#include "dragimag.h"
-#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMGL__) || defined(__WXX11__)
-#include "mondrian.xpm"
-#include "dragicon.xpm"
+#if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXPM__)
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
+ #include "dragicon.xpm"
// main program
wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
wxRect rect(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
if (event.GetDC())
wxGetApp().TileBitmap(rect, *(event.GetDC()), wxGetApp().GetBackgroundBitmap());
- delete m_dragImage;
- m_dragImage = NULL;
+ wxDELETE(m_dragImage);
- wxClientDC dc(this);
- if (m_currentlyHighlighted)
- {
- m_currentlyHighlighted->Draw(dc);
- }
- m_draggedShape->Draw(dc);
m_currentlyHighlighted = (DragShape*) NULL;
m_draggedShape = (DragShape*) NULL;
+ Refresh(true);
else if (event.Dragging() && m_dragMode != TEST_DRAG_NONE)
// Erase the dragged shape from the canvas
- wxClientDC dc(this);
- EraseShape(m_draggedShape, dc);
- DrawShapes(dc);
+ // redraw immediately
+ Refresh(true);
+ Update();
switch (m_draggedShape->GetDragMethod())
- m_dragImage = new wxDragImage(m_draggedShape->GetBitmap(), wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
+ m_dragImage = new MyDragImage(this, m_draggedShape->GetBitmap(), wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
- m_dragImage = new wxDragImage(wxString(_T("Dragging some test text")), wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
+ m_dragImage = new MyDragImage(this, wxString(wxT("Dragging some test text")), wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
- // Can anyone explain why this test is necessary,
- // to prevent a gcc error?
-#if defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXX11__)
- wxIcon icon(dragicon_xpm);
- wxIcon icon(wxICON(dragicon));
- m_dragImage = new wxDragImage(icon, wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
+ m_dragImage = new MyDragImage(this, wxICON(dragicon), wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND));
// The offset between the top-left of the shape image and the current shape position
wxPoint beginDragHotSpot = m_dragStartPos - m_draggedShape->GetPosition();
// Now we do this inside the implementation: always assume
// coordinates relative to the capture window (client coordinates)
//if (fullScreen)
// beginDragHotSpot -= ClientToScreen(wxPoint(0, 0));
if (!m_dragImage->BeginDrag(beginDragHotSpot, this, fullScreen))
- delete m_dragImage;
- m_dragImage = (wxDragImage*) NULL;
+ wxDELETE(m_dragImage);
m_dragMode = TEST_DRAG_NONE;
} else
// Now with the drag image switched off, we can change the window contents.
if (mustUnhighlightOld)
- {
- wxClientDC clientDC(this);
- m_currentlyHighlighted->Draw(clientDC);
m_currentlyHighlighted = (DragShape*) NULL;
- }
if (mustHighlightNew)
- {
- wxClientDC clientDC(this);
m_currentlyHighlighted = onShape;
- m_currentlyHighlighted->Draw(clientDC, wxINVERT);
+ if (mustUnhighlightOld || mustHighlightNew)
+ {
+ Refresh(mustUnhighlightOld);
+ Update();
// Move and show the image again
while (node)
DragShape* shape = (DragShape*) node->GetData();
- if (shape->IsShown())
- shape->Draw(dc);
+ if (shape->IsShown() && m_draggedShape != shape)
+ {
+ shape->Draw(dc, (m_currentlyHighlighted == shape));
+ }
node = node->GetNext();
wxRect rect2(shape->GetRect());
dc.SetClippingRegion(rect2.x, rect2.y, rect2.width, rect2.height);
wxGetApp().TileBitmap(rect, dc, wxGetApp().GetBackgroundBitmap());
-: wxFrame( (wxFrame *)NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("wxDragImage sample"),
+: wxFrame( (wxFrame *)NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxDragImage sample"),
wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(470,360) )
wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu();
- file_menu->Append( wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About..."));
- file_menu->Append( TEST_USE_SCREEN, _T("&Use whole screen for dragging"), _T("Use whole screen"), true);
- file_menu->Append( wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit"));
+ file_menu->Append( wxID_ABOUT, wxT("&About..."));
+ file_menu->AppendCheckItem( TEST_USE_SCREEN, wxT("&Use whole screen for dragging"), wxT("Use whole screen"));
+ file_menu->Append( wxID_EXIT, wxT("E&xit"));
wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar();
- menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File"));
+ menu_bar->Append(file_menu, wxT("&File"));
- SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
+ SetIcon(wxICON(sample));
SetMenuBar( menu_bar );
int widths[] = { -1, 100 };
SetStatusWidths( 2, widths );
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
m_canvas = new MyCanvas( this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(10,10) );
void MyFrame::OnAbout( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
- (void)wxMessageBox( _T("wxDragImage demo\n")
- _T("Julian Smart (c) 2000"),
- _T("About wxDragImage Demo"),
+ (void)wxMessageBox( wxT("wxDragImage demo\n")
+ wxT("Julian Smart (c) 2000"),
+ wxT("About wxDragImage Demo"),
bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ if ( !wxApp::OnInit() )
+ return false;
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
wxImage image;
- if (image.LoadFile(_T("backgrnd.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
+ if (image.LoadFile(wxT("backgrnd.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
m_background = wxBitmap(image);
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame();
- wxString rootName(_T("shape0"));
+ wxString rootName(wxT("shape0"));
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
- wxString filename;
- filename.Printf(wxT("%s%d.png"), (const wxChar*)rootName, i);
/* For some reason under wxX11, the 2nd LoadFile in this loop fails, with
a BadMatch inside CreateFromImage (inside ConvertToBitmap). This happens even if you copy
the first file over the second file. */
- if (image.LoadFile(filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
+ if (image.LoadFile(wxString::Format("%s%d.png", rootName, i), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
DragShape* newShape = new DragShape(wxBitmap(image));
newShape->SetPosition(wxPoint(i*50, i*50));
int w = bitmap.GetWidth();
int h = bitmap.GetHeight();
int i, j;
for (i = rect.x; i < rect.x + rect.width; i += w)
m_show = true;
bool DragShape::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt) const
wxRect rect(GetRect());
- return rect.Inside(pt.x, pt.y);
+ return rect.Contains(pt.x, pt.y);
-bool DragShape::Draw(wxDC& dc, int op)
+bool DragShape::Draw(wxDC& dc, bool highlight)
if (m_bitmap.Ok())
wxMemoryDC memDC;
dc.Blit(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_bitmap.GetWidth(), m_bitmap.GetHeight(),
- & memDC, 0, 0, op, true);
+ & memDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true);
+ if (highlight)
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_bitmap.GetWidth(), m_bitmap.GetHeight());
+ }
return true;
return false;
+// MyDragImage
+// On some platforms, notably Mac OS X with Core Graphics, we can't blit from
+// a window, so we need to draw the background explicitly.
+bool MyDragImage::UpdateBackingFromWindow(wxDC& WXUNUSED(windowDC), wxMemoryDC& destDC, const wxRect& WXUNUSED(sourceRect),
+ const wxRect& destRect) const
+ destDC.SetClippingRegion(destRect);
+ if (wxGetApp().GetBackgroundBitmap().Ok())
+ wxGetApp().TileBitmap(destRect, destDC, wxGetApp().GetBackgroundBitmap());
+ m_canvas->DrawShapes(destDC);
+ return true;