]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blame_incremental - wxPython/samples/ide/activegrid/util/aglogging.py
removed code inside USE_SIZABLE_CALENDAR, we should allow making the main calendar...
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / samples / ide / activegrid / util / aglogging.py
... / ...
2# Name: aglogging.py
3# Purpose: Utilities to help with logging
5# Author: Jeff Norton
7# Created: 01/04/05
8# CVS-ID: $Id$
9# Copyright: (c) 2005 ActiveGrid, Inc.
10# License: wxWindows License
13import sys
14import os
15import re
16import traceback
17import logging
18import logging.config
19from activegrid.util.lang import *
20import activegrid.util.objutils as objutils
21import activegrid.util.sysutils as sysutils
22import activegrid.util.appdirs as appdirs
26LEVEL_WARN = logging.WARN
27LEVEL_INFO = logging.INFO
30EXCEPTION_INFO = 'exceptionInfo'
31loggingInitialized = False
36def initLogging(mode, force=False):
37 global ag_debugLogger, loggingInitialized
38 if (force or not loggingInitialized):
39 loggingInitialized = True
40 configFile = None
41 if (mode == LOG_MODE_IDE):
42 configFile = os.getenv("AG_LOGCONFIG_IDE")
43 elif (mode == LOG_MODE_TESTRUN):
44 configFile = os.getenv("AG_LOGCONFIG_PYTESTRUN")
45 else:
46 configFile = os.getenv("AG_LOGCONFIG_RUN")
47 if ((configFile == None) or not os.path.exists(configFile)):
48 if (mode == LOG_MODE_IDE):
49 configFile = "IDELog"
50 elif (mode == LOG_MODE_TESTRUN):
51 configFile = "TestRunLog"
52 else:
53 configFile = "RunLog"
54 configFile = os.path.join(appdirs.getSystemDir(appdirs.AG_LOGS_DIR), "py" + configFile + ".ini")
55 if (os.path.exists(configFile)):
56 print "Using logging configuration file: %s" % configFile
57 fileConfig(configFile)
58 else:
59 print "*** Cannot find logging configuration file (%s) -- setting default logging level to WARN ***" % (configFile)
60 defaultStream = sys.stderr
61 if (mode == LOG_MODE_RUN):
62 defaultStream = sys.stdout
63 handler = logging.StreamHandler(defaultStream)
64 handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
65 handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"))
66 logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler)
67 logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARN)
68 ag_debugLogger = logging.getLogger("activegrid.debug")
69 ag_debugLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
70 return configFile
72ag_debugLogger = logging.getLogger("activegrid.debug")
74def log(logger, level, msg, *params):
75 if (logger == None):
76 logger = ag_debugLogger
77 apply(logger.log, (level, msg) + params)
79def fatal(logger, msg, *params):
80 apply(logger.fatal, (msg,) + params)
82def error(logger, msg, *params):
83 apply(logger.error, (msg,) + params)
85def warn(logger, msg, *params):
86 apply(logger.warn, (msg,) + params)
88def info(logger, msg, *params):
89 apply(logger.info, (msg,) + params)
91def debug(logger, msg, *params):
92 if (logger == None):
93 logger = ag_debugLogger
94 apply(logger.debug, (msg,) + params)
96def setLevelFatal(logger):
97 logger.setLevel(LEVEL_FATAL)
99def setLevelError(logger):
100 logger.setLevel(LEVEL_ERROR)
102def setLevelWarn(logger):
103 logger.setLevel(LEVEL_WARN)
105def setLevelInfo(logger):
106 logger.setLevel(LEVEL_INFO)
108def setLevelDebug(logger):
109 logger.setLevel(LEVEL_DEBUG)
111def isEnabledForError(logger):
112 return logger.isEnabledFor(LEVEL_ERROR)
114def isEnabledForWarn(logger):
115 return logger.isEnabledFor(LEVEL_WARN)
117def isEnabledForInfo(logger):
118 return logger.isEnabledFor(LEVEL_INFO)
120def isEnabledForDebug(logger):
121 return logger.isEnabledFor(LEVEL_DEBUG)
127global agTestMode
128agTestMode = TEST_MODE_NONE
130def setTestMode(mode):
131 global agTestMode
132 agTestMode = mode
134def getTestMode():
135 global agTestMode
136 return agTestMode
138def testMode(normalObj, testObj=None, nonDeterministicObj=None):
139 testMode = getTestMode()
140 if testMode > TEST_MODE_NONE:
141 if ((nonDeterministicObj != None) and (testMode == TEST_MODE_NON_DETERMINISTIC)):
142 return nonDeterministicObj
143 return testObj
144 return normalObj
146pythonFileRefPattern = asString(r'(?<=File ")[^"]*(#[^#]*")(, line )[0-9]*')
147phpFileRefPattern = asString(r'( in ).*#([^#]*#[^ ]*)(?= on line )')
148pathSepPattern = os.sep
149if (pathSepPattern == "\\"):
150 pathSepPattern = "\\\\"
151pythonFileRefPattern = pythonFileRefPattern.replace("#", pathSepPattern)
152pythonFileRefPattern = re.compile(pythonFileRefPattern)
153phpFileRefPattern = phpFileRefPattern.replace("#", pathSepPattern)
154phpFileRefPattern = re.compile(phpFileRefPattern)
156def removeFileRefs(str):
157 str = pythonFileRefPattern.sub(_fileNameReplacement, str)
158 str = phpFileRefPattern.sub(_fileNameReplacementPHP, str)
159 return str
161def removePHPFileRefs(str):
162 str = phpFileRefPattern.sub(_fileNameReplacementPHP, str)
163 return str
165def _fileNameReplacement(match):
166 return "...%s" % match.group(1).replace(os.sep, "/")
168def _fileNameReplacementPHP(match):
169 return "%s...%s" % (match.group(1), match.group(2).replace(os.sep, "/"))
171def formatTraceback(tb=None):
172 if (tb == None):
173 extype, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
174 tbs = "\n" + "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
175 return tbs
177def formatExceptionCause(cause, stacktrace=False):
178 if (cause == None):
179 return ""
180 tbs = ""
181 if (stacktrace):
182 tbs = formatTraceback()
183 return "Caused by %s.%s: %s%s" % (cause.__module__, cause.__class__.__name__, str(cause), tbs)
185def addExceptionInfo(e, key, value):
186 if not hasattr(e, EXCEPTION_INFO):
187 try:
188 setattr(e, EXCEPTION_INFO, {})
189 except:
190 return # Make sure we still report the real exception even if we can't add the extra info
191 if not e.exceptionInfo.has_key(key): # Never overwrite exception info since we assume earlier info is more specific
192 e.exceptionInfo[key] = value
194def reportException(exception, out=None, stacktrace=False, diffable=False):
195 exstr = exceptionToString(exception, stacktrace, diffable)
196 if (out == None):
197 print exstr
198 else:
199 print >> out, exstr
201def exceptionToString(exception, stacktrace=False, diffable=False):
202 extype = objutils.typeToString(exception)
203 val = exception
204 if (stacktrace):
205 e,v,t = sys.exc_info()
206 if (diffable):
207 exstr = removeFileRefs(str(val))
208 else:
209 exstr = str(val)
210 if hasattr(val, EXCEPTION_INFO):
211 firstTime = True
212 for infoKey, infoValue in getattr(val, EXCEPTION_INFO).items():
213 if firstTime:
214 prefix = " EXTRA INFO:"
215 firstTime = False
216 else:
217 prefix = ","
218 exstr += ("%s %s=%s" % (prefix, infoKey, infoValue))
219 result = "Got Exception = %s: %s" % (extype, exstr)
220 if (stacktrace):
221 fmt = traceback.format_exception(extype, val, t)
222 for s in fmt:
223 if (diffable):
224 s = removeFileRefs(s)
225 result = result + "\n" + s
226 return result
228def fileConfig(fname, defaults=None):
229 """
230 This is copied from logging.config so that we could fix the class lookup of
231 handlers. Previously handlers had to be defined in logging.handlers and we
232 need to be able to define our own.
233 """
234 import ConfigParser, string
236 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(defaults)
237 if hasattr(cp, 'readfp') and hasattr(fname, 'readline'):
238 cp.readfp(fname)
239 else:
240 cp.read(fname)
241 #first, do the formatters...
242 flist = cp.get("formatters", "keys")
243 if len(flist):
244 flist = string.split(flist, ",")
245 formatters = {}
246 for form in flist:
247 sectname = "formatter_%s" % form
248 opts = cp.options(sectname)
249 if "format" in opts:
250 fs = cp.get(sectname, "format", 1)
251 else:
252 fs = None
253 if "datefmt" in opts:
254 dfs = cp.get(sectname, "datefmt", 1)
255 else:
256 dfs = None
257 f = logging.Formatter(fs, dfs)
258 formatters[form] = f
259 #next, do the handlers...
260 #critical section...
261 logging._acquireLock()
262 try:
263## try:
264 #first, lose the existing handlers...
265 logging._handlers.clear()
266 #now set up the new ones...
267 hlist = cp.get("handlers", "keys")
268 if len(hlist):
269 hlist = string.split(hlist, ",")
270 handlers = {}
271 fixups = [] #for inter-handler references
272 for hand in hlist:
273## try:
274 sectname = "handler_%s" % hand
275 classname = cp.get(sectname, "class")
276 opts = cp.options(sectname)
277 if "formatter" in opts:
278 fmt = cp.get(sectname, "formatter")
279 else:
280 fmt = ""
281 klass = None
282 try:
283 klass = eval(classname, vars(logging))
284 except:
285 pass
286 if (klass == None):
287 klass = objutils.classForName(classname)
288 args = cp.get(sectname, "args")
289 args = eval(args, vars(logging))
290 h = apply(klass, args)
291 if "level" in opts:
292 level = cp.get(sectname, "level")
293 h.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level])
294 if len(fmt):
295 h.setFormatter(formatters[fmt])
296 #temporary hack for FileHandler and MemoryHandler.
297 if klass == logging.handlers.MemoryHandler:
298 if "target" in opts:
299 target = cp.get(sectname,"target")
300 else:
301 target = ""
302 if len(target): #the target handler may not be loaded yet, so keep for later...
303 fixups.append((h, target))
304 handlers[hand] = h
305## except Exception, e: #if an error occurs when instantiating a handler, too bad
306## pass #this could happen e.g. because of lack of privileges
307 #now all handlers are loaded, fixup inter-handler references...
308 for fixup in fixups:
309 h = fixup[0]
310 t = fixup[1]
311 h.setTarget(handlers[t])
312 #at last, the loggers...first the root...
313 llist = cp.get("loggers", "keys")
314 llist = string.split(llist, ",")
315 llist.remove("root")
316 sectname = "logger_root"
317 root = logging.root
318 log = root
319 opts = cp.options(sectname)
320 if "level" in opts:
321 level = cp.get(sectname, "level")
322 log.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level])
323 for h in root.handlers[:]:
324 root.removeHandler(h)
325 hlist = cp.get(sectname, "handlers")
326 if len(hlist):
327 hlist = string.split(hlist, ",")
328 for hand in hlist:
329 log.addHandler(handlers[hand])
330 #and now the others...
331 #we don't want to lose the existing loggers,
332 #since other threads may have pointers to them.
333 #existing is set to contain all existing loggers,
334 #and as we go through the new configuration we
335 #remove any which are configured. At the end,
336 #what's left in existing is the set of loggers
337 #which were in the previous configuration but
338 #which are not in the new configuration.
339 existing = root.manager.loggerDict.keys()
340 #now set up the new ones...
341 for log in llist:
342 sectname = "logger_%s" % log
343 qn = cp.get(sectname, "qualname")
344 opts = cp.options(sectname)
345 if "propagate" in opts:
346 propagate = cp.getint(sectname, "propagate")
347 else:
348 propagate = 1
349 logger = logging.getLogger(qn)
350 if qn in existing:
351 existing.remove(qn)
352 if "level" in opts:
353 level = cp.get(sectname, "level")
354 logger.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level])
355 for h in logger.handlers[:]:
356 logger.removeHandler(h)
357 logger.propagate = propagate
358 logger.disabled = 0
359 hlist = cp.get(sectname, "handlers")
360 if len(hlist):
361 hlist = string.split(hlist, ",")
362 for hand in hlist:
363 logger.addHandler(handlers[hand])
364 #Disable any old loggers. There's no point deleting
365 #them as other threads may continue to hold references
366 #and by disabling them, you stop them doing any logging.
367 for log in existing:
368 root.manager.loggerDict[log].disabled = 1
369## except:
370## import traceback
371## ei = sys.exc_info()
372## traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], None, sys.stderr)
373## del ei
374 finally:
375 logging._releaseLock()