+class PrefsDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ pre = wx.PreDialog()
+ g.frame.res.LoadOnDialog(pre, parent, "DIALOG_PREFS")
+ self.PostCreate(pre)
+ self.checkControls = {} # map of check IDs to (control,dict,param)
+ ##xxx = sys.modules['xxx']
+ import xxx
+ d = xxx.xxxSizerItem.defaults_panel
+ self.check_proportion_panel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'check_proportion_panel')
+ id = self.check_proportion_panel.GetId()
+ wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, id, self.OnCheck)
+ self.checkControls[id] = (xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'spin_proportion_panel'),
+ d, 'option')
+ self.check_flag_panel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'check_flag_panel')
+ id = self.check_flag_panel.GetId()
+ wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, id, self.OnCheck)
+ self.checkControls[id] = (xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'text_flag_panel'),
+ d, 'flag')
+ d = xxx.xxxSizerItem.defaults_control
+ self.check_proportion_panel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'check_proportion_control')
+ id = self.check_proportion_panel.GetId()
+ wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, id, self.OnCheck)
+ self.checkControls[id] = (xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'spin_proportion_control'),
+ d, 'option')
+ self.check_flag_panel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'check_flag_control')
+ id = self.check_flag_panel.GetId()
+ wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, id, self.OnCheck)
+ self.checkControls[id] = (xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'text_flag_control'),
+ d, 'flag')
+ for id,cdp in self.checkControls.items():
+ c,d,p = cdp
+ try:
+ if isinstance(c, wx.SpinCtrl):
+ c.SetValue(int(d[p]))
+ else:
+ c.SetValue(d[p])
+ self.FindWindowById(id).SetValue(True)
+ except KeyError:
+ c.Enable(False)
+ self.radio_allow_exec = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, 'radio_allow_exec')
+ try:
+ radio = {'ask': 0, 'yes':1, 'no':2}[g.conf.allowExec]
+ except KeyError:
+ radio = 0
+ self.radio_allow_exec.SetSelection(radio)
+ def OnCheck(self, evt):
+ self.checkControls[evt.GetId()][0].Enable(evt.IsChecked())
+ evt.Skip()
+# Parse string in form var1=val1[,var2=val2]* as dictionary
+def ReadDictFromString(s):
+ d = {}
+ for vv in s.split(','):
+ var,val = vv.split(':')
+ d[var.strip()] = val
+ return d
+# Transform dictionary with strings into one string
+def DictToString(d):
+ return ','.join(map(':'.join, d.items()))