#include <wx/string.h>
-#include <wx/db.h>
#include <wx/dbtable.h>
enum DialogModes {mView,mCreate,mEdit,mSearch};
// Name of the table to be created/opened
const wxChar CONTACT_TABLE_NAME[] = "contacts";
// Number of columns in the CONTACT table
+const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 13; // 0-12
const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 12; // 0-11
-const wxChar PARAM_FILENAME[] = "dbtest.cfg";
+const wxChar PARAM_FILENAME[] = "dbtest.cfg";
enum Language {langENGLISH, langFRENCH, langGERMAN, langSPANISH, langOTHER};
wxChar Country[20+1];
TIMESTAMP_STRUCT JoinDate; // Date on which this person joined the wxWindows project
Language NativeLanguage; // Enumerated type indicating person's native language
+ wxChar Picture[50000];
bool IsDeveloper; // Is this person a developer for wxWindows, or just a subscriber
UCHAR Contributions; // Something to show off an integer field
ULONG LinesOfCode; // Something to show off a 'long' field
wxDbColInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
wxDbTable *dbTable; // generic wxDbTable object for attaching to the table to query
wxChar *masterTableName; // Name of the table that 'dbTable' will be associated with
- wxChar *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
+ wxString pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
wxDb *pDB;
wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
- CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, wxChar *tblName[], wxChar *pWhereArg);
+ CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, wxChar *tblName[], const wxString &pWhereArg);
void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );