-<b>Masked Edit Overview:
+Masked Edit Overview
is a sublassed text control that can carefully control the user's input
based on a mask string you provide.
- General usage example:
+ General usage example::
control = masked.TextCtrl( win, -1, '', mask = '(###) ###-####')
The example above will create a text control that allows only numbers to be
entered and then only in the positions indicated in the mask by the # sign.
is a similar subclass of wxComboBox that allows the same sort of masking,
but also can do auto-complete of values, and can require the value typed
to be in the list of choices to be colored appropriately.
is actually a factory function for several types of masked edit controls:
- <b>masked.TextCtrl</b> - standard masked edit text box
- <b>masked.ComboBox</b> - adds combobox capabilities
- <b>masked.IpAddrCtrl</b> - adds special semantics for IP address entry
- <b>masked.TimeCtrl</b> - special subclass handling lots of types as values
- <b>masked.NumCtrl</b> - special subclass handling numeric values
+ ================= ==================================================
+ masked.TextCtrl standard masked edit text box
+ masked.ComboBox adds combobox capabilities
+ masked.IpAddrCtrl adds special semantics for IP address entry
+ masked.TimeCtrl special subclass handling lots of types as values
+ masked.NumCtrl special subclass handling numeric values
+ ================= ==================================================
- It works by looking for a <b><i>controlType</i></b> parameter in the keyword
+ It works by looking for a *controlType* parameter in the keyword
arguments of the control, to determine what kind of instance to return.
If not specified as a keyword argument, the default control type returned
will be masked.TextCtrl.
(See end of following discussion for how to configure the wx.MaskedCtrl()
to select the above control types.)
-Allowed mask characters and function:
+Initialization Parameters
+ Allowed mask characters and function:
+ ========= ==========================================================
Character Function
- # Allow numeric only (0-9)
- N Allow letters and numbers (0-9)
- A Allow uppercase letters only
- a Allow lowercase letters only
- C Allow any letter, upper or lower
- X Allow string.letters, string.punctuation, string.digits
- & Allow string.punctuation only
+ ========= ==========================================================
+ # Allow numeric only (0-9)
+ N Allow letters and numbers (0-9)
+ A Allow uppercase letters only
+ a Allow lowercase letters only
+ C Allow any letter, upper or lower
+ X Allow string.letters, string.punctuation, string.digits
+ & Allow string.punctuation only
+ \* Allow any ansi character
+ ========= ==========================================================
These controls define these sets of characters using string.letters,
set the locale.
For example, to allow international characters to be used in the
above masks, you can place the following in your code as part of
- your application's initialization code:
+ your application's initialization code::
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ The controls now also support (by popular demand) all "ansi" chars,
+ that is, all ascii codes between 32 and 255, by use of the * mask character.
Using these mask characters, a variety of template masks can be built. See
the demo for some other common examples include date+time, social security
(use \\ for literal backslash, as in: r'CCC\\NNN'.)
- <b>Note:</b>
+ *Note:*
Masks containing only # characters and one optional decimal point
character are handled specially, as "numeric" controls. Such
controls have special handling for typing the '-' key, handling
forth (see below). These allow you to construct reasonable
numeric entry controls.
- <b>Note:</b>
+ *Note:*
Changing the mask for a control deletes any previous field classes
(and any associated validation or formatting constraints) for them.
By default, masked edit controls use a fixed width font, so that
the mask characters are fixed within the control, regardless of
subsequent modifications to the value. Set to False if having
- the control font be the same as other controls is required.
+ the control font be the same as other controls is required. (This is
+ a control-level parameter.)
+ (Applies to unicode systems only) By default, the default unicode encoding
+ used is latin1, or iso-8859-1. If necessary, you can set this control-level
+ parameter to govern the codec used to decode your keyboard inputs.
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
These other properties can be passed to the class when instantiating it:
Formatcodes are specified as a string of single character formatting
- codes that modify behavior of the control:
+ codes that modify behavior of the control::
_ Allow spaces
! Force upper
^ Force lower
R Right-align field(s)
r Right-insert in field(s) (implies R)
- < Stay in field until explicit navigation out of it
+ < Stay in field until explicit navigation out of it
- > Allow insert/delete within partially filled fields (as
+ > Allow insert/delete within partially filled fields (as
opposed to the default "overwrite" mode for fixed-width
masked edit controls.) This allows single-field controls
or each field within a multi-field control to optionally
behave more like standard text controls.
(See EMAIL or phone number autoformat examples.)
- <i>Note: This also governs whether backspace/delete operations
+ *Note: This also governs whether backspace/delete operations
shift contents of field to right of cursor, or just blank the
erased section.
or control allows right insert anywhere within the current
non-empty value in the field. (Otherwise right-insert behavior
is only performed to when the entire right-insertable field is
- selected or the cursor is at the right edge of the field.</i>
+ selected or the cursor is at the right edge of the field.*
, Allow grouping character in integer fields of numeric controls
(See USSTATE autoformat demo for how this can be used.)
S select entire field when navigating to new field
These controls have two options for the initial state of the control.
If a blank control with just the non-editable characters showing
is desired, simply leave the constructor variable fillChar as its
This value must satisfy the non-editable characters of the mask,
but need not conform to the replaceable characters.
These parameters govern what character is used to group numbers
and is used to indicate the decimal point for numeric format controls.
The default groupChar is ',', the default decimalChar is '.'
By changing these, you can customize the presentation of numbers
for your location.
- eg: formatcodes = ',', groupChar="'" allows 12'345.34
- formatcodes = ',', groupChar='.', decimalChar=',' allows 12.345,34
+ Eg::
+ formatcodes = ',', groupChar='\'' allows 12'345.34
+ formatcodes = ',', groupChar='.', decimalChar=',' allows 12.345,34
+ (These are control-level parameters.)
The default "shiftDecimalChar" (used for "backwards-tabbing" until
shift-tab is fixed in wxPython) is '>' (for QUERTY keyboards.) for
other keyboards, you may want to customize this, eg '?' for shift ',' on
AZERTY keyboards, ':' or ';' for other European keyboards, etc.
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
This option can be used with signed numeric format controls to
indicate signs via () rather than '-'.
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
This option can be used to have a field or the control try to
auto-complete on each keystroke if choices have been specified.
By default, DownArrow, PageUp and PageDown will auto-complete a
partially entered field. Shift-DownArrow, Shift-UpArrow, PageUp
and PageDown will also auto-complete, but if the field already
Additional auto-complete keys can be specified via this parameter.
Any keys so specified will act like PageDown.
-<b>Validating User Input:
- There are a variety of initialization parameters that are used to validate
- user input. These parameters can apply to the control as a whole, and/or
- to individual fields:
- excludeChars= A string of characters to exclude even if otherwise allowed
- includeChars= A string of characters to allow even if otherwise disallowed
- validRegex= Use a regular expression to validate the contents of the text box
- validRange= Pass a rangeas list (low,high) to limit numeric fields/values
- choices= A list of strings that are allowed choices for the control.
- choiceRequired= value must be member of choices list
- compareNoCase= Perform case-insensitive matching when validating against list
- <i>Note: for masked.ComboBox, this defaults to True.</i>
- emptyInvalid= Boolean indicating whether an empty value should be considered invalid
- validFunc= A function to call of the form: bool = func(candidate_value)
- which will return True if the candidate_value satisfies some
- external criteria for the control in addition to the the
- other validation, or False if not. (This validation is
- applied last in the chain of validations.)
- validRequired= Boolean indicating whether or not keys that are allowed by the
- mask, but result in an invalid value are allowed to be entered
- into the control. Setting this to True implies that a valid
- default value is set for the control.
- retainFieldValidation=
- False by default; if True, this allows individual fields to
- retain their own validation constraints independently of any
- subsequent changes to the control's overall parameters.
- validator= Validators are not normally needed for masked controls, because
- of the nature of the validation and control of input. However,
- you can supply one to provide data transfer routines for the
- controls.
-<b>Coloring Behavior:
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
+Validating User Input
+There are a variety of initialization parameters that are used to validate
+user input. These parameters can apply to the control as a whole, and/or
+to individual fields:
+ ===================== ==================================================================
+ excludeChars A string of characters to exclude even if otherwise allowed
+ includeChars A string of characters to allow even if otherwise disallowed
+ validRegex Use a regular expression to validate the contents of the text box
+ validRange Pass a rangeas list (low,high) to limit numeric fields/values
+ choices A list of strings that are allowed choices for the control.
+ choiceRequired value must be member of choices list
+ compareNoCase Perform case-insensitive matching when validating against list
+ *Note: for masked.ComboBox, this defaults to True.*
+ emptyInvalid Boolean indicating whether an empty value should be considered
+ invalid
+ validFunc A function to call of the form: bool = func(candidate_value)
+ which will return True if the candidate_value satisfies some
+ external criteria for the control in addition to the the
+ other validation, or False if not. (This validation is
+ applied last in the chain of validations.)
+ validRequired Boolean indicating whether or not keys that are allowed by the
+ mask, but result in an invalid value are allowed to be entered
+ into the control. Setting this to True implies that a valid
+ default value is set for the control.
+ retainFieldValidation False by default; if True, this allows individual fields to
+ retain their own validation constraints independently of any
+ subsequent changes to the control's overall parameters.
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
+ validator Validators are not normally needed for masked controls, because
+ of the nature of the validation and control of input. However,
+ you can supply one to provide data transfer routines for the
+ controls.
+ ===================== ==================================================================
+Coloring Behavior
The following parameters have been provided to allow you to change the default
coloring behavior of the control. These can be set at construction, or via
the .SetCtrlParameters() function. Pass a color as string e.g. 'Yellow':
- emptyBackgroundColour= Control Background color when identified as empty. Default=White
- invalidBackgroundColour= Control Background color when identified as Not valid. Default=Yellow
- validBackgroundColour= Control Background color when identified as Valid. Default=white
+ ======================== =======================================================================
+ emptyBackgroundColour Control Background color when identified as empty. Default=White
+ invalidBackgroundColour Control Background color when identified as Not valid. Default=Yellow
+ validBackgroundColour Control Background color when identified as Valid. Default=white
+ ======================== =======================================================================
The following parameters control the default foreground color coloring behavior of the
control. Pass a color as string e.g. 'Yellow':
- foregroundColour= Control foreground color when value is not negative. Default=Black
- signedForegroundColour= Control foreground color when value is negative. Default=Red
+ ======================== ======================================================================
+ foregroundColour Control foreground color when value is not negative. Default=Black
+ signedForegroundColour Control foreground color when value is negative. Default=Red
+ ======================== ======================================================================
Each part of the mask that allows user input is considered a field. The fields
are represented by their own class instances. You can specify field-specific
constraints by constructing or accessing the field instances for the control
and then specifying those constraints via parameters.
This parameter allows you to specify Field instances containing
constraints for the individual fields of a control, eg: local
choice lists, validation rules, functions, regexps, etc.
Any field not represented by the list or dictionary will be
implicitly created by the control.
- eg:
+ Eg::
fields = [ Field(formatcodes='_r'), Field('choices=['a', 'b', 'c']) ]
- or
+ Or::
fields = {
- 1: ( Field(formatcodes='_R', choices=['a', 'b', 'c']),
- 3: ( Field(choices=['01', '02', '03'], choiceRequired=True)
+ 1: ( Field(formatcodes='_R', choices=['a', 'b', 'c']),
+ 3: ( Field(choices=['01', '02', '03'], choiceRequired=True)
The following parameters are available for individual fields, with the
same semantics as for the whole control but applied to the field in question:
- fillChar # if set for a field, it will override the control's fillChar for that field
- groupChar # if set for a field, it will override the control's default
- defaultValue # sets field-specific default value; overrides any default from control
- compareNoCase # overrides control's settings
- emptyInvalid # determines whether field is required to be filled at all times
- validRequired # if set, requires field to contain valid value
+ ============== =============================================================================
+ fillChar if set for a field, it will override the control's fillChar for that field
+ groupChar if set for a field, it will override the control's default
+ defaultValue sets field-specific default value; overrides any default from control
+ compareNoCase overrides control's settings
+ emptyInvalid determines whether field is required to be filled at all times
+ validRequired if set, requires field to contain valid value
+ ============== =============================================================================
If any of the above parameters are subsequently specified for the control as a
whole, that new value will be propagated to each field, unless the
retainFieldValidation control-level parameter is set.
- formatcodes # Augments control's settings
- excludeChars # ' ' '
- includeChars # ' ' '
- validRegex # ' ' '
- validRange # ' ' '
- choices # ' ' '
- choiceRequired # ' ' '
- validFunc # ' ' '
+ ============== ==============================
+ formatcodes Augments control's settings
+ excludeChars ' ' '
+ includeChars ' ' '
+ validRegex ' ' '
+ validRange ' ' '
+ choices ' ' '
+ choiceRequired ' ' '
+ validFunc ' ' '
+ ============== ==============================
-<b>Control Class Functions:
- .GetPlainValue(value=None)</b>
+Control Class Functions
Returns the value specified (or the control's text value
not specified) without the formatting text.
In the example above, might return phone no='3522640075',
whereas control.GetValue() would return '(352) 264-0075'
- <b>.ClearValue()</b>
Returns the control's value to its default, and places the
cursor at the beginning of the control.
- <b>.SetValue()</b>
Does "smart replacement" of passed value into the control, as does
the .Paste() method. As with other text entry controls, the
.SetValue() text replacement begins at left-edge of the control,
control before attempting to set the value.
If a value does not follow the format of the control's mask, or will
not fit into the control, a ValueError exception will be raised.
- Eg:
+ Eg::
mask = '(###) ###-####'
.SetValue('1234567890') => '(123) 456-7890'
.SetValue('(123)4567890') => '(123) 456-7890'
.SetValue('%.2f' % -111.12345 ) => ' -111.12'
- <b>.IsValid(value=None)</b>
Returns True if the value specified (or the value of the control
if not specified) passes validation tests
- <b>.IsEmpty(value=None)</b>
Returns True if the value specified (or the value of the control
if not specified) is equal to an "empty value," ie. all
editable characters == the fillChar for their respective fields.
- <b>.IsDefault(value=None)</b>
Returns True if the value specified (or the value of the control
if not specified) is equal to the initial value of the control.
- <b>.Refresh()</b>
Recolors the control as appropriate to its current settings.
- <b>.SetCtrlParameters(**kwargs)</b>
This function allows you to set up and/or change the control parameters
after construction; it takes a list of key/value pairs as arguments,
where the keys can be any of the mask-specific parameters in the constructor.
- Eg:
+ Eg::
ctl = masked.TextCtrl( self, -1 )
ctl.SetCtrlParameters( mask='###-####',
- <b>.GetCtrlParameter(parametername)</b>
This function allows you to retrieve the current value of a parameter
from the control.
- <b><i>Note:</i></b> Each of the control parameters can also be set using its
+ *Note:* Each of the control parameters can also be set using its
own Set and Get function. These functions follow a regular form:
All of the parameter names start with lower case; for their
corresponding Set/Get function, the parameter name is capitalized.
- Eg: ctl.SetMask('###-####')
+ Eg::
+ ctl.SetMask('###-####')
- <b><i>Note:</i></b> After any change in parameters, the choices for the
+ *Note:* After any change in parameters, the choices for the
control are reevaluated to ensure that they are still legal. If you
have large choice lists, it is therefore more efficient to set parameters
before setting the choices available.
- <b>.SetFieldParameters(field_index, **kwargs)</b>
+.SetFieldParameters(field_index, \*\*kwargs)
This function allows you to specify change individual field
parameters after construction. (Indices are 0-based.)
- <b>.GetFieldParameter(field_index, parametername)</b>
+.GetFieldParameter(field_index, parametername)
Allows the retrieval of field parameters after construction
first five numerals are entered. the last four are optional, but if
any are entered, there must be 4 to be valid.
-<B>masked.Ctrl Configuration
-masked.Ctrl works by looking for a special <b><i>controlType</i></b>
+masked.Ctrl Configuration
+masked.Ctrl works by looking for a special *controlType*
parameter in the variable arguments of the control, to determine
what kind of instance to return.
-controlType can be one of:
+controlType can be one of::
These constants are also available individually, ie, you can
-use either of the following:
+use either of the following::
from wxPython.wx.lib.masked import MaskedCtrl, controlTypes
from wxPython.wx.lib.masked import MaskedCtrl, COMBO, TEXT, NUMBER, IPADDR
If not specified as a keyword argument, the default controlType is
self._SetKeycodeHandler(WXK_UP, self.IncrementValue)
self._SetKeyHandler('-', self._OnChangeSign)
+ (Setting a func of None removes any keyhandler for the given key.)
"Navigation" keys are assumed to change the cursor position, and
therefore don't cause automatic motion of the cursor as insertable
characters do.
# be a good place to implement the 2.3 logger class
from wx.tools.dbg import Logger
-dbg = Logger()
+##dbg = Logger()
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
## X- allow any character (string.letters, string.punctuation, string.digits)
## Note: locale settings affect what "uppercase", lowercase, etc comprise.
-maskchars = ("#","A","a","X","C","N", '&')
+maskchars = ("#","A","a","X","C","N",'*','&')
+ansichars = ""
+for i in xrange(32, 256):
+ ansichars += chr(i)
months = '(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)'
charmonths = '(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec|JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)'
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
class Field:
+ """
+ This class manages the individual fields in a masked edit control.
+ Each field has a zero-based index, indicating its position in the
+ control, an extent, an associated mask, and a plethora of optional
+ parameters. Fields can be instantiated and then associated with
+ parent masked controls, in order to provide field-specific configuration.
+ Alternatively, fields will be implicitly created by the parent control
+ if not provided at construction, at which point, the fields can then
+ manipulated by the controls .SetFieldParameters() method.
+ """
valid_params = {
'index': None, ## which field of mask; set by parent control.
'mask': "", ## mask chars for this field
## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
- if self._index is not None: dbg('field index:', self._index)
+## if self._index is not None: dbg('field index:', self._index)
## dbg('parameters:', indent=1)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
## dbg('%s:' % key, value)
#### dbg("self._old_fillChar: '%s'" % self._old_fillChar)
if kwargs.has_key('mask') or kwargs.has_key('validRegex'): # (set/changed)
- self._isInt = isInteger(self._mask)
+ self._isInt = _isInteger(self._mask)
## dbg('isInt?', self._isInt, 'self._mask:"%s"' % self._mask)
## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
## dbg(suspend=1)
## dbg('maskededit.Field::_ValidateParameters', indent=1)
- if self._index is not None: dbg('field index:', self._index)
+## if self._index is not None: dbg('field index:', self._index)
#### dbg('parameters:', indent=1)
## for key, value in kwargs.items():
#### dbg('%s:' % key, value)
This class allows us to abstract the masked edit functionality that could
be associated with any text entry control. (eg. wx.TextCtrl, wx.ComboBox, etc.)
+ It forms the basis for all of the lib.masked controls.
valid_ctrl_params = {
'mask': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX', ## mask string for formatting this control
'datestyle': 'MDY', ## optional date style for date-type values. Can trigger autocomplete year
'autoCompleteKeycodes': [], ## Optional list of additional keycodes which will invoke field-auto-complete
'useFixedWidthFont': True, ## Use fixed-width font instead of default for base control
+ 'defaultEncoding': 'latin1', ## optional argument to indicate unicode codec to use (unicode ctrls only)
'retainFieldValidation': False, ## Set this to true if setting control-level parameters independently,
## from field validation constraints
'emptyBackgroundColour': "White",
'X': string.letters + string.punctuation + string.digits,
'C': string.letters,
'N': string.letters + string.digits,
- '&': string.punctuation
+ '&': string.punctuation,
+ '*': ansichars
## self._ignoreChange is used by MaskedComboBox, because
def SetCtrlParameters(self, **kwargs):
This public function can be used to set individual or multiple masked edit
- parameters after construction.
+ parameters after construction. (See maskededit module overview for the list
+ of valid parameters.)
## dbg(suspend=1)
## dbg('MaskedEditMixin::SetCtrlParameters', indent=1)
self._autofit = self._ctrl_constraints._autofit
self._isNeg = False
- self._isDate = 'D' in self._ctrl_constraints._formatcodes and isDateType(mask)
- self._isTime = 'T' in self._ctrl_constraints._formatcodes and isTimeType(mask)
+ self._isDate = 'D' in self._ctrl_constraints._formatcodes and _isDateType(mask)
+ self._isTime = 'T' in self._ctrl_constraints._formatcodes and _isTimeType(mask)
if self._isDate:
# Set _dateExtent, used in date validation to locate date in string;
# always set as though year will be 4 digits, even if mask only has
## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
def SetMaskParameters(self, **kwargs):
- """ old name for this function """
+ """ old name for the SetCtrlParameters function (DEPRECATED)"""
return self.SetCtrlParameters(**kwargs)
TypeError('"%s".GetCtrlParameter: invalid parameter "%s"' % (self.name, paramname))
def GetMaskParameter(self, paramname):
- """ old name for this function """
+ """ old name for the GetCtrlParameters function (DEPRECATED)"""
return self.GetCtrlParameter(paramname)
Because changes to fields can affect the overall control,
direct access to the fields is prevented, and the control
is always "reconfigured" after setting a field parameter.
+ (See maskededit module overview for the list of valid field-level
+ parameters.)
if field_index not in self._field_indices:
raise IndexError('%s is not a valid field for control "%s".' % (str(field_index), self.name))
used by the control. <func> should take the event as argument
and return False if no further action on the key is necessary.
- self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ if func:
+ self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ elif self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _SetKeyHandler(self, char, func):
if handler:
self._keyhandlers[keycode] = handler
+ elif self.keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _AddNavKey(self, char, handler=None):
if func:
self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ elif self.keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _processMask(self, mask):
self._decimalChar = self._ctrl_constraints._decimalChar
self._shiftDecimalChar = self._ctrl_constraints._shiftDecimalChar
- self._isFloat = isFloatingPoint(s) and not self._ctrl_constraints._validRegex
- self._isInt = isInteger(s) and not self._ctrl_constraints._validRegex
+ self._isFloat = _isFloatingPoint(s) and not self._ctrl_constraints._validRegex
+ self._isInt = _isInteger(s) and not self._ctrl_constraints._validRegex
self._signOk = '-' in self._ctrl_constraints._formatcodes and (self._isFloat or self._isInt)
self._useParens = self._ctrl_constraints._useParensForNegatives
self._isNeg = False
#### dbg('self._signOk?', self._signOk, 'self._useParens?', self._useParens)
-#### dbg('isFloatingPoint(%s)?' % (s), isFloatingPoint(s),
+#### dbg('isFloatingPoint(%s)?' % (s), _isFloatingPoint(s),
## 'ctrl regex:', self._ctrl_constraints._validRegex)
if self._signOk and s[0] != ' ':
keycode = ord(key)
if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
self._SetKeyHandler(key, self._OnChangeSign)
+ elif self._isInt or self._isFloat:
+ signkeys = ['-', '+', ' ', '(', ')']
+ for key in signkeys:
+ keycode = ord(key)
+ if self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode) and self._keyhandlers[keycode] == self._OnChangeSign:
+ self._SetKeyHandler(key, None)
self._SetKeycodeHandler(wx.WXK_UP, self._OnUpNumeric) # (adds "shift" to up arrow, and calls _OnChangeField)
# On ., truncate contents right of cursor to decimal point (if any)
- # leaves cusor after decimal point if floating point, otherwise at 0.
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._decimalChar)):
+ # leaves cursor after decimal point if floating point, otherwise at 0.
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._decimalChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._decimalChar)] != self._OnDecimalPoint:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._decimalChar, self._OnDecimalPoint)
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)):
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)] != self._OnChangeField:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._shiftDecimalChar, self._OnChangeField) # (Shift-'.' == '>' on US keyboards)
# Allow selective insert of groupchar in numbers:
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)):
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)] != self._OnGroupChar:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._fields[0]._groupChar, self._OnGroupChar)
## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
keep_processing = False
field = self._FindField(pos)
## dbg("key ='%s'" % chr(key))
if chr(key) == ' ':
## dbg('okSpaces?', field._okSpaces)
+ char = chr(key) # (must work if we got this far)
+ if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
+ char = char.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
+ excludes = u''
+ if type(field._excludeChars) != types.UnicodeType:
+ excludes += field._excludeChars.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
+ if type(self._ctrl_constraints) != types.UnicodeType:
+ excludes += self._ctrl_constraints._excludeChars.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
+ else:
+ excludes = field._excludeChars + self._ctrl_constraints._excludeChars
- if chr(key) in field._excludeChars + self._ctrl_constraints._excludeChars:
+ if char in excludes:
keep_processing = False
- if keep_processing and self._isCharAllowed( chr(key), pos, checkRegex = True ):
+ if keep_processing and self._isCharAllowed( char, pos, checkRegex = True ):
## dbg("key allowed by mask")
# insert key into candidate new value, but don't change control yet:
oldstr = self._GetValue()
newstr, newpos, new_select_to, match_field, match_index = self._insertKey(
- chr(key), pos, sel_start, sel_to, self._GetValue(), allowAutoSelect = True)
-## dbg("str with '%s' inserted:" % chr(key), '"%s"' % newstr)
+ char, pos, sel_start, sel_to, self._GetValue(), allowAutoSelect = True)
+## dbg("str with '%s' inserted:" % char, '"%s"' % newstr)
if self._ctrl_constraints._validRequired and not self.IsValid(newstr):
## dbg('not valid; checking to see if adjusted string is:')
keep_processing = False
if pos == year2dig and unadjusted[year2dig] != newstr[year2dig]:
newpos = pos+2
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newpos)
wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newpos)
if match_field is not None:
newfield = self._FindField(newpos)
if newfield != field and newfield._selectOnFieldEntry:
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newfield._extent[0])
+ wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newfield._extent[0])
## dbg('queuing selection: (%d, %d)' % (newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1]))
wx.CallAfter(self._SetSelection, newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1])
value = self._eraseSelection()
integer = self._fields[0]
start, end = integer._extent
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
#### dbg('adjusted pos:', pos)
if chr(key) in ('-','+','(', ')') or (chr(key) == " " and pos == self._signpos):
cursign = self._isNeg
## dbg('cursign:', cursign)
if chr(key) in ('-','(', ')'):
- self._isNeg = (not self._isNeg) ## flip value
+ if sel_start <= self._signpos:
+ self._isNeg = True
+ else:
+ self._isNeg = (not self._isNeg) ## flip value
self._isNeg = False
## dbg('isNeg?', self._isNeg)
## dbg('match found:', choice)
match = index
- else: dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ else:
+## dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ pass
if match is not None:
## dbg('matched', match)
# first space for sign, and last one if using parens.
if( self._signOk
and ((pos == self._signpos and key in (ord('-'), ord('+'), ord(' ')) )
- or self._useParens and pos == self._masklength -1)):
+ or (self._useParens and pos == self._masklength -1))):
## dbg('adjusted pos:', pos, indent=0)
return pos
field = self._FindField(pos)
## dbg('field._insertRight?', field._insertRight)
+## if self._signOk: dbg('self._signpos:', self._signpos)
if field._insertRight: # if allow right-insert
start, end = field._extent
slice = self._GetValue()[start:end].strip()
## # restore selection
## self._SetSelection(sel_start, pos)
- elif self._signOk and sel_start == 0: # if selected to beginning and signed,
+ # if selected to beginning and signed, and not changing sign explicitly:
+ elif self._signOk and sel_start == 0 and key not in (ord('-'), ord('+'), ord(' ')):
# adjust to past reserved sign position:
pos = self._fields[0]._extent[0]
+## dbg('adjusting field to ', pos)
- # restore selection
- self._SetSelection(pos, sel_to)
+ # but keep original selection, to allow replacement of any sign:
+ self._SetSelection(0, sel_to)
pass # leave position/selection alone
year_field = 2
-## dbg('getYear: "%s"' % getYear(text, self._datestyle))
- year = string.replace( getYear( text, self._datestyle),self._fields[year_field]._fillChar,"") # drop extra fillChars
- month = getMonth( text, self._datestyle)
- day = getDay( text, self._datestyle)
+## dbg('getYear: "%s"' % _getYear(text, self._datestyle))
+ year = string.replace( _getYear( text, self._datestyle),self._fields[year_field]._fillChar,"") # drop extra fillChars
+ month = _getMonth( text, self._datestyle)
+ day = _getDay( text, self._datestyle)
## dbg('self._datestyle:', self._datestyle, 'year:', year, 'Month', month, 'day:', day)
yearVal = None
else: # pad with 0's to make a 4-digit year
year = "%04d" % yearVal
if self._4digityear or force4digit_year:
- text = makeDate(year, month, day, self._datestyle, text) + text[self._dateExtent:]
+ text = _makeDate(year, month, day, self._datestyle, text) + text[self._dateExtent:]
## dbg('newdate: "%s"' % text, indent=0)
return text
maskChar = self.maskdict[pos]
okchars = self.maskchardict[maskChar] ## entry, get mask approved characters
+ # convert okchars to unicode if required; will force subsequent appendings to
+ # result in unicode strings
+ if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo and type(okchars) != types.UnicodeType:
+ okchars = okchars.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
field = self._FindField(pos)
if okchars and field._okSpaces: ## Allow spaces?
okchars += " "
# if entire field is selected or position is at end and field is not full,
- # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar:
+ # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar
+ # or the field is a singleton integer field and is currently 0 and we're at the end:
if( (sel_start, sel_to) == field._extent
- or (pos == end and input_len < field_len)):
+ or (pos == end and ((input_len < field_len)
+ or (field_len == 1
+ and input_len == field_len
+ and field._isInt
+ and value[end-1] == '0'
+ )
+ ) ) ):
pos = end - 1
## dbg('pos = end - 1 = ', pos, 'right_insert? 1')
right_insert = True
## dbg("checking appropriate regex's")
value = self._eraseSelection(self._GetValue())
if right_insert:
+ # move the position to the right side of the insertion:
at = pos+1
at = pos
if self._signOk:
text, signpos, right_signpos = self._getSignedValue()
## dbg('text: "%s", signpos:' % text, signpos)
+ if text and signpos != self._signpos:
+ self._signpos = signpos
if not text or text[signpos] not in ('-','('):
self._isNeg = False
## dbg('no valid sign found; new sign:', self._isNeg)
- if text and signpos != self._signpos:
- self._signpos = signpos
elif text and self._valid and not self._isNeg and text[signpos] in ('-', '('):
## dbg('setting _isNeg to True')
self._isNeg = True
fstr = text[start:end]
erasable_chars = [field._fillChar, ' ']
- if field._padZero:
+ # if zero padding field, or a single digit, and currently a value of 0, allow erasure of 0:
+ if field._padZero or (field._isInt and (end - start == 1) and fstr[0] == '0'):
erased = ''
#### dbg("fstr[0]:'%s'" % fstr[0])
#### dbg('field_index:', field._index)
#### dbg("fstr[0] in erasable_chars?", fstr[0] in erasable_chars)
-#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?",
-## self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
+#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?", self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
if fstr[0] in erasable_chars or (self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')):
erased = fstr[0]
#### dbg('value: "%s"' % text)
old_right_signpos = text.find(')')
if field._allowInsert and not field._insertRight and sel_to <= end and sel_start >= start:
- # inserting within a left-insert-capable field
+## dbg('inserting within a left-insert-capable field')
field_len = end - start
before = text[start:sel_start]
after = text[sel_to:end].strip()
left = text[0:pos]
right = text[pos+1:]
+ if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo and type(char) != types.UnicodeType:
+ # convert the keyboard constant to a unicode value, to
+ # ensure it can be concatenated into the control value:
+ char = char.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
newtext = left + char + right
+#### dbg('left: "%s"' % left)
+#### dbg('right: "%s"' % right)
+#### dbg('newtext: "%s"' % newtext)
if self._signOk and self._useParens:
# Balance parentheses:
fstr.replace(field._fillChar, ' ')
datestr = datestr[:start] + fstr + datestr[end:]
- year, month, day = getDateParts( datestr, self._datestyle)
+ year, month, day = _getDateParts( datestr, self._datestyle)
year = int(year)
## dbg('self._dateExtent:', self._dateExtent)
if self._dateExtent == 11:
if not valid:
## dbg('cannot convert string to valid time')
- if valid: dbg('valid date')
+## if valid: dbg('valid date')
## dbg(indent=0)
return valid
if not valid:
## dbg('cannot convert string to valid time')
- if valid: dbg('valid time')
+## if valid: dbg('valid time')
## dbg(indent=0)
return valid
""" Handler for EVT_KILL_FOCUS event.
## dbg('MaskedEditMixin::_OnKillFocus', 'isDate=',self._isDate, indent=1)
+ if self.IsBeingDeleted() or self.GetParent().IsBeingDeleted():
+ return
if self._mask and self._IsEditable():
self._CheckValid() ## Call valid handler
field = self._FindField(self._GetInsertionPoint())
edit_start, edit_end = field._extent
if field._selectOnFieldEntry:
+ if self._isFloat or self._isInt and field == self._fields[0]:
+ edit_start = 0
self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
if integer._selectOnFieldEntry:
## dbg('select on field entry:')
- self._SetInsertionPoint(edit_start)
- self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
+ self._SetInsertionPoint(0)
+ self._SetSelection(0, edit_end)
elif integer._insertRight:
## dbg('moving insertion point to end')
item = 'selection'
## dbg('maxlength:', maxlength)
+ if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo and type(paste_text) != types.UnicodeType:
+ paste_text = paste_text.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
length_considered = len(paste_text)
if length_considered > maxlength:
## dbg('paste text will not fit into the %s:' % item, indent=0)
paste_text = value
if paste_text is not None:
+ if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo and type(paste_text) != types.UnicodeType:
+ paste_text = paste_text.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
## dbg('paste text: "%s"' % paste_text)
# (conversion will raise ValueError if paste isn't legal)
sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
and sel_to >= edit_end
and not self._GetValue()[edit_start:sel_start].strip() ):
# text won't fit within selection, but left of selection is empty;
- # check to see if we can expand selection to accomodate the value:
+ # check to see if we can expand selection to accommodate the value:
empty_space = sel_start - edit_start
amount_needed = len(paste_text) - (sel_to - sel_start)
if amount_needed <= empty_space:
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-# ## TRICKY BIT: to avoid a ton of boiler-plate, and to
-# ## automate the getter/setter generation for each valid
-# ## control parameter so we never forget to add the
-# ## functions when adding parameters, this loop
-# ## programmatically adds them to the class:
-# ## (This makes it easier for Designers like Boa to
-# ## deal with masked controls.)
-# ## To further complicate matters, this is done with an
-# ## extra level of inheritance, so that "general" classes like
-# ## MaskedTextCtrl can have all possible attributes,
-# ## while derived classes, like TimeCtrl and MaskedNumCtrl
-# ## can prevent exposure of those optional attributes of their base
-# ## class that do not make sense for their derivation. Therefore,
-# ## we define
-# ## BaseMaskedTextCtrl(TextCtrl, MaskedEditMixin)
-# ## and
-# ## MaskedTextCtrl(BaseMaskedTextCtrl, MaskedEditAccessorsMixin).
-# ##
-# ## This allows us to then derive:
-# ## MaskedNumCtrl( BaseMaskedTextCtrl )
-# ##
-# ## and not have to expose all the same accessor functions for the
-# ## derived control when they don't all make sense for it.
-# ##
class MaskedEditAccessorsMixin:
+ """
+ To avoid a ton of boiler-plate, and to automate the getter/setter generation
+ for each valid control parameter so we never forget to add the functions when
+ adding parameters, this class programmatically adds the masked edit mixin
+ parameters to itself.
+ (This makes it easier for Designers like Boa to deal with masked controls.)
+ To further complicate matters, this is done with an extra level of inheritance,
+ so that "general" classes like masked.TextCtrl can have all possible attributes,
+ while derived classes, like masked.TimeCtrl and masked.NumCtrl can prevent
+ exposure of those optional attributes of their base class that do not make
+ sense for their derivation.
+ Therefore, we define:
+ BaseMaskedTextCtrl(TextCtrl, MaskedEditMixin)
+ and
+ masked.TextCtrl(BaseMaskedTextCtrl, MaskedEditAccessorsMixin).
+ This allows us to then derive:
+ masked.NumCtrl( BaseMaskedTextCtrl )
+ and not have to expose all the same accessor functions for the
+ derived control when they don't all make sense for it.
+ """
# Define the default set of attributes exposed by the most generic masked controls:
exposed_basectrl_params = MaskedEditMixin.valid_ctrl_params.keys() + Field.valid_params.keys()
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
## these are helper subroutines:
-def movetofloat( origvalue, fmtstring, neg, addseparators=False, sepchar = ',',fillchar=' '):
+def _movetofloat( origvalue, fmtstring, neg, addseparators=False, sepchar = ',',fillchar=' '):
""" addseparators = add separator character every three numerals if True
fmt0 = fmtstring.split('.')
return (ret,len(fmt1))
-def isDateType( fmtstring ):
+def _isDateType( fmtstring ):
""" Checks the mask and returns True if it fits an allowed
date or datetime format.
if re.match(filter,fmtstring): return True
return False
-def isTimeType( fmtstring ):
+def _isTimeType( fmtstring ):
""" Checks the mask and returns True if it fits an allowed
time format.
return False
-def isFloatingPoint( fmtstring):
+def _isFloatingPoint( fmtstring):
filter = re.compile("[ ]?[#]+\.[#]+\n")
if re.match(filter,fmtstring+"\n"): return True
return False
-def isInteger( fmtstring ):
+def _isInteger( fmtstring ):
filter = re.compile("[#]+\n")
if re.match(filter,fmtstring+"\n"): return True
return False
-def getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt ):
+def _getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt ):
if len(dateStr) > 11: clip = dateStr[0:11]
else: clip = dateStr
if clip[-2] not in string.digits:
return y,m,d
-def getDateSepChar(dateStr):
+def _getDateSepChar(dateStr):
clip = dateStr[0:10]
dateSep = (('/' in clip) * '/') + (('-' in clip) * '-') + (('.' in clip) * '.')
return dateSep
-def makeDate( year, month, day, dateFmt, dateStr):
- sep = getDateSepChar( dateStr)
+def _makeDate( year, month, day, dateFmt, dateStr):
+ sep = _getDateSepChar( dateStr)
if dateFmt == "MDY":
return "%s%s%s%s%s" % (month,sep,day,sep,year) ## year, month, date parts
elif dateFmt == "DMY":
return none
-def getYear(dateStr,dateFmt):
- parts = getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
+def _getYear(dateStr,dateFmt):
+ parts = _getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
return parts[0]
-def getMonth(dateStr,dateFmt):
- parts = getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
+def _getMonth(dateStr,dateFmt):
+ parts = _getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
return parts[1]
-def getDay(dateStr,dateFmt):
- parts = getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
+def _getDay(dateStr,dateFmt):
+ parts = _getDateParts( dateStr, dateFmt)
return parts[2]
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-class test(wx.PySimpleApp):
+class __test(wx.PySimpleApp):
def OnInit(self):
from wx.lib.rcsizer import RowColSizer
self.frame = wx.Frame( None, -1, "MaskedEditMixin 0.0.7 Demo Page #1", size = (700,600))
def onClickPage(self, event):
- self.page2 = test2(self.frame,-1,"")
+ self.page2 = __test2(self.frame,-1,"")
def _onCheck1(self,event):
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-class test2(wx.Frame):
+class __test2(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, caption):
wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, id, "MaskedEdit control 0.0.7 Demo Page #2 -- AutoFormats", size = (550,600))
from wx.lib.rcsizer import RowColSizer
## ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = test(False)
+ app = __test(False)
## Current Issues:
## ===================================
## ====================
+## Version 1.9
+## 1. Now ignores kill focus events when being destroyed.
+## 2. Added missing call to set insertion point on changing fields.
+## 3. Modified SetKeyHandler() to accept None as means of removing one.
+## 4. Fixed keyhandler processing for group and decimal character changes.
+## 5. Fixed a problem that prevented input into the integer digit of a
+## integerwidth=1 numctrl, if the current value was 0.
+## 6. Fixed logic involving processing of "_signOk" flag, to remove default
+## sign key handlers if false, so that SetAllowNegative(False) in the
+## NumCtrl works properly.
+## 7. Fixed selection logic for numeric controls so that if selectOnFieldEntry
+## is true, and the integer portion of an integer format control is selected
+## and the sign position is selected, the sign keys will always result in a
+## negative value, rather than toggling the previous sign.
+## Version 1.8
+## 1. Fixed bug involving incorrect variable name, causing combobox autocomplete to fail.
+## 2. Added proper support for unicode version of wxPython
+## 3. Added * as mask char meaning "all ansi chars" (ordinals 32-255).
+## 4. Converted doc strings to use reST format, for ePyDoc documentation.
+## 5. Renamed helper functions, classes, etc. not intended to be visible in public
+## interface to code.
## Version 1.7
## 1. Fixed intra-right-insert-field erase, such that it doesn't leave a hole, but instead
## shifts the text to the left accordingly.