if "%1" == "-help" goto usage
if "%1" == "--help" goto usage
if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
+if "%1" == "wiseonly" goto dounzip
if "%1" == "wise" set wise=1
echo About to archive an external wxWindows distribution:
echo From %src
echo CTRL-C if this is not correct.
-rem goto dounzip
erase %dest\wx*.zip
erase %dest\glcanvas.zip
erase %dest\ogl3.zip
copy %src\docs\motif\install.txt %dest\install_motif.txt
copy %src\docs\gtk\install.txt %dest\install_gtk.txt
copy %src\docs\readme.txt %dest
+copy %src\docs\release.txt %dest
copy %src\docs\motif\makewxmotif %dest
copy %src\docs\gtk\makewxgtk %dest
+Rem Skip WISE setup if wise is 0.
+if "%wise" == "0" goto end
cd %dest
-Rem Skip WISE setup if wise is 0.
-if "%wise" == "0" goto end
rem Unzip the Windows files into 'wx'
mkdir %dest\wx
cd %dest
+Rem tidy up capitalisation of filenames
+ren setup.EXE s
+ren s setup.exe
+ren setup.w02 s
+ren s setup.w02
+ren setup.w03 s
+ren s setup.w03
+ren setup.w04 s
+ren s setup.w04
+ren setup.w05 s
+ren s setup.w05
+ren setup.w06 s
+ren s setup.w06
echo wxWindows archived.
goto end
echo DOS wxWindows distribution. Zips up all GTK/Motif/MSW/doc files,
echo and optionally makes a deliver\wx directory and a setup.exe
-echo if you specify 'wise'.
+echo if you specify 'wise' (skipping the zipping if you use 'wiseonly').
-echo Usage: zipdist [wise]
+echo Usage: zipdist [wise | wiseonly]