+void wxStaticBox::PaintForeground(wxDC& dc, const RECT& rc)
+ wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
+ MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)GetHdcOf(*impl), 0);
+ // when using XP themes, neither setting the text colour nor transparent
+ // background mode doesn't change anything: the static box def window proc
+ // still draws the label in its own colours, so we need to redraw the text
+ // ourselves if we have a non default fg colour
+ if ( m_hasFgCol && wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
+ {
+ // draw over the text in default colour in our colour
+ HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);
+ ::SetTextColor(hdc, GetForegroundColour().GetPixel());
+ const bool rtl = wxTheApp->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft;
+ if ( rtl )
+ ::SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RTLREADING | TA_RIGHT);
+ // Get dimensions of the label
+ const wxString label = GetLabel();
+ // choose the correct font
+ AutoHFONT font;
+ SelectInHDC selFont;
+ if ( m_hasFont )
+ {
+ selFont.Init(hdc, GetHfontOf(GetFont()));
+ }
+ else // no font set, use the one set by the theme
+ {
+ wxUxThemeHandle hTheme(this, L"BUTTON");
+ if ( hTheme )
+ {
+ wxUxThemeFont themeFont;
+ if ( wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeFont
+ (
+ hTheme,
+ hdc,
+ themeFont.GetPtr()
+ ) == S_OK )
+ {
+ font.Init(themeFont.GetLOGFONT());
+ if ( font )
+ selFont.Init(hdc, font);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the font extent
+ int width, height;
+ dc.GetTextExtent(wxStripMenuCodes(label, wxStrip_Mnemonics),
+ &width, &height);
+ int x;
+ int y = height;
+ // first we need to correctly paint the background of the label
+ // as Windows ignores the brush offset when doing it
+ //
+ // FIXME: value of x is hardcoded as this is what it is on my system,
+ // no idea if it's true everywhere
+ RECT dimensions = {0, 0, 0, y};
+ if ( !rtl )
+ {
+ x = 9;
+ dimensions.left = x;
+ dimensions.right = x + width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = rc.right - 7;
+ dimensions.left = x - width;
+ dimensions.right = x;
+ }
+ // need to adjust the rectangle to cover all the label background
+ dimensions.left -= 2;
+ dimensions.right += 2;
+ dimensions.bottom += 2;
+ if ( UseBgCol() )
+ {
+ // our own background colour should be used for the background of
+ // the label: this is consistent with the behaviour under pre-XP
+ // systems (i.e. without visual themes) and generally makes sense
+ wxBrush brush = wxBrush(GetBackgroundColour());
+ wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
+ ::FillRect(GetHdcOf(*impl), &dimensions, GetHbrushOf(brush));
+ }
+ else // paint parent background
+ {
+ PaintBackground(dc, dimensions);
+ }
+ // determine the state of UI queues to draw the text correctly under XP
+ // and later systems
+ static const bool isXPorLater = wxGetWinVersion() >= wxWinVersion_XP;
+ if ( isXPorLater )
+ {
+ if ( ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0) &
+ {
+ drawTextFlags |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
+ }
+ }
+ // now draw the text
+ if ( !rtl )
+ {
+ RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x + width, y };
+ ::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
+ drawTextFlags);
+ }
+ else // RTL
+ {
+ RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x - width, y };
+ ::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
+ drawTextFlags | DT_RTLREADING);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
+void wxStaticBox::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ RECT rc;
+ ::GetClientRect(GetHwnd(), &rc);
+ // draw the entire box in a memory DC
+ wxMemoryDC memdc;
+ wxBitmap bitmap(rc.right, rc.bottom);
+ memdc.SelectObject(bitmap);
+ PaintBackground(memdc, rc);
+ PaintForeground(memdc, rc);
+ // now only blit the static box border itself, not the interior, to avoid
+ // flicker when background is drawn below
+ //
+ // note that it seems to be faster to do 4 small blits here and then paint
+ // directly into wxPaintDC than painting background in wxMemoryDC and then
+ // blitting everything at once to wxPaintDC, this is why we do it like this
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ int borderTop, border;
+ GetBordersForSizer(&borderTop, &border);
+ // top
+ dc.Blit(border, 0, rc.right - border, borderTop,
+ &memdc, border, 0);
+ // bottom
+ dc.Blit(border, rc.bottom - border, rc.right - border, border,
+ &memdc, border, rc.bottom - border);
+ // left
+ dc.Blit(0, 0, border, rc.bottom,
+ &memdc, 0, 0);
+ // right (note that upper and bottom right corners were already part of the
+ // first two blits so we shouldn't overwrite them here to avoi flicker)
+ dc.Blit(rc.right - border, borderTop,
+ border, rc.bottom - borderTop - border,
+ &memdc, rc.right - border, borderTop);
+ // create the region excluding box children
+ AutoHRGN hrgn((HRGN)MSWGetRegionWithoutChildren());
+ RECT rcWin;
+ ::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rcWin);
+ ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -rcWin.left, -rcWin.top);
+ // and also the box itself
+ MSWGetRegionWithoutSelf((WXHRGN) hrgn, rc.right, rc.bottom);
+ wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
+ HDCClipper clipToBg(GetHdcOf(*impl), hrgn);
+ // paint the inside of the box (excluding box itself and child controls)
+ PaintBackground(dc, rc);
+#endif // !__WXWINCE__
+#endif // wxUSE_STATBOX