+ // the position where we start looking for the match
+ //
+ // NB: initial version had a nasty bug because it used a wxChar* instead of
+ // an index but the problem is that replace() in the loop invalidates
+ // all pointers into the string so we have to use indices instead
+ size_t matchStart = 0;
+ // number of replacement made: we won't make more than maxMatches of them
+ // (unless maxMatches is 0 which doesn't limit the number of replacements)
+ size_t countRepl = 0;
+ // note that "^" shouldn't match after the first call to Matches() so we
+ // use wxRE_NOTBOL to prevent it from happening
+ while ( (!maxMatches || countRepl < maxMatches) &&
+ Matches(text->c_str() + matchStart, countRepl ? wxRE_NOTBOL : 0) )
+ {
+ // the string possibly contains back references: we need to calculate
+ // the replacement text anew after each match
+ if ( mayHaveBackrefs )
+ {
+ mayHaveBackrefs = false;
+ textNew.clear();
+ textNew.reserve(replacement.length());
+ for ( const wxChar *p = replacement.c_str(); *p; p++ )
+ {
+ size_t index = (size_t)-1;
+ if ( *p == _T('\\') )
+ {
+ if ( wxIsdigit(*++p) )
+ {
+ // back reference
+ wxChar *end;
+ index = (size_t)wxStrtoul(p, &end, 10);
+ p = end - 1; // -1 to compensate for p++ in the loop
+ }
+ //else: backslash used as escape character
+ }
+ else if ( *p == _T('&') )
+ {
+ // treat this as "\0" for compatbility with ed and such
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ // do we have a back reference?
+ if ( index != (size_t)-1 )
+ {
+ // yes, get its text
+ size_t start, len;
+ if ( !GetMatch(&start, &len, index) )
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("invalid back reference") );
+ // just eat it...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ textNew += wxString(text->c_str() + matchStart + start,
+ len);
+ mayHaveBackrefs = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else // ordinary character
+ {
+ textNew += *p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t start, len;
+ if ( !GetMatch(&start, &len) )
+ {
+ // we did have match as Matches() returned true above!
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("internal logic error in wxRegEx::Replace") );
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ matchStart += start;
+ text->replace(matchStart, len, textNew);
+ countRepl++;
+ matchStart += textNew.length();
+ }
+ return countRepl;