-/* Multiple choice dialog contributed by Robert Cowell
- *
-The new data passed are in the "int nsel" and "int * selection"
-The idea is to make a multiple selection from list of strings.
-The returned value is the total number selected. initialily there
-are nsel selected, with indices stored in
-selection[0],...,selection[nsel-1] which appear highlighted to
-begin with. On exit with value i
-selection[0..i-1] contains the indices of the selected items.
-(Some prior selectecions might be deselected.)
-Thus selection must be as big as choices, in case all items are
-int wxGetMultipleChoice(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption,
- int n, const wxString *choices,
- int nsel, int * selection,
- wxWindow *parent , int x , int y, bool centre,
- int width, int height)