return -1
return 1
+def multiSplit(stringList, tokenList=[" "]):
+ """Splits strings in stringList by tokens, returns list of string."""
+ if not stringList: return []
+ if isinstance(tokenList, basestring):
+ tokenList = [tokenList]
+ if isinstance(stringList, basestring):
+ stringList = [stringList]
+ rtnList = stringList
+ for token in tokenList:
+ rtnList = rtnList[:]
+ for string in rtnList:
+ if string.find(token) > -1:
+ rtnList.remove(string)
+ names = string.split(token)
+ for name in names:
+ name = name.strip()
+ if name:
+ rtnList.append(name)
+ return rtnList
+QUOTES = ("\"", "'")
+def _findArgStart(argStr):
+ i = -1
+ for c in argStr:
+ i += 1
+ if (c == " "):
+ continue
+ elif (c == ","):
+ continue
+ return i
+ return None
+def _findArgEnd(argStr):
+ quotedArg = True
+ argEndChar = argStr[0]
+ if (not argEndChar in QUOTES):
+ argEndChar = ","
+ quotedArg = False
+ i = -1
+ firstChar = True
+ for c in argStr:
+ i+= 1
+ if (firstChar):
+ firstChar = False
+ if (quotedArg):
+ continue
+ if (c == argEndChar):
+ if (quotedArg):
+ return min(i+1, len(argStr))
+ else:
+ return i
+ return i
+def parseArgs(argStr, stripQuotes=False):
+ """
+ Given a str representation of method arguments, returns list arguments (as
+ strings).
+ Input: "('[a,b]', 'c', 1)" -> Output: ["'[a,b]'", "'c'", "1"].
+ If stripQuotes, removes quotes from quoted arg.
+ """
+ if (argStr.startswith("(")):
+ argStr = argStr[1:]
+ if (argStr.endswith(")")):
+ argStr = argStr[:-1]
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Expected argStr to end with ')'")
+ rtn = []
+ argsStr = argStr.strip()
+ while (True):
+ startIndex = _findArgStart(argStr)
+ if (startIndex == None):
+ break
+ argStr = argStr[startIndex:]
+ endIndex = _findArgEnd(argStr)
+ if (endIndex == len(argStr) - 1):
+ rtn.append(argStr.strip())
+ break
+ t = argStr[:endIndex].strip()
+ if (stripQuotes and t[0] in QUOTES and t[-1] in QUOTES):
+ t = t[1:-1]
+ rtn.append(t)
+ argStr = argStr[endIndex:]
+ return rtn