# Internal stuff, should not need changing.
OBJPRODN=regcomp.o regexec.o regerror.o regfree.o
-OBJS=$(OBJPRODN) split.o debug.o main.o
+OBJS=$(OBJPRODN) split.o debug.o re_main.o
H=cclass.h cname.h regex2.h utils.h
REGSRC=regcomp.c regerror.c regexec.c regfree.c
-ALLSRC=$(REGSRC) engine.c debug.c main.c split.c
+ALLSRC=$(REGSRC) engine.c debug.c re_main.c split.c
# Stuff that matters only if you're trying to lint the package.
LINTFLAGS=-I. -Dstatic= -Dconst= -DREDEBUG
-LINTC=regcomp.c regexec.c regerror.c regfree.c debug.c main.c
+LINTC=regcomp.c regexec.c regerror.c regfree.c debug.c re_main.c
JUNKLINT=possible pointer alignment|null effect
# arrangements to build forward-reference header files
regexec.o: engine.c engine.ih
regerror.o: regerror.ih
debug.o: debug.ih
-main.o: main.ih
+re_main.o: re_main.ih
# tester
re: $(OBJS)