wxWindowVariant GetWindowVariant() const { return m_windowVariant; }
- // window id uniquely identifies the window among its siblings unless
- // it is wxID_ANY which means "don't care"
- void SetId( wxWindowID winid ) { m_windowId = winid; }
- wxWindowID GetId() const { return m_windowId; }
// get or change the layout direction (LTR or RTL) for this window,
// wxLayout_Default is returned if layout direction is not supported
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection() const
wxCoord width,
wxCoord widthTotal) const;
- // generate a control id for the controls which were not given one by
- // user
- static int NewControlId() { return --ms_lastControlId; }
- // get the id of the control following the one with the given
- // (autogenerated) id
- static int NextControlId(int winid) { return winid - 1; }
- // get the id of the control preceding the one with the given
- // (autogenerated) id
- static int PrevControlId(int winid) { return winid + 1; }
+ // window id uniquely identifies the window among its siblings unless
+ // it is wxID_ANY which means "don't care"
+ void SetId( wxWindowID winid ) { m_windowId = winid; }
+ wxWindowID GetId() const { return m_windowId; }
+ // returns true if this id value belong to the range reserved for the
+ // auto-generated (by NewControlId()) ids (they're always negative)
+ static bool IsAutoGeneratedId(wxWindowID id);
+ // generate a unique id (or count of them consecutively), returns a
+ // valid id in IsAutoGeneratedId() range or wxID_NONE if failed
+ static wxWindowID NewControlId(int count = 1);
+ // mark an id previously returned by NewControlId() as being unused any
+ // more so that it can be reused again for another control later
+ static void ReleaseControlId(wxWindowID id);
// moving/resizing
// ---------------
const wxSize& incSize=wxDefaultSize)
{ DoSetSizeHints(minSize.x, minSize.y, maxSize.x, maxSize.y, incSize.x, incSize.y); }
- virtual void DoSetSizeHints( int minW, int minH,
- int maxW, int maxH,
- int incW, int incH );
// Methods for setting virtual size hints
// FIXME: What are virtual size hints?
// move this window just before/after the specified one in tab order
// (the other window must be our sibling!)
void MoveBeforeInTabOrder(wxWindow *win)
- { DoMoveInTabOrder(win, MoveBefore); }
+ { DoMoveInTabOrder(win, OrderBefore); }
void MoveAfterInTabOrder(wxWindow *win)
- { DoMoveInTabOrder(win, MoveAfter); }
+ { DoMoveInTabOrder(win, OrderAfter); }
// parent/children relations
// needed just for extended runtime
const wxWindowList& GetWindowChildren() const { return GetChildren() ; }
+ // get the window before/after this one in the parents children list,
+ // returns NULL if this is the first/last window
+ wxWindow *GetPrevSibling() const { return DoGetSibling(OrderBefore); }
+ wxWindow *GetNextSibling() const { return DoGetSibling(OrderAfter); }
// get the parent or the parent of the parent
wxWindow *GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
inline wxWindow *GetGrandParent() const;
bool PageUp() { return ScrollPages(-1); }
bool PageDown() { return ScrollPages(1); }
+ // call this to always show one or both scrollbars, even if the window
+ // is big enough to not require them
+ virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars(bool WXUNUSED(horz) = true,
+ bool WXUNUSED(vert) = true)
+ {
+ }
+ // return true if AlwaysShowScrollbars() had been called before for the
+ // corresponding orientation
+ virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown(int WXUNUSED(orient)) const
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
// context-sensitive help
// ----------------------
// area (normal windows can't, but e.g. menubar or statusbar can):
virtual bool CanBeOutsideClientArea() const { return false; }
- // returns true if the platform should explicitly apply a theme border
+ // returns true if the platform should explicitly apply a theme border. Currently
+ // used only by Windows
virtual bool CanApplyThemeBorder() const { return true; }
virtual bool TryValidator(wxEvent& event);
virtual bool TryParent(wxEvent& event);
- // common part of MoveBefore/AfterInTabOrder()
- enum MoveKind
+ enum WindowOrder
- MoveBefore, // insert before the given window
- MoveAfter // insert after the given window
+ OrderBefore, // insert before the given window
+ OrderAfter // insert after the given window
- virtual void DoMoveInTabOrder(wxWindow *win, MoveKind move);
+ // common part of GetPrev/NextSibling()
+ wxWindow *DoGetSibling(WindowOrder order) const;
+ // common part of MoveBefore/AfterInTabOrder()
+ virtual void DoMoveInTabOrder(wxWindow *win, WindowOrder move);
// implementation of Navigate() and NavigateIn()
virtual bool DoNavigateIn(int flags);
// satisfy the constraints for the windows but don't set the window sizes
void SatisfyConstraints();
// Layout() window automatically when its size changes?
bool m_autoLayout:1;
+ // true if we had automatically allocated the id value for this window
+ // (i.e. wxID_ANY had been passed to the ctor)
+ bool m_freeId:1;
// window state
bool m_isShown:1;
bool m_isEnabled:1;
// this allows you to implement standard control borders without
// repeating the code in different classes that are not derived from
// wxControl
- virtual wxBorder GetDefaultBorderForControl() const { return wxBORDER_SUNKEN; }
+ virtual wxBorder GetDefaultBorderForControl() const { return wxBORDER_THEME; }
// Get the default size for the new window if no explicit size given. TLWs
// have their own default size so this is just for non top-level windows.
// same as DoSetSize() for the client size
virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height) = 0;
+ virtual void DoSetSizeHints( int minW, int minH,
+ int maxW, int maxH,
+ int incW, int incH );
// move the window to the specified location and resize it: this is called
// from both DoSetSize() and DoSetClientSize() and would usually just
// reposition this window except for composite controls which will want to
int DoGetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser(wxMenu& menu, int x, int y);
#endif // wxUSE_MENUS
- // contains the last id generated by NewControlId
- static int ms_lastControlId;
// the stack of windows which have captured the mouse
static struct WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxWindowNext *ms_winCaptureNext;
// the window that currently has mouse capture