+#include "wx/cocoa/objc/objc_uniquifying.h"
// ========================================================================
// wxNSApplicationDelegate
// ========================================================================
@class wxNSApplicationDelegate
- @discussion Implements an NSApplication delegate which can respond to messages sent by Cocoa to change Cocoa's behavior.
+ @discussion Implements an NSApplication delegate which can respond to messages sent by Cocoa to change Cocoa's behaviour.
wxCocoa will set a singleton instance of this class as the NSApplication delegate upon startup unless wxWidgets is running
in a "plugin" manner in which case it would not be appropriate to do this.
// Delegate methods
- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication;
@end // interface wxNSApplicationDelegate : NSObject
// ========================================================================
// wxNSApplicationObserver
// Other notifications
- (void)controlTintChanged:(NSNotification *)notification;
@end // interface wxNSApplicationObserver : NSObject