[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / wx / lib / plot.py
1 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Name: wx.lib.plot.py
3 # Purpose: Line, Bar and Scatter Graphs
4 #
5 # Author: Gordon Williams
6 #
7 # Created: 2003/11/03
8 # RCS-ID: $Id$
9 # Copyright: (c) 2002
10 # Licence: Use as you wish.
11 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 # 12/15/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
13 #
14 # o 2.5 compatability update.
15 # o Renamed to plot.py in the wx.lib directory.
16 # o Reworked test frame to work with wx demo framework. This saves a bit
17 # of tedious cut and paste, and the test app is excellent.
18 #
19 # 12/18/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
20 #
21 # o wxScrolledMessageDialog -> ScrolledMessageDialog
22 #
23 # Oct 6, 2004 Gordon Williams (g_will@cyberus.ca)
24 # - Added bar graph demo
25 # - Modified line end shape from round to square.
26 # - Removed FloatDCWrapper for conversion to ints and ints in arguments
27 #
28 # Oct 15, 2004 Gordon Williams (g_will@cyberus.ca)
29 # - Imported modules given leading underscore to name.
30 # - Added Cursor Line Tracking and User Point Labels.
31 # - Demo for Cursor Line Tracking and Point Labels.
32 # - Size of plot preview frame adjusted to show page better.
33 # - Added helper functions PositionUserToScreen and PositionScreenToUser in PlotCanvas.
34 # - Added functions GetClosestPoints (all curves) and GetClosestPoint (only closest curve)
35 # can be in either user coords or screen coords.
36 #
37 #
39 """
40 This is a simple light weight plotting module that can be used with
41 Boa or easily integrated into your own wxPython application. The
42 emphasis is on small size and fast plotting for large data sets. It
43 has a reasonable number of features to do line and scatter graphs
44 easily as well as simple bar graphs. It is not as sophisticated or
45 as powerful as SciPy Plt or Chaco. Both of these are great packages
46 but consume huge amounts of computer resources for simple plots.
47 They can be found at http://scipy.com
49 This file contains two parts; first the re-usable library stuff, then,
50 after a "if __name__=='__main__'" test, a simple frame and a few default
51 plots for examples and testing.
53 Based on wxPlotCanvas
54 Written by K.Hinsen, R. Srinivasan;
55 Ported to wxPython Harm van der Heijden, feb 1999
57 Major Additions Gordon Williams Feb. 2003 (g_will@cyberus.ca)
58 -More style options
59 -Zooming using mouse "rubber band"
60 -Scroll left, right
61 -Grid(graticule)
62 -Printing, preview, and page set up (margins)
63 -Axis and title labels
64 -Cursor xy axis values
65 -Doc strings and lots of comments
66 -Optimizations for large number of points
67 -Legends
69 Did a lot of work here to speed markers up. Only a factor of 4
70 improvement though. Lines are much faster than markers, especially
71 filled markers. Stay away from circles and triangles unless you
72 only have a few thousand points.
74 Times for 25,000 points
75 Line - 0.078 sec
76 Markers
77 Square - 0.22 sec
78 dot - 0.10
79 circle - 0.87
80 cross,plus - 0.28
81 triangle, triangle_down - 0.90
83 Thanks to Chris Barker for getting this version working on Linux.
85 Zooming controls with mouse (when enabled):
86 Left mouse drag - Zoom box.
87 Left mouse double click - reset zoom.
88 Right mouse click - zoom out centred on click location.
89 """
91 import string as _string
92 import time as _time
93 import wx
95 # Needs Numeric or numarray
96 try:
97 import Numeric as _Numeric
98 except:
99 try:
100 import numarray as _Numeric #if numarray is used it is renamed Numeric
101 except:
102 msg= """
103 This module requires the Numeric or numarray module,
104 which could not be imported. It probably is not installed
105 (it's not part of the standard Python distribution). See the
106 Python site (http://www.python.org) for information on
107 downloading source or binaries."""
108 raise ImportError, "Numeric or numarray not found. \n" + msg
112 #
113 # Plotting classes...
114 #
115 class PolyPoints:
116 """Base Class for lines and markers
117 - All methods are private.
118 """
120 def __init__(self, points, attr):
121 self.points = _Numeric.array(points)
122 self.currentScale= (1,1)
123 self.currentShift= (0,0)
124 self.scaled = self.points
125 self.attributes = {}
126 self.attributes.update(self._attributes)
127 for name, value in attr.items():
128 if name not in self._attributes.keys():
129 raise KeyError, "Style attribute incorrect. Should be one of %s" % self._attributes.keys()
130 self.attributes[name] = value
132 def boundingBox(self):
133 if len(self.points) == 0:
134 # no curves to draw
135 # defaults to (-1,-1) and (1,1) but axis can be set in Draw
136 minXY= _Numeric.array([-1,-1])
137 maxXY= _Numeric.array([ 1, 1])
138 else:
139 minXY= _Numeric.minimum.reduce(self.points)
140 maxXY= _Numeric.maximum.reduce(self.points)
141 return minXY, maxXY
143 def scaleAndShift(self, scale=(1,1), shift=(0,0)):
144 if len(self.points) == 0:
145 # no curves to draw
146 return
147 if (scale is not self.currentScale) or (shift is not self.currentShift):
148 # update point scaling
149 self.scaled = scale*self.points+shift
150 self.currentScale= scale
151 self.currentShift= shift
152 # else unchanged use the current scaling
154 def getLegend(self):
155 return self.attributes['legend']
157 def getClosestPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
158 """Returns the index of closest point on the curve, pointXY, scaledXY, distance
159 x, y in user coords
160 if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
161 if pointScaled == False based on user coords
162 """
163 if pointScaled == True:
164 #Using screen coords
165 p = self.scaled
166 pxy = self.currentScale * _Numeric.array(pntXY)+ self.currentShift
167 else:
168 #Using user coords
169 p = self.points
170 pxy = _Numeric.array(pntXY)
171 #determine distance for each point
172 d= _Numeric.sqrt(_Numeric.add.reduce((p-pxy)**2,1)) #sqrt(dx^2+dy^2)
173 pntIndex = _Numeric.argmin(d)
174 dist = d[pntIndex]
175 return [pntIndex, self.points[pntIndex], self.scaled[pntIndex], dist]
178 class PolyLine(PolyPoints):
179 """Class to define line type and style
180 - All methods except __init__ are private.
181 """
183 _attributes = {'colour': 'black',
184 'width': 1,
185 'style': wx.SOLID,
186 'legend': ''}
188 def __init__(self, points, **attr):
189 """Creates PolyLine object
190 points - sequence (array, tuple or list) of (x,y) points making up line
191 **attr - key word attributes
192 Defaults:
193 'colour'= 'black', - wx.Pen Colour any wx.NamedColour
194 'width'= 1, - Pen width
195 'style'= wx.SOLID, - wx.Pen style
196 'legend'= '' - Line Legend to display
197 """
198 PolyPoints.__init__(self, points, attr)
200 def draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord= None):
201 colour = self.attributes['colour']
202 width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale
203 style= self.attributes['style']
204 pen = wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour(colour), width, style)
205 pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT)
206 dc.SetPen(pen)
207 if coord == None:
208 dc.DrawLines(self.scaled)
209 else:
210 dc.DrawLines(coord) # draw legend line
212 def getSymExtent(self, printerScale):
213 """Width and Height of Marker"""
214 h= self.attributes['width'] * printerScale
215 w= 5 * h
216 return (w,h)
219 class PolyMarker(PolyPoints):
220 """Class to define marker type and style
221 - All methods except __init__ are private.
222 """
224 _attributes = {'colour': 'black',
225 'width': 1,
226 'size': 2,
227 'fillcolour': None,
228 'fillstyle': wx.SOLID,
229 'marker': 'circle',
230 'legend': ''}
232 def __init__(self, points, **attr):
233 """Creates PolyMarker object
234 points - sequence (array, tuple or list) of (x,y) points
235 **attr - key word attributes
236 Defaults:
237 'colour'= 'black', - wx.Pen Colour any wx.NamedColour
238 'width'= 1, - Pen width
239 'size'= 2, - Marker size
240 'fillcolour'= same as colour, - wx.Brush Colour any wx.NamedColour
241 'fillstyle'= wx.SOLID, - wx.Brush fill style (use wx.TRANSPARENT for no fill)
242 'marker'= 'circle' - Marker shape
243 'legend'= '' - Marker Legend to display
245 Marker Shapes:
246 - 'circle'
247 - 'dot'
248 - 'square'
249 - 'triangle'
250 - 'triangle_down'
251 - 'cross'
252 - 'plus'
253 """
255 PolyPoints.__init__(self, points, attr)
257 def draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord= None):
258 colour = self.attributes['colour']
259 width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale
260 size = self.attributes['size'] * printerScale
261 fillcolour = self.attributes['fillcolour']
262 fillstyle = self.attributes['fillstyle']
263 marker = self.attributes['marker']
265 dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour(colour), width))
266 if fillcolour:
267 dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.NamedColour(fillcolour),fillstyle))
268 else:
269 dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.NamedColour(colour), fillstyle))
270 if coord == None:
271 self._drawmarkers(dc, self.scaled, marker, size)
272 else:
273 self._drawmarkers(dc, coord, marker, size) # draw legend marker
275 def getSymExtent(self, printerScale):
276 """Width and Height of Marker"""
277 s= 5*self.attributes['size'] * printerScale
278 return (s,s)
280 def _drawmarkers(self, dc, coords, marker,size=1):
281 f = eval('self._' +marker)
282 f(dc, coords, size)
284 def _circle(self, dc, coords, size=1):
285 fact= 2.5*size
286 wh= 5.0*size
287 rect= _Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),_Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
288 rect[:,0:2]= coords-[fact,fact]
289 dc.DrawEllipseList(rect.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
291 def _dot(self, dc, coords, size=1):
292 dc.DrawPointList(coords)
294 def _square(self, dc, coords, size=1):
295 fact= 2.5*size
296 wh= 5.0*size
297 rect= _Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),_Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
298 rect[:,0:2]= coords-[fact,fact]
299 dc.DrawRectangleList(rect.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
301 def _triangle(self, dc, coords, size=1):
302 shape= [(-2.5*size,1.44*size), (2.5*size,1.44*size), (0.0,-2.88*size)]
303 poly= _Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
304 poly.shape= (len(coords),3,2)
305 poly += shape
306 dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
308 def _triangle_down(self, dc, coords, size=1):
309 shape= [(-2.5*size,-1.44*size), (2.5*size,-1.44*size), (0.0,2.88*size)]
310 poly= _Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
311 poly.shape= (len(coords),3,2)
312 poly += shape
313 dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
315 def _cross(self, dc, coords, size=1):
316 fact= 2.5*size
317 for f in [[-fact,-fact,fact,fact],[-fact,fact,fact,-fact]]:
318 lines= _Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
319 dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
321 def _plus(self, dc, coords, size=1):
322 fact= 2.5*size
323 for f in [[-fact,0,fact,0],[0,-fact,0,fact]]:
324 lines= _Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
325 dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
327 class PlotGraphics:
328 """Container to hold PolyXXX objects and graph labels
329 - All methods except __init__ are private.
330 """
332 def __init__(self, objects, title='', xLabel='', yLabel= ''):
333 """Creates PlotGraphics object
334 objects - list of PolyXXX objects to make graph
335 title - title shown at top of graph
336 xLabel - label shown on x-axis
337 yLabel - label shown on y-axis
338 """
339 if type(objects) not in [list,tuple]:
340 raise TypeError, "objects argument should be list or tuple"
341 self.objects = objects
342 self.title= title
343 self.xLabel= xLabel
344 self.yLabel= yLabel
346 def boundingBox(self):
347 p1, p2 = self.objects[0].boundingBox()
348 for o in self.objects[1:]:
349 p1o, p2o = o.boundingBox()
350 p1 = _Numeric.minimum(p1, p1o)
351 p2 = _Numeric.maximum(p2, p2o)
352 return p1, p2
354 def scaleAndShift(self, scale=(1,1), shift=(0,0)):
355 for o in self.objects:
356 o.scaleAndShift(scale, shift)
358 def setPrinterScale(self, scale):
359 """Thickens up lines and markers only for printing"""
360 self.printerScale= scale
362 def setXLabel(self, xLabel= ''):
363 """Set the X axis label on the graph"""
364 self.xLabel= xLabel
366 def setYLabel(self, yLabel= ''):
367 """Set the Y axis label on the graph"""
368 self.yLabel= yLabel
370 def setTitle(self, title= ''):
371 """Set the title at the top of graph"""
372 self.title= title
374 def getXLabel(self):
375 """Get x axis label string"""
376 return self.xLabel
378 def getYLabel(self):
379 """Get y axis label string"""
380 return self.yLabel
382 def getTitle(self, title= ''):
383 """Get the title at the top of graph"""
384 return self.title
386 def draw(self, dc):
387 for o in self.objects:
388 #t=_time.clock() # profile info
389 o.draw(dc, self.printerScale)
390 #dt= _time.clock()-t
391 #print o, "time=", dt
393 def getSymExtent(self, printerScale):
394 """Get max width and height of lines and markers symbols for legend"""
395 symExt = self.objects[0].getSymExtent(printerScale)
396 for o in self.objects[1:]:
397 oSymExt = o.getSymExtent(printerScale)
398 symExt = _Numeric.maximum(symExt, oSymExt)
399 return symExt
401 def getLegendNames(self):
402 """Returns list of legend names"""
403 lst = [None]*len(self)
404 for i in range(len(self)):
405 lst[i]= self.objects[i].getLegend()
406 return lst
408 def __len__(self):
409 return len(self.objects)
411 def __getitem__(self, item):
412 return self.objects[item]
415 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 # Main window that you will want to import into your application.
418 class PlotCanvas(wx.Window):
419 """Subclass of a wx.Window to allow simple general plotting
420 of data with zoom, labels, and automatic axis scaling."""
422 def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
423 size=wx.DefaultSize, style= wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name= ""):
424 """Constucts a window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or
425 any other non-control window"""
427 wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
428 self.border = (1,1)
430 self.SetBackgroundColour("white")
432 # Create some mouse events for zooming
433 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
434 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseLeftUp)
435 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
436 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnMouseDoubleClick)
437 self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnMouseRightDown)
439 # set curser as cross-hairs
440 self.SetCursor(wx.CROSS_CURSOR)
442 # Things for printing
443 self.print_data = wx.PrintData()
444 self.print_data.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
445 self.print_data.SetOrientation(wx.LANDSCAPE)
446 self.pageSetupData= wx.PageSetupDialogData()
447 self.pageSetupData.SetMarginBottomRight((25,25))
448 self.pageSetupData.SetMarginTopLeft((25,25))
449 self.pageSetupData.SetPrintData(self.print_data)
450 self.printerScale = 1
451 self.parent= parent
453 # Zooming variables
454 self._zoomInFactor = 0.5
455 self._zoomOutFactor = 2
456 self._zoomCorner1= _Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse down corner
457 self._zoomCorner2= _Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse up corner
458 self._zoomEnabled= False
459 self._hasDragged= False
461 # Drawing Variables
462 self.last_draw = None
463 self._pointScale= 1
464 self._pointShift= 0
465 self._xSpec= 'auto'
466 self._ySpec= 'auto'
467 self._gridEnabled= False
468 self._legendEnabled= False
470 # Fonts
471 self._fontCache = {}
472 self._fontSizeAxis= 10
473 self._fontSizeTitle= 15
474 self._fontSizeLegend= 7
476 # pointLabels
477 self._pointLabelEnabled= False
478 self.last_PointLabel= None
479 self._pointLabelFunc= None
480 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeave)
482 self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
483 self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
484 # OnSize called to make sure the buffer is initialized.
485 # This might result in OnSize getting called twice on some
486 # platforms at initialization, but little harm done.
487 if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
488 self.OnSize(None) # sets the initial size based on client size
491 # SaveFile
492 def SaveFile(self, fileName= ''):
493 """Saves the file to the type specified in the extension. If no file
494 name is specified a dialog box is provided. Returns True if sucessful,
495 otherwise False.
497 .bmp Save a Windows bitmap file.
498 .xbm Save an X bitmap file.
499 .xpm Save an XPM bitmap file.
500 .png Save a Portable Network Graphics file.
501 .jpg Save a Joint Photographic Experts Group file.
502 """
503 if _string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
504 dlg1 = wx.FileDialog(
505 self,
506 "Choose a file with extension bmp, gif, xbm, xpm, png, or jpg", ".", "",
507 "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|XBM files (*.xbm)|*.xbm|XPM file (*.xpm)|*.xpm|PNG files (*.png)|*.png|JPG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg",
509 )
510 try:
511 while 1:
512 if dlg1.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
513 fileName = dlg1.GetPath()
514 # Check for proper exension
515 if _string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
516 dlg2 = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'File name extension\n'
517 'must be one of\n'
518 'bmp, xbm, xpm, png, or jpg',
519 'File Name Error', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
520 try:
521 dlg2.ShowModal()
522 finally:
523 dlg2.Destroy()
524 else:
525 break # now save file
526 else: # exit without saving
527 return False
528 finally:
529 dlg1.Destroy()
531 # File name has required extension
532 fType = _string.lower(fileName[-3:])
533 if fType == "bmp":
534 tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP # Save a Windows bitmap file.
535 elif fType == "xbm":
536 tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XBM # Save an X bitmap file.
537 elif fType == "xpm":
538 tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XPM # Save an XPM bitmap file.
539 elif fType == "jpg":
540 tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG # Save a JPG file.
541 else:
542 tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG # Save a PNG file.
543 # Save Bitmap
544 res= self._Buffer.SaveFile(fileName, tp)
545 return res
547 def PageSetup(self):
548 """Brings up the page setup dialog"""
549 data = self.pageSetupData
550 data.SetPrintData(self.print_data)
551 dlg = wx.PageSetupDialog(self.parent, data)
552 try:
553 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
554 data = dlg.GetPageSetupData() # returns wx.PageSetupDialogData
555 # updates page parameters from dialog
556 self.pageSetupData.SetMarginBottomRight(data.GetMarginBottomRight())
557 self.pageSetupData.SetMarginTopLeft(data.GetMarginTopLeft())
558 self.pageSetupData.SetPrintData(data.GetPrintData())
559 self.print_data=wx.PrintData(data.GetPrintData()) # updates print_data
560 finally:
561 dlg.Destroy()
563 def Printout(self, paper=None):
564 """Print current plot."""
565 if paper != None:
566 self.print_data.SetPaperId(paper)
567 pdd = wx.PrintDialogData()
568 pdd.SetPrintData(self.print_data)
569 printer = wx.Printer(pdd)
570 out = PlotPrintout(self)
571 print_ok = printer.Print(self.parent, out)
572 if print_ok:
573 self.print_data = wx.PrintData(printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData())
574 out.Destroy()
576 def PrintPreview(self):
577 """Print-preview current plot."""
578 printout = PlotPrintout(self)
579 printout2 = PlotPrintout(self)
580 self.preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, printout2, self.print_data)
581 if not self.preview.Ok():
582 wx.MessageDialog(self, "Print Preview failed.\n" \
583 "Check that default printer is configured\n", \
584 "Print error", wx.OK|wx.CENTRE).ShowModal()
585 self.preview.SetZoom(40)
586 # search up tree to find frame instance
587 frameInst= self
588 while not isinstance(frameInst, wx.Frame):
589 frameInst= frameInst.GetParent()
590 frame = wx.PreviewFrame(self.preview, frameInst, "Preview")
591 frame.Initialize()
592 frame.SetPosition(self.GetPosition())
593 frame.SetSize((600,550))
594 frame.Centre(wx.BOTH)
595 frame.Show(True)
597 def SetFontSizeAxis(self, point= 10):
598 """Set the tick and axis label font size (default is 10 point)"""
599 self._fontSizeAxis= point
601 def GetFontSizeAxis(self):
602 """Get current tick and axis label font size in points"""
603 return self._fontSizeAxis
605 def SetFontSizeTitle(self, point= 15):
606 """Set Title font size (default is 15 point)"""
607 self._fontSizeTitle= point
609 def GetFontSizeTitle(self):
610 """Get current Title font size in points"""
611 return self._fontSizeTitle
613 def SetFontSizeLegend(self, point= 7):
614 """Set Legend font size (default is 7 point)"""
615 self._fontSizeLegend= point
617 def GetFontSizeLegend(self):
618 """Get current Legend font size in points"""
619 return self._fontSizeLegend
621 def SetEnableZoom(self, value):
622 """Set True to enable zooming."""
623 if value not in [True,False]:
624 raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
625 self._zoomEnabled= value
627 def GetEnableZoom(self):
628 """True if zooming enabled."""
629 return self._zoomEnabled
631 def SetEnableGrid(self, value):
632 """Set True to enable grid."""
633 if value not in [True,False,'Horizontal','Vertical']:
634 raise TypeError, "Value should be True, False, Horizontal or Vertical"
635 self._gridEnabled= value
636 self.Redraw()
638 def GetEnableGrid(self):
639 """True if grid enabled."""
640 return self._gridEnabled
642 def SetEnableLegend(self, value):
643 """Set True to enable legend."""
644 if value not in [True,False]:
645 raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
646 self._legendEnabled= value
647 self.Redraw()
649 def GetEnableLegend(self):
650 """True if Legend enabled."""
651 return self._legendEnabled
653 def SetEnablePointLabel(self, value):
654 """Set True to enable pointLabel."""
655 if value not in [True,False]:
656 raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
657 self._pointLabelEnabled= value
658 self.Redraw() #will erase existing pointLabel if present
659 self.last_PointLabel = None
661 def GetEnablePointLabel(self):
662 """True if pointLabel enabled."""
663 return self._pointLabelEnabled
665 def SetPointLabelFunc(self, func):
666 """Sets the function with custom code for pointLabel drawing
667 ******** more info needed ***************
668 """
669 self._pointLabelFunc= func
671 def GetPointLabelFunc(self):
672 """Returns pointLabel Drawing Function"""
673 return self._pointLabelFunc
675 def Reset(self):
676 """Unzoom the plot."""
677 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
678 if self.last_draw is not None:
679 self.Draw(self.last_draw[0])
681 def ScrollRight(self, units):
682 """Move view right number of axis units."""
683 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
684 if self.last_draw is not None:
685 graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
686 xAxis= (xAxis[0]+units, xAxis[1]+units)
687 self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
689 def ScrollUp(self, units):
690 """Move view up number of axis units."""
691 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
692 if self.last_draw is not None:
693 graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
694 yAxis= (yAxis[0]+units, yAxis[1]+units)
695 self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
698 def GetXY(self,event):
699 """Takes a mouse event and returns the XY user axis values."""
700 x,y= self.PositionScreenToUser(event.GetPosition())
701 return x,y
703 def PositionUserToScreen(self, pntXY):
704 """Converts User position to Screen Coordinates"""
705 userPos= _Numeric.array(pntXY)
706 x,y= userPos * self._pointScale + self._pointShift
707 return x,y
709 def PositionScreenToUser(self, pntXY):
710 """Converts Screen position to User Coordinates"""
711 screenPos= _Numeric.array(pntXY)
712 x,y= (screenPos-self._pointShift)/self._pointScale
713 return x,y
715 def SetXSpec(self, type= 'auto'):
716 """xSpec- defines x axis type. Can be 'none', 'min' or 'auto'
717 where:
718 'none' - shows no axis or tick mark values
719 'min' - shows min bounding box values
720 'auto' - rounds axis range to sensible values
721 """
722 self._xSpec= type
724 def SetYSpec(self, type= 'auto'):
725 """ySpec- defines x axis type. Can be 'none', 'min' or 'auto'
726 where:
727 'none' - shows no axis or tick mark values
728 'min' - shows min bounding box values
729 'auto' - rounds axis range to sensible values
730 """
731 self._ySpec= type
733 def GetXSpec(self):
734 """Returns current XSpec for axis"""
735 return self._xSpec
737 def GetYSpec(self):
738 """Returns current YSpec for axis"""
739 return self._ySpec
741 def GetXMaxRange(self):
742 """Returns (minX, maxX) x-axis range for displayed graph"""
743 graphics= self.last_draw[0]
744 p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox() # min, max points of graphics
745 xAxis = self._axisInterval(self._xSpec, p1[0], p2[0]) # in user units
746 return xAxis
748 def GetYMaxRange(self):
749 """Returns (minY, maxY) y-axis range for displayed graph"""
750 graphics= self.last_draw[0]
751 p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox() # min, max points of graphics
752 yAxis = self._axisInterval(self._ySpec, p1[1], p2[1])
753 return yAxis
755 def GetXCurrentRange(self):
756 """Returns (minX, maxX) x-axis for currently displayed portion of graph"""
757 return self.last_draw[1]
759 def GetYCurrentRange(self):
760 """Returns (minY, maxY) y-axis for currently displayed portion of graph"""
761 return self.last_draw[2]
763 def Draw(self, graphics, xAxis = None, yAxis = None, dc = None):
764 """Draw objects in graphics with specified x and y axis.
765 graphics- instance of PlotGraphics with list of PolyXXX objects
766 xAxis - tuple with (min, max) axis range to view
767 yAxis - same as xAxis
768 dc - drawing context - doesn't have to be specified.
769 If it's not, the offscreen buffer is used
770 """
771 # check Axis is either tuple or none
772 if type(xAxis) not in [type(None),tuple]:
773 raise TypeError, "xAxis should be None or (minX,maxX)"
774 if type(yAxis) not in [type(None),tuple]:
775 raise TypeError, "yAxis should be None or (minY,maxY)"
777 # check case for axis = (a,b) where a==b caused by improper zooms
778 if xAxis != None:
779 if xAxis[0] == xAxis[1]:
780 return
781 if yAxis != None:
782 if yAxis[0] == yAxis[1]:
783 return
785 if dc == None:
786 # sets new dc and clears it
787 dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
788 dc.Clear()
790 dc.BeginDrawing()
791 # dc.Clear()
793 # set font size for every thing but title and legend
794 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis))
796 # sizes axis to axis type, create lower left and upper right corners of plot
797 if xAxis == None or yAxis == None:
798 # One or both axis not specified in Draw
799 p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox() # min, max points of graphics
800 if xAxis == None:
801 xAxis = self._axisInterval(self._xSpec, p1[0], p2[0]) # in user units
802 if yAxis == None:
803 yAxis = self._axisInterval(self._ySpec, p1[1], p2[1])
804 # Adjust bounding box for axis spec
805 p1[0],p1[1] = xAxis[0], yAxis[0] # lower left corner user scale (xmin,ymin)
806 p2[0],p2[1] = xAxis[1], yAxis[1] # upper right corner user scale (xmax,ymax)
807 else:
808 # Both axis specified in Draw
809 p1= _Numeric.array([xAxis[0], yAxis[0]]) # lower left corner user scale (xmin,ymin)
810 p2= _Numeric.array([xAxis[1], yAxis[1]]) # upper right corner user scale (xmax,ymax)
812 self.last_draw = (graphics, xAxis, yAxis) # saves most recient values
814 # Get ticks and textExtents for axis if required
815 if self._xSpec is not 'none':
816 xticks = self._ticks(xAxis[0], xAxis[1])
817 xTextExtent = dc.GetTextExtent(xticks[-1][1])# w h of x axis text last number on axis
818 else:
819 xticks = None
820 xTextExtent= (0,0) # No text for ticks
821 if self._ySpec is not 'none':
822 yticks = self._ticks(yAxis[0], yAxis[1])
823 yTextExtentBottom= dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[0][1])
824 yTextExtentTop = dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[-1][1])
825 yTextExtent= (max(yTextExtentBottom[0],yTextExtentTop[0]),
826 max(yTextExtentBottom[1],yTextExtentTop[1]))
827 else:
828 yticks = None
829 yTextExtent= (0,0) # No text for ticks
831 # TextExtents for Title and Axis Labels
832 titleWH, xLabelWH, yLabelWH= self._titleLablesWH(dc, graphics)
834 # TextExtents for Legend
835 legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt = self._legendWH(dc, graphics)
837 # room around graph area
838 rhsW= max(xTextExtent[0], legendBoxWH[0]) # use larger of number width or legend width
839 lhsW= yTextExtent[0]+ yLabelWH[1]
840 bottomH= max(xTextExtent[1], yTextExtent[1]/2.)+ xLabelWH[1]
841 topH= yTextExtent[1]/2. + titleWH[1]
842 textSize_scale= _Numeric.array([rhsW+lhsW,bottomH+topH]) # make plot area smaller by text size
843 textSize_shift= _Numeric.array([lhsW, bottomH]) # shift plot area by this amount
845 # drawing title and labels text
846 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeTitle))
847 titlePos= (self.plotbox_origin[0]+ lhsW + (self.plotbox_size[0]-lhsW-rhsW)/2.- titleWH[0]/2.,
848 self.plotbox_origin[1]- self.plotbox_size[1])
849 dc.DrawText(graphics.getTitle(),titlePos[0],titlePos[1])
850 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis))
851 xLabelPos= (self.plotbox_origin[0]+ lhsW + (self.plotbox_size[0]-lhsW-rhsW)/2.- xLabelWH[0]/2.,
852 self.plotbox_origin[1]- xLabelWH[1])
853 dc.DrawText(graphics.getXLabel(),xLabelPos[0],xLabelPos[1])
854 yLabelPos= (self.plotbox_origin[0],
855 self.plotbox_origin[1]- bottomH- (self.plotbox_size[1]-bottomH-topH)/2.+ yLabelWH[0]/2.)
856 if graphics.getYLabel(): # bug fix for Linux
857 dc.DrawRotatedText(graphics.getYLabel(),yLabelPos[0],yLabelPos[1],90)
859 # drawing legend makers and text
860 if self._legendEnabled:
861 self._drawLegend(dc,graphics,rhsW,topH,legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt)
863 # allow for scaling and shifting plotted points
864 scale = (self.plotbox_size-textSize_scale) / (p2-p1)* _Numeric.array((1,-1))
865 shift = -p1*scale + self.plotbox_origin + textSize_shift * _Numeric.array((1,-1))
866 self._pointScale= scale # make available for mouse events
867 self._pointShift= shift
868 self._drawAxes(dc, p1, p2, scale, shift, xticks, yticks)
870 graphics.scaleAndShift(scale, shift)
871 graphics.setPrinterScale(self.printerScale) # thicken up lines and markers if printing
873 # set clipping area so drawing does not occur outside axis box
874 ptx,pty,rectWidth,rectHeight= self._point2ClientCoord(p1, p2)
875 dc.SetClippingRegion(ptx,pty,rectWidth,rectHeight)
876 # Draw the lines and markers
877 #start = _time.clock()
878 graphics.draw(dc)
879 # print "entire graphics drawing took: %f second"%(_time.clock() - start)
880 # remove the clipping region
881 dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
882 dc.EndDrawing()
884 def Redraw(self, dc= None):
885 """Redraw the existing plot."""
886 if self.last_draw is not None:
887 graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
888 self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis,dc)
890 def Clear(self):
891 """Erase the window."""
892 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
893 dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
894 dc.Clear()
895 self.last_draw = None
897 def Zoom(self, Center, Ratio):
898 """ Zoom on the plot
899 Centers on the X,Y coords given in Center
900 Zooms by the Ratio = (Xratio, Yratio) given
901 """
902 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset maker
903 x,y = Center
904 if self.last_draw != None:
905 (graphics, xAxis, yAxis) = self.last_draw
906 w = (xAxis[1] - xAxis[0]) * Ratio[0]
907 h = (yAxis[1] - yAxis[0]) * Ratio[1]
908 xAxis = ( x - w/2, x + w/2 )
909 yAxis = ( y - h/2, y + h/2 )
910 self.Draw(graphics, xAxis, yAxis)
912 def GetClosestPoints(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
913 """Returns list with
914 [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
915 list for each curve.
916 Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
918 x, y in user coords
919 if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
920 if pointScaled == False based on user coords
921 """
922 if self.last_draw == None:
923 #no graph available
924 return []
925 graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
926 l = []
927 for curveNum,obj in enumerate(graphics):
928 #check there are points in the curve
929 if len(obj.points) == 0:
930 continue #go to next obj
931 #[curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
932 cn = [curveNum]+ [obj.getLegend()]+ obj.getClosestPoint( pntXY, pointScaled)
933 l.append(cn)
934 return l
936 def GetClosetPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
937 """Returns list with
938 [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
939 list for only the closest curve.
940 Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
942 x, y in user coords
943 if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
944 if pointScaled == False based on user coords
945 """
946 #closest points on screen based on screen scaling (pointScaled= True)
947 #list [curveNumber, index, pointXY, scaledXY, distance] for each curve
948 closestPts= self.GetClosestPoints(pntXY, pointScaled)
949 if closestPts == []:
950 return [] #no graph present
951 #find one with least distance
952 dists = [c[-1] for c in closestPts]
953 mdist = min(dists) #Min dist
954 i = dists.index(mdist) #index for min dist
955 return closestPts[i] #this is the closest point on closest curve
957 def UpdatePointLabel(self, mDataDict):
958 """Updates the pointLabel point on screen with data contained in
959 mDataDict.
961 mDataDict will be passed to your function set by
962 SetPointLabelFunc. It can contain anything you
963 want to display on the screen at the scaledXY point
964 you specify.
966 This function can be called from parent window with onClick,
967 onMotion events etc.
968 """
969 if self.last_PointLabel != None:
970 #compare pointXY
971 if mDataDict["pointXY"] != self.last_PointLabel["pointXY"]:
972 #closest changed
973 self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
974 self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
975 else:
976 #just plot new with no erase
977 self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
978 #save for next erase
979 self.last_PointLabel = mDataDict
981 # event handlers **********************************
982 def OnMotion(self, event):
983 if self._zoomEnabled and event.LeftIsDown():
984 if self._hasDragged:
985 self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # remove old
986 else:
987 self._hasDragged= True
988 self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1] = self.GetXY(event)
989 self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # add new
991 def OnMouseLeftDown(self,event):
992 self._zoomCorner1[0], self._zoomCorner1[1]= self.GetXY(event)
994 def OnMouseLeftUp(self, event):
995 if self._zoomEnabled:
996 if self._hasDragged == True:
997 self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # remove old
998 self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1]= self.GetXY(event)
999 self._hasDragged = False # reset flag
1000 minX, minY= _Numeric.minimum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
1001 maxX, maxY= _Numeric.maximum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
1002 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
1003 if self.last_draw != None:
1004 self.Draw(self.last_draw[0], xAxis = (minX,maxX), yAxis = (minY,maxY), dc = None)
1005 #else: # A box has not been drawn, zoom in on a point
1006 ## this interfered with the double click, so I've disables it.
1007 # X,Y = self.GetXY(event)
1008 # self.Zoom( (X,Y), (self._zoomInFactor,self._zoomInFactor) )
1010 def OnMouseDoubleClick(self,event):
1011 if self._zoomEnabled:
1012 self.Reset()
1014 def OnMouseRightDown(self,event):
1015 if self._zoomEnabled:
1016 X,Y = self.GetXY(event)
1017 self.Zoom( (X,Y), (self._zoomOutFactor, self._zoomOutFactor) )
1019 def OnPaint(self, event):
1020 # All that is needed here is to draw the buffer to screen
1021 if self.last_PointLabel != None:
1022 self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
1023 self.last_PointLabel = None
1024 dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer)
1026 def OnSize(self,event):
1027 # The Buffer init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always
1028 # the same size as the Window
1029 Size = self.GetClientSize()
1031 # Make new offscreen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the
1032 # current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to
1033 # a file, or whatever.
1034 self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(Size[0],Size[1])
1035 self._setSize()
1037 self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
1039 if self.last_draw is None:
1040 self.Clear()
1041 else:
1042 graphics, xSpec, ySpec = self.last_draw
1043 self.Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec)
1045 def OnLeave(self, event):
1046 """Used to erase pointLabel when mouse outside window"""
1047 if self.last_PointLabel != None:
1048 self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
1049 self.last_PointLabel = None
1052 # Private Methods **************************************************
1053 def _setSize(self, width=None, height=None):
1054 """DC width and height."""
1055 if width == None:
1056 (self.width,self.height) = self.GetClientSize()
1057 else:
1058 self.width, self.height= width,height
1059 self.plotbox_size = 0.97*_Numeric.array([self.width, self.height])
1060 xo = 0.5*(self.width-self.plotbox_size[0])
1061 yo = self.height-0.5*(self.height-self.plotbox_size[1])
1062 self.plotbox_origin = _Numeric.array([xo, yo])
1064 def _setPrinterScale(self, scale):
1065 """Used to thicken lines and increase marker size for print out."""
1066 # line thickness on printer is very thin at 600 dot/in. Markers small
1067 self.printerScale= scale
1069 def _printDraw(self, printDC):
1070 """Used for printing."""
1071 if self.last_draw != None:
1072 graphics, xSpec, ySpec= self.last_draw
1073 self.Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec,printDC)
1075 def _drawPointLabel(self, mDataDict):
1076 """Draws and erases pointLabels"""
1077 width = self._Buffer.GetWidth()
1078 height = self._Buffer.GetHeight()
1079 tmp_Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(width,height)
1080 dcs = wx.MemoryDC()
1081 dcs.SelectObject(tmp_Buffer)
1082 dcs.Clear()
1083 dcs.BeginDrawing()
1084 self._pointLabelFunc(dcs,mDataDict) #custom user pointLabel function
1085 dcs.EndDrawing()
1087 dc = wx.ClientDC( self )
1088 #this will erase if called twice
1089 dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, dcs, 0, 0, wx.EQUIV) #(NOT src) XOR dst
1092 def _drawLegend(self,dc,graphics,rhsW,topH,legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt):
1093 """Draws legend symbols and text"""
1094 # top right hand corner of graph box is ref corner
1095 trhc= self.plotbox_origin+ (self.plotbox_size-[rhsW,topH])*[1,-1]
1096 legendLHS= .091* legendBoxWH[0] # border space between legend sym and graph box
1097 lineHeight= max(legendSymExt[1], legendTextExt[1]) * 1.1 #1.1 used as space between lines
1098 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeLegend))
1099 for i in range(len(graphics)):
1100 o = graphics[i]
1101 s= i*lineHeight
1102 if isinstance(o,PolyMarker):
1103 # draw marker with legend
1104 pnt= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0]/2., trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
1105 o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt]))
1106 elif isinstance(o,PolyLine):
1107 # draw line with legend
1108 pnt1= (trhc[0]+legendLHS, trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
1109 pnt2= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0], trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
1110 o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt1,pnt2]))
1111 else:
1112 raise TypeError, "object is neither PolyMarker or PolyLine instance"
1113 # draw legend txt
1114 pnt= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0], trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.-legendTextExt[1]/2)
1115 dc.DrawText(o.getLegend(),pnt[0],pnt[1])
1116 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis)) # reset
1118 def _titleLablesWH(self, dc, graphics):
1119 """Draws Title and labels and returns width and height for each"""
1120 # TextExtents for Title and Axis Labels
1121 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeTitle))
1122 title= graphics.getTitle()
1123 titleWH= dc.GetTextExtent(title)
1124 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis))
1125 xLabel, yLabel= graphics.getXLabel(),graphics.getYLabel()
1126 xLabelWH= dc.GetTextExtent(xLabel)
1127 yLabelWH= dc.GetTextExtent(yLabel)
1128 return titleWH, xLabelWH, yLabelWH
1130 def _legendWH(self, dc, graphics):
1131 """Returns the size in screen units for legend box"""
1132 if self._legendEnabled != True:
1133 legendBoxWH= symExt= txtExt= (0,0)
1134 else:
1135 # find max symbol size
1136 symExt= graphics.getSymExtent(self.printerScale)
1137 # find max legend text extent
1138 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeLegend))
1139 txtList= graphics.getLegendNames()
1140 txtExt= dc.GetTextExtent(txtList[0])
1141 for txt in graphics.getLegendNames()[1:]:
1142 txtExt= _Numeric.maximum(txtExt,dc.GetTextExtent(txt))
1143 maxW= symExt[0]+txtExt[0]
1144 maxH= max(symExt[1],txtExt[1])
1145 # padding .1 for lhs of legend box and space between lines
1146 maxW= maxW* 1.1
1147 maxH= maxH* 1.1 * len(txtList)
1148 dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis))
1149 legendBoxWH= (maxW,maxH)
1150 return (legendBoxWH, symExt, txtExt)
1152 def _drawRubberBand(self, corner1, corner2):
1153 """Draws/erases rect box from corner1 to corner2"""
1154 ptx,pty,rectWidth,rectHeight= self._point2ClientCoord(corner1, corner2)
1155 # draw rectangle
1156 dc = wx.ClientDC( self )
1157 dc.BeginDrawing()
1158 dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK))
1159 dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush( wx.WHITE, wx.TRANSPARENT ) )
1160 dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT)
1161 dc.DrawRectangle( ptx,pty, rectWidth,rectHeight)
1162 dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY)
1163 dc.EndDrawing()
1165 def _getFont(self,size):
1166 """Take font size, adjusts if printing and returns wx.Font"""
1167 s = size*self.printerScale
1168 of = self.GetFont()
1169 # Linux speed up to get font from cache rather than X font server
1170 key = (int(s), of.GetFamily (), of.GetStyle (), of.GetWeight ())
1171 font = self._fontCache.get (key, None)
1172 if font:
1173 return font # yeah! cache hit
1174 else:
1175 font = wx.Font(int(s), of.GetFamily(), of.GetStyle(), of.GetWeight())
1176 self._fontCache[key] = font
1177 return font
1180 def _point2ClientCoord(self, corner1, corner2):
1181 """Converts user point coords to client screen int coords x,y,width,height"""
1182 c1= _Numeric.array(corner1)
1183 c2= _Numeric.array(corner2)
1184 # convert to screen coords
1185 pt1= c1*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
1186 pt2= c2*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
1187 # make height and width positive
1188 pul= _Numeric.minimum(pt1,pt2) # Upper left corner
1189 plr= _Numeric.maximum(pt1,pt2) # Lower right corner
1190 rectWidth, rectHeight= plr-pul
1191 ptx,pty= pul
1192 return ptx, pty, rectWidth, rectHeight
1194 def _axisInterval(self, spec, lower, upper):
1195 """Returns sensible axis range for given spec"""
1196 if spec == 'none' or spec == 'min':
1197 if lower == upper:
1198 return lower-0.5, upper+0.5
1199 else:
1200 return lower, upper
1201 elif spec == 'auto':
1202 range = upper-lower
1203 if range == 0.:
1204 return lower-0.5, upper+0.5
1205 log = _Numeric.log10(range)
1206 power = _Numeric.floor(log)
1207 fraction = log-power
1208 if fraction <= 0.05:
1209 power = power-1
1210 grid = 10.**power
1211 lower = lower - lower % grid
1212 mod = upper % grid
1213 if mod != 0:
1214 upper = upper - mod + grid
1215 return lower, upper
1216 elif type(spec) == type(()):
1217 lower, upper = spec
1218 if lower <= upper:
1219 return lower, upper
1220 else:
1221 return upper, lower
1222 else:
1223 raise ValueError, str(spec) + ': illegal axis specification'
1225 def _drawAxes(self, dc, p1, p2, scale, shift, xticks, yticks):
1227 penWidth= self.printerScale # increases thickness for printing only
1228 dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour('BLACK'), penWidth))
1230 # set length of tick marks--long ones make grid
1231 if self._gridEnabled:
1232 x,y,width,height= self._point2ClientCoord(p1,p2)
1233 if self._gridEnabled == 'Horizontal':
1234 yTickLength= width/2.0 +1
1235 xTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
1236 elif self._gridEnabled == 'Vertical':
1237 yTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
1238 xTickLength= height/2.0 +1
1239 else:
1240 yTickLength= width/2.0 +1
1241 xTickLength= height/2.0 +1
1242 else:
1243 yTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale # lengthens lines for printing
1244 xTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
1246 if self._xSpec is not 'none':
1247 lower, upper = p1[0],p2[0]
1248 text = 1
1249 for y, d in [(p1[1], -xTickLength), (p2[1], xTickLength)]: # miny, maxy and tick lengths
1250 a1 = scale*_Numeric.array([lower, y])+shift
1251 a2 = scale*_Numeric.array([upper, y])+shift
1252 dc.DrawLine(a1[0],a1[1],a2[0],a2[1]) # draws upper and lower axis line
1253 for x, label in xticks:
1254 pt = scale*_Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
1255 dc.DrawLine(pt[0],pt[1],pt[0],pt[1] + d) # draws tick mark d units
1256 if text:
1257 dc.DrawText(label,pt[0],pt[1])
1258 text = 0 # axis values not drawn on top side
1260 if self._ySpec is not 'none':
1261 lower, upper = p1[1],p2[1]
1262 text = 1
1263 h = dc.GetCharHeight()
1264 for x, d in [(p1[0], -yTickLength), (p2[0], yTickLength)]:
1265 a1 = scale*_Numeric.array([x, lower])+shift
1266 a2 = scale*_Numeric.array([x, upper])+shift
1267 dc.DrawLine(a1[0],a1[1],a2[0],a2[1])
1268 for y, label in yticks:
1269 pt = scale*_Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
1270 dc.DrawLine(pt[0],pt[1],pt[0]-d,pt[1])
1271 if text:
1272 dc.DrawText(label,pt[0]-dc.GetTextExtent(label)[0],
1273 pt[1]-0.5*h)
1274 text = 0 # axis values not drawn on right side
1276 def _ticks(self, lower, upper):
1277 ideal = (upper-lower)/7.
1278 log = _Numeric.log10(ideal)
1279 power = _Numeric.floor(log)
1280 fraction = log-power
1281 factor = 1.
1282 error = fraction
1283 for f, lf in self._multiples:
1284 e = _Numeric.fabs(fraction-lf)
1285 if e < error:
1286 error = e
1287 factor = f
1288 grid = factor * 10.**power
1289 if power > 4 or power < -4:
1290 format = '%+7.1e'
1291 elif power >= 0:
1292 digits = max(1, int(power))
1293 format = '%' + `digits`+'.0f'
1294 else:
1295 digits = -int(power)
1296 format = '%'+`digits+2`+'.'+`digits`+'f'
1297 ticks = []
1298 t = -grid*_Numeric.floor(-lower/grid)
1299 while t <= upper:
1300 ticks.append( (t, format % (t,)) )
1301 t = t + grid
1302 return ticks
1304 _multiples = [(2., _Numeric.log10(2.)), (5., _Numeric.log10(5.))]
1307 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1308 # Used to layout the printer page
1310 class PlotPrintout(wx.Printout):
1311 """Controls how the plot is made in printing and previewing"""
1312 # Do not change method names in this class,
1313 # we have to override wx.Printout methods here!
1314 def __init__(self, graph):
1315 """graph is instance of plotCanvas to be printed or previewed"""
1316 wx.Printout.__init__(self)
1317 self.graph = graph
1319 def HasPage(self, page):
1320 if page == 1:
1321 return True
1322 else:
1323 return False
1325 def GetPageInfo(self):
1326 return (1, 1, 1, 1) # disable page numbers
1328 def OnPrintPage(self, page):
1329 dc = self.GetDC() # allows using floats for certain functions
1330 ## print "PPI Printer",self.GetPPIPrinter()
1331 ## print "PPI Screen", self.GetPPIScreen()
1332 ## print "DC GetSize", dc.GetSize()
1333 ## print "GetPageSizePixels", self.GetPageSizePixels()
1334 # Note PPIScreen does not give the correct number
1335 # Calulate everything for printer and then scale for preview
1336 PPIPrinter= self.GetPPIPrinter() # printer dots/inch (w,h)
1337 #PPIScreen= self.GetPPIScreen() # screen dots/inch (w,h)
1338 dcSize= dc.GetSize() # DC size
1339 pageSize= self.GetPageSizePixels() # page size in terms of pixcels
1340 clientDcSize= self.graph.GetClientSize()
1342 # find what the margins are (mm)
1343 margLeftSize,margTopSize= self.graph.pageSetupData.GetMarginTopLeft()
1344 margRightSize, margBottomSize= self.graph.pageSetupData.GetMarginBottomRight()
1346 # calculate offset and scale for dc
1347 pixLeft= margLeftSize*PPIPrinter[0]/25.4 # mm*(dots/in)/(mm/in)
1348 pixRight= margRightSize*PPIPrinter[0]/25.4
1349 pixTop= margTopSize*PPIPrinter[1]/25.4
1350 pixBottom= margBottomSize*PPIPrinter[1]/25.4
1352 plotAreaW= pageSize[0]-(pixLeft+pixRight)
1353 plotAreaH= pageSize[1]-(pixTop+pixBottom)
1355 # ratio offset and scale to screen size if preview
1356 if self.IsPreview():
1357 ratioW= float(dcSize[0])/pageSize[0]
1358 ratioH= float(dcSize[1])/pageSize[1]
1359 pixLeft *= ratioW
1360 pixTop *= ratioH
1361 plotAreaW *= ratioW
1362 plotAreaH *= ratioH
1364 # rescale plot to page or preview plot area
1365 self.graph._setSize(plotAreaW,plotAreaH)
1367 # Set offset and scale
1368 dc.SetDeviceOrigin(pixLeft,pixTop)
1370 # Thicken up pens and increase marker size for printing
1371 ratioW= float(plotAreaW)/clientDcSize[0]
1372 ratioH= float(plotAreaH)/clientDcSize[1]
1373 aveScale= (ratioW+ratioH)/2
1374 self.graph._setPrinterScale(aveScale) # tickens up pens for printing
1376 self.graph._printDraw(dc)
1377 # rescale back to original
1378 self.graph._setSize()
1379 self.graph._setPrinterScale(1)
1380 self.graph.Redraw() #to get point label scale and shift correct
1382 return True
1387 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1388 # if running standalone...
1389 #
1390 # ...a sample implementation using the above
1391 #
1393 def _draw1Objects():
1394 # 100 points sin function, plotted as green circles
1395 data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(200)/200.
1396 data1.shape = (100, 2)
1397 data1[:,1] = _Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
1398 markers1 = PolyMarker(data1, legend='Green Markers', colour='green', marker='circle',size=1)
1400 # 50 points cos function, plotted as red line
1401 data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(100)/100.
1402 data1.shape = (50,2)
1403 data1[:,1] = _Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
1404 lines = PolyLine(data1, legend= 'Red Line', colour='red')
1406 # A few more points...
1407 pi = _Numeric.pi
1408 markers2 = PolyMarker([(0., 0.), (pi/4., 1.), (pi/2, 0.),
1409 (3.*pi/4., -1)], legend='Cross Legend', colour='blue',
1410 marker='cross')
1412 return PlotGraphics([markers1, lines, markers2],"Graph Title", "X Axis", "Y Axis")
1414 def _draw2Objects():
1415 # 100 points sin function, plotted as green dots
1416 data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(200)/200.
1417 data1.shape = (100, 2)
1418 data1[:,1] = _Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
1419 line1 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Green Line', colour='green', width=6, style=wx.DOT)
1421 # 50 points cos function, plotted as red dot-dash
1422 data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(100)/100.
1423 data1.shape = (50,2)
1424 data1[:,1] = _Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
1425 line2 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Red Line', colour='red', width=3, style= wx.DOT_DASH)
1427 # A few more points...
1428 pi = _Numeric.pi
1429 markers1 = PolyMarker([(0., 0.), (pi/4., 1.), (pi/2, 0.),
1430 (3.*pi/4., -1)], legend='Cross Hatch Square', colour='blue', width= 3, size= 6,
1431 fillcolour= 'red', fillstyle= wx.CROSSDIAG_HATCH,
1432 marker='square')
1434 return PlotGraphics([markers1, line1, line2], "Big Markers with Different Line Styles")
1436 def _draw3Objects():
1437 markerList= ['circle', 'dot', 'square', 'triangle', 'triangle_down',
1438 'cross', 'plus', 'circle']
1439 m=[]
1440 for i in range(len(markerList)):
1441 m.append(PolyMarker([(2*i+.5,i+.5)], legend=markerList[i], colour='blue',
1442 marker=markerList[i]))
1443 return PlotGraphics(m, "Selection of Markers", "Minimal Axis", "No Axis")
1445 def _draw4Objects():
1446 # 25,000 point line
1447 data1 = _Numeric.arange(5e5,1e6,10)
1448 data1.shape = (25000, 2)
1449 line1 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Wide Line', colour='green', width=5)
1451 # A few more points...
1452 markers2 = PolyMarker(data1, legend='Square', colour='blue',
1453 marker='square')
1454 return PlotGraphics([line1, markers2], "25,000 Points", "Value X", "")
1456 def _draw5Objects():
1457 # Empty graph with axis defined but no points/lines
1458 points=[]
1459 line1 = PolyLine(points, legend='Wide Line', colour='green', width=5)
1460 return PlotGraphics([line1], "Empty Plot With Just Axes", "Value X", "Value Y")
1462 def _draw6Objects():
1463 # Bar graph
1464 points1=[(1,0), (1,10)]
1465 line1 = PolyLine(points1, colour='green', legend='Feb.', width=10)
1466 points1g=[(2,0), (2,4)]
1467 line1g = PolyLine(points1g, colour='red', legend='Mar.', width=10)
1468 points1b=[(3,0), (3,6)]
1469 line1b = PolyLine(points1b, colour='blue', legend='Apr.', width=10)
1471 points2=[(4,0), (4,12)]
1472 line2 = PolyLine(points2, colour='Yellow', legend='May', width=10)
1473 points2g=[(5,0), (5,8)]
1474 line2g = PolyLine(points2g, colour='orange', legend='June', width=10)
1475 points2b=[(6,0), (6,4)]
1476 line2b = PolyLine(points2b, colour='brown', legend='July', width=10)
1478 return PlotGraphics([line1, line1g, line1b, line2, line2g, line2b],
1479 "Bar Graph - (Turn on Grid, Legend)", "Months", "Number of Students")
1482 class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
1483 def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
1484 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title,
1485 wx.DefaultPosition, (600, 400))
1487 # Now Create the menu bar and items
1488 self.mainmenu = wx.MenuBar()
1490 menu = wx.Menu()
1491 menu.Append(200, 'Page Setup...', 'Setup the printer page')
1492 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFilePageSetup, id=200)
1494 menu.Append(201, 'Print Preview...', 'Show the current plot on page')
1495 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFilePrintPreview, id=201)
1497 menu.Append(202, 'Print...', 'Print the current plot')
1498 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFilePrint, id=202)
1500 menu.Append(203, 'Save Plot...', 'Save current plot')
1501 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSaveFile, id=203)
1503 menu.Append(205, 'E&xit', 'Enough of this already!')
1504 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFileExit, id=205)
1505 self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&File')
1507 menu = wx.Menu()
1508 menu.Append(206, 'Draw1', 'Draw plots1')
1509 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw1, id=206)
1510 menu.Append(207, 'Draw2', 'Draw plots2')
1511 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw2, id=207)
1512 menu.Append(208, 'Draw3', 'Draw plots3')
1513 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw3, id=208)
1514 menu.Append(209, 'Draw4', 'Draw plots4')
1515 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw4, id=209)
1516 menu.Append(210, 'Draw5', 'Draw plots5')
1517 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw5, id=210)
1518 menu.Append(260, 'Draw6', 'Draw plots6')
1519 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw6, id=260)
1522 menu.Append(211, '&Redraw', 'Redraw plots')
1523 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotRedraw, id=211)
1524 menu.Append(212, '&Clear', 'Clear canvas')
1525 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotClear, id=212)
1526 menu.Append(213, '&Scale', 'Scale canvas')
1527 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotScale, id=213)
1528 menu.Append(214, 'Enable &Zoom', 'Enable Mouse Zoom', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
1529 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableZoom, id=214)
1530 menu.Append(215, 'Enable &Grid', 'Turn on Grid', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
1531 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableGrid, id=215)
1532 menu.Append(220, 'Enable &Legend', 'Turn on Legend', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
1533 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableLegend, id=220)
1534 menu.Append(222, 'Enable &Point Label', 'Show Closest Point', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
1535 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnablePointLabel, id=222)
1537 menu.Append(225, 'Scroll Up 1', 'Move View Up 1 Unit')
1538 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnScrUp, id=225)
1539 menu.Append(230, 'Scroll Rt 2', 'Move View Right 2 Units')
1540 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnScrRt, id=230)
1541 menu.Append(235, '&Plot Reset', 'Reset to original plot')
1542 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnReset, id=235)
1544 self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Plot')
1546 menu = wx.Menu()
1547 menu.Append(300, '&About', 'About this thing...')
1548 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHelpAbout, id=300)
1549 self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Help')
1551 self.SetMenuBar(self.mainmenu)
1553 # A status bar to tell people what's happening
1554 self.CreateStatusBar(1)
1556 self.client = PlotCanvas(self)
1557 #define the function for drawing pointLabels
1558 self.client.SetPointLabelFunc(self.DrawPointLabel)
1559 # Create mouse event for showing cursor coords in status bar
1560 self.client.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
1561 # Show closest point when enabled
1562 self.client.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
1564 self.Show(True)
1566 def DrawPointLabel(self, dc, mDataDict):
1567 """This is the fuction that defines how the pointLabels are plotted
1568 dc - DC that will be passed
1569 mDataDict - Dictionary of data that you want to use for the pointLabel
1571 As an example I have decided I want a box at the curve point
1572 with some text information about the curve plotted below.
1573 Any wxDC method can be used.
1574 """
1575 # ----------
1576 dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK))
1577 dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush( wx.BLACK, wx.SOLID ) )
1579 sx, sy = mDataDict["scaledXY"] #scaled x,y of closest point
1580 dc.DrawRectangle( sx-5,sy-5, 10, 10) #10by10 square centered on point
1581 px,py = mDataDict["pointXY"]
1582 cNum = mDataDict["curveNum"]
1583 pntIn = mDataDict["pIndex"]
1584 legend = mDataDict["legend"]
1585 #make a string to display
1586 s = "Crv# %i, '%s', Pt. (%.2f,%.2f), PtInd %i" %(cNum, legend, px, py, pntIn)
1587 dc.DrawText(s, sx , sy+1)
1588 # -----------
1590 def OnMouseLeftDown(self,event):
1591 s= "Left Mouse Down at Point: (%.4f, %.4f)" % self.client.GetXY(event)
1592 self.SetStatusText(s)
1593 event.Skip() #allows plotCanvas OnMouseLeftDown to be called
1595 def OnMotion(self, event):
1596 #show closest point (when enbled)
1597 if self.client.GetEnablePointLabel() == True:
1598 #make up dict with info for the pointLabel
1599 #I've decided to mark the closest point on the closest curve
1600 dlst= self.client.GetClosetPoint( self.client.GetXY(event), pointScaled= True)
1601 if dlst != []: #returns [] if none
1602 curveNum, legend, pIndex, pointXY, scaledXY, distance = dlst
1603 #make up dictionary to pass to my user function (see DrawPointLabel)
1604 mDataDict= {"curveNum":curveNum, "legend":legend, "pIndex":pIndex,\
1605 "pointXY":pointXY, "scaledXY":scaledXY}
1606 #pass dict to update the pointLabel
1607 self.client.UpdatePointLabel(mDataDict)
1608 event.Skip() #go to next handler
1610 def OnFilePageSetup(self, event):
1611 self.client.PageSetup()
1613 def OnFilePrintPreview(self, event):
1614 self.client.PrintPreview()
1616 def OnFilePrint(self, event):
1617 self.client.Printout()
1619 def OnSaveFile(self, event):
1620 self.client.SaveFile()
1622 def OnFileExit(self, event):
1623 self.Close()
1625 def OnPlotDraw1(self, event):
1626 self.resetDefaults()
1627 self.client.Draw(_draw1Objects())
1629 def OnPlotDraw2(self, event):
1630 self.resetDefaults()
1631 self.client.Draw(_draw2Objects())
1633 def OnPlotDraw3(self, event):
1634 self.resetDefaults()
1635 self.client.SetFont(wx.Font(10,wx.SCRIPT,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL))
1636 self.client.SetFontSizeAxis(20)
1637 self.client.SetFontSizeLegend(12)
1638 self.client.SetXSpec('min')
1639 self.client.SetYSpec('none')
1640 self.client.Draw(_draw3Objects())
1642 def OnPlotDraw4(self, event):
1643 self.resetDefaults()
1644 drawObj= _draw4Objects()
1645 self.client.Draw(drawObj)
1646 ## # profile
1647 ## start = _time.clock()
1648 ## for x in range(10):
1649 ## self.client.Draw(drawObj)
1650 ## print "10 plots of Draw4 took: %f sec."%(_time.clock() - start)
1651 ## # profile end
1653 def OnPlotDraw5(self, event):
1654 # Empty plot with just axes
1655 self.resetDefaults()
1656 drawObj= _draw5Objects()
1657 # make the axis X= (0,5), Y=(0,10)
1658 # (default with None is X= (-1,1), Y= (-1,1))
1659 self.client.Draw(drawObj, xAxis= (0,5), yAxis= (0,10))
1661 def OnPlotDraw6(self, event):
1662 #Bar Graph Example
1663 self.resetDefaults()
1664 #self.client.SetEnableLegend(True) #turn on Legend
1665 #self.client.SetEnableGrid(True) #turn on Grid
1666 self.client.SetXSpec('none') #turns off x-axis scale
1667 self.client.SetYSpec('auto')
1668 self.client.Draw(_draw6Objects(), xAxis= (0,7))
1670 def OnPlotRedraw(self,event):
1671 self.client.Redraw()
1673 def OnPlotClear(self,event):
1674 self.client.Clear()
1676 def OnPlotScale(self, event):
1677 if self.client.last_draw != None:
1678 graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.client.last_draw
1679 self.client.Draw(graphics,(1,3.05),(0,1))
1681 def OnEnableZoom(self, event):
1682 self.client.SetEnableZoom(event.IsChecked())
1684 def OnEnableGrid(self, event):
1685 self.client.SetEnableGrid(event.IsChecked())
1687 def OnEnableLegend(self, event):
1688 self.client.SetEnableLegend(event.IsChecked())
1690 def OnEnablePointLabel(self, event):
1691 self.client.SetEnablePointLabel(event.IsChecked())
1693 def OnScrUp(self, event):
1694 self.client.ScrollUp(1)
1696 def OnScrRt(self,event):
1697 self.client.ScrollRight(2)
1699 def OnReset(self,event):
1700 self.client.Reset()
1702 def OnHelpAbout(self, event):
1703 from wx.lib.dialogs import ScrolledMessageDialog
1704 about = ScrolledMessageDialog(self, __doc__, "About...")
1705 about.ShowModal()
1707 def resetDefaults(self):
1708 """Just to reset the fonts back to the PlotCanvas defaults"""
1709 self.client.SetFont(wx.Font(10,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL))
1710 self.client.SetFontSizeAxis(10)
1711 self.client.SetFontSizeLegend(7)
1712 self.client.SetXSpec('auto')
1713 self.client.SetYSpec('auto')
1716 def __test():
1718 class MyApp(wx.App):
1719 def OnInit(self):
1720 wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
1721 frame = TestFrame(None, -1, "PlotCanvas")
1722 #frame.Show(True)
1723 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
1724 return True
1727 app = MyApp(0)
1728 app.MainLoop()
1730 if __name__ == '__main__':
1731 __test()