virtual void OnDrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
- /**
- The derived class must implement this function to actually draw the
- item with the given index on the provided DC.
- @param dc
- The device context to use for drawing.
- @param rect
- The bounding rectangle for the item being drawn (DC clipping
- region is set to this rectangle before calling this function).
- @param n
- The index of the item to be drawn.
- @todo Change this function signature to non-const.
- */
- virtual void OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
This method may be used to draw separators between the lines. The
rectangle passed to it may be modified, typically to deflate it a bit
virtual void OnDrawSeparator(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
- /**
- The derived class must implement this method to return the height of
- the specified item (in pixels).
- */
- virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem(size_t n) const;
Selects or deselects the specified item which must be valid (i.e. not
equal to @c wxNOT_FOUND).
@see Select()
void Toggle(size_t item);
+ /**
+ The derived class must implement this function to actually draw the
+ item with the given index on the provided DC.
+ @param dc
+ The device context to use for drawing.
+ @param rect
+ The bounding rectangle for the item being drawn (DC clipping
+ region is set to this rectangle before calling this function).
+ @param n
+ The index of the item to be drawn.
+ @todo Change this function signature to non-const.
+ */
+ virtual void OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const = 0;
+ /**
+ The derived class must implement this method to return the height of
+ the specified item (in pixels).
+ */
+ virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem(size_t n) const = 0;