]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blame_incremental - build/osx/makeprojects.applescript
updating files list for iphone opengl
[wxWidgets.git] / build / osx / makeprojects.applescript
... / ...
1global oldDelimiters
2global variables
3global variablesRef
4global bakefilesXML
5global bakefilesXMLRef
6global projectFile
8global osxBuildFolder
10property test : false
12-- retrieves the files from the xml node including optional conditions
13on parseSources(theName, theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
14 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
15 set allElements to {}
16 repeat with currElement in XML contents of theElement
17 if class of currElement is text then
18 set allElements to allElements & (every text item of currElement)
19 else
20 if class of currElement is XML element and XML tag of currElement is "if" then
21 if (cond of XML attributes of currElement is in theConditions) then
22 set allElements to allElements & (every text item of (item 1 of XML contents of currElement))
23 end if
24 end if
25 end if
26 end repeat
27 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
28 copy {varname:theName, entries:allElements} to end of theVariables
29end parseSources
31on parseEntry(theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
32 set theName to var of XML attributes of theElement
33 parseSources(theName, theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
34end parseEntry
36on parseLib(theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
37 set theName to |id| of XML attributes of theElement
38 repeat with currElement in XML contents of theElement
39 if class of currElement is XML element and XML tag of currElement is "sources" then
40 parseSources(theName, currElement, theVariables, theConditions)
41 end if
42 end repeat
43end parseLib
45on parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
46 if class of anElement is XML element and ¬
47 XML tag of anElement is "set" then
48 parseEntry(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
49 else
50 if class of anElement is XML element and ¬
51 XML tag of anElement is "lib" then
52 parseLib(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
53 end if
54 end if
55end parseNode
57-- iterates through the entire xml tree and populates the variables
58on parseFiles(theXML, theVariables, theConditions)
59 if class of theXML is XML element or class of theXML is XML document then
60 repeat with anElement in XML contents of theXML
61 try
62 parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
63 on error number -1728
64 -- ignore this error
65 end try
66 end repeat
67 else if class of theXML is list then
68 repeat with anElement in theXML
69 try
70 parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
71 on error number -1728
72 -- ignore this error
73 end try
74 end repeat
75 end if
76end parseFiles
78-- gets the entries of the variable named theName
79on getVar(theName)
80 repeat with anElement in variablesRef
81 if (varname of anElement is theName) then
82 return entries of anElement
83 end if
84 end repeat
85end getVar
87-- adds sources from fileList to a group named container
88on addNode(theContainer, fileList)
89 tell application "Xcode"
90 tell project 1
91 set theTargets to targets
92 repeat with listItem in fileList
93 if (listItem starts with "$(") then
94 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
95 set variableName to (characters 3 through ((length of listItem) - 1) of listItem) as text
96 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
97 my addNode(theContainer, my getVar(variableName))
98 else
99 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
100 set currPath to every text item in listItem
101 set currFile to "../../" & listItem
102 set currFileName to (item -1 in currPath)
103 set currGroup to (items 1 through -2 in currPath as text)
104 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
105 try
106 set theGroup to group theContainer
107 on error
108 tell root group
109 make new group with properties {name:theContainer}
110 end tell
111 end try
112 tell group theContainer
113 try
114 set theGroup to group named currGroup
115 on error
116 make new group with properties {name:currGroup}
117 end try
118 tell group currGroup
119 set newFile to make new file reference with properties {name:currFileName, path:currFile, path type:project relative}
120 repeat with theTarget in theTargets
121 add newFile to (get compile sources phase of theTarget)
122 end repeat
123 end tell
124 end tell
125 end if
126 end repeat
127 end tell
128 end tell
129end addNode
131-- retrieves contents of file at posixFilePath
132on readFile(posixFilePath)
133 set fileRef to open for access POSIX file posixFilePath
134 set theData to read fileRef
135 close access fileRef
136 return theData
137end readFile
139on init()
140 tell application "Xcode"
141 quit
142 end tell
143 set variablesRef to a reference to variables
144 set bakefilesXMLRef to a reference to bakefilesXML
145 set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
146 tell application "Finder"
147 set osxBuildFolder to POSIX path of ((folder of (path to me)) as Unicode text)
148 end tell
149end init
151-- reads the files list and evaluates the conditions
152on readFilesList(theFiles, theConditions)
153 set variables to {}
154 repeat with theFile in theFiles
155 set bakefilesXML to parse XML (readFile(osxBuildFolder & theFile))
156 parseFiles(bakefilesXMLRef, variablesRef, theConditions)
157 end repeat
158end readFilesList
160-- creates a new project file from the respective template
161on instantiateProject(theProject)
162 set projectName to projectName of theProject
163 set template to POSIX file (osxBuildFolder & projectName & "_in.xcodeproj")
164 set projectFile to POSIX file (osxBuildFolder & projectName & ".xcodeproj")
165 tell application "Finder"
166 try
167 delete file projectFile
168 end try
169 set duplicateProject to duplicate template with replace
170 set name of duplicateProject to (projectName & ".xcodeproj")
171 end tell
172end instantiateProject
174-- adds the source files of the nodes of theProject to the xcode project
175on populateProject(theProject)
176 tell application "Xcode"
177 open projectFile
178 end tell
179 repeat with theNode in nodes of theProject
180 -- reopen xcode for each pass, as otherwise the undomanager
181 -- happens to crash quite frequently
182 addNode(label of theNode, entries of theNode)
183 end repeat
184 tell application "Xcode"
185 quit
186 end tell
187 do shell script (osxBuildFolder as text) & "fix_xcode_ids.py \"" & (POSIX path of projectFile as Unicode text) & "\""
188 -- reopen again to let Xcode sort identifiers
189 tell application "Xcode"
190 open projectFile
191 end tell
192 tell application "Xcode"
193 quit
194 end tell
195end populateProject
197on makeProject(theProject)
198 instantiateProject(theProject)
199 readFilesList(bklfiles of theProject, conditions of theProject)
200 populateProject(theProject)
201end makeProject
203-- main
206set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_CARBON'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:¬
207 "wxcarbon", bklfiles:{¬
208 "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{¬
209 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, ¬
210 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
211 {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, ¬
212 {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, ¬
213 {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, ¬
214 {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, ¬
215 {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, ¬
216 {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, ¬
217 {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, ¬
218 {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, ¬
219 {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
220 {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, ¬
221 {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, ¬
222 {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, ¬
223 {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, ¬
224 {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, ¬
225 {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, ¬
226 {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, ¬
227 {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, ¬
228 {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, ¬
229 {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} ¬
230 }}
233set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_COCOA'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:¬
234 "wxcocoa", bklfiles:{¬
235 "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{¬
236 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, ¬
237 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
238 {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, ¬
239 {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, ¬
240 {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, ¬
241 {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, ¬
242 {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, ¬
243 {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, ¬
244 {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, ¬
245 {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, ¬
246 {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
247 {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, ¬
248 {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, ¬
249 {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, ¬
250 {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, ¬
251 {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, ¬
252 {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, ¬
253 {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, ¬
254 {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, ¬
255 {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, ¬
256 {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} ¬
257 }}
260set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_IPHONE'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:¬
261 "wxiphone", bklfiles:{¬
262 "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{¬
263 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, ¬
264 {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
265 {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, ¬
266 {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, ¬
267 {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, ¬
268 {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, ¬
269 {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, ¬
270 {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, ¬
271 {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, ¬
272 {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, ¬
273 {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, ¬
274 {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, ¬
275 {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, ¬
276 {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, ¬
277 {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, ¬
278 {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, ¬
279 {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, ¬
280 {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, ¬
281 {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, ¬
282 {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, ¬
283 {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} ¬
284 }}