)NULL);
- while (width >= m_widthCol)
- { // mj10777 : how many letters fit in the Column ?
- printf("%d) : m_widthCol(%d) ; width(%d)\n",m_weekdaysLen,m_widthCol,width);
- m_weekdaysLen--;
- dc.GetTextExtent(m_weekdays[0].Mid(0, m_weekdaysLen), &width, (wxCoord *)NULL);
- }
- // ShowCurrentControls(); // Turn on ?
- wxSize combosize = m_comboMonth->GetSize();
- combosize.x = size.x / 2; // When small, the Year cannot not be seen if the month is to big
- m_comboMonth->SetSize(combosize);
- } // mj10777 : only if size has changed