Commit | Line | Data |
1 | rem Uncomment the next line to set the version; used also in wxWidgets.iss\r | |
2 | SET WXW_VER=2.9.5 | |
3 | if (%WXW_VER%)==() SET WXW_VER=SVN\r | |
4 | \r | |
5 | echo docs building for %WXW_VER%\r | |
6 | \r | |
7 | rem This builds the docs in %WXWIN% in a number of formats \r | |
8 | rem and a clean inno setup in a second tree\r | |
9 | rem it uses a number of tools, gnuwin32 zip & dos2unix, \r | |
10 | rem writes a log file in c:\\r | |
11 | \r | |
12 | echo Building wxWidgets-%WXW_VER% docs... > c:\temp.log\r | |
13 | \r | |
14 | set WXWIN=c:\wx\wxWidgets\r | |
15 | set DAILY=c:\daily\r | |
16 | set INNO=c:\wx\inno\wxWidgets\r | |
17 | \r | |
18 | rem svn already in my path...\r | |
19 | set PATH=%PATH%;c:\wx\Gnu\bin;c:\progra~1\htmlhe~1;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1;c:\wx\doxygen\bin\r | |
20 | set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\Graphviz\bin\r | |
21 | echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log\r | |
22 | \r | |
23 | \r | |
24 | rem update wxwidgets (holds docs) and inno (wxMSW setup.exe only)\r | |
25 | c:\r | |
26 | cd %WXWIN%\r | |
27 | svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log\r | |
28 | svn up >> c:\temp.log\r | |
29 | \r | |
30 | rem now inno\r | |
31 | cd %INNO% >> c:\temp.log\r | |
32 | rem Don't update the svn automatically\r | |
33 | rem svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log\r | |
34 | rem svn up >> c:\temp.log\r | |
35 | \r | |
36 | if exist include\wx\msw\setup.h del include\wx\msw\setup.h\r | |
37 | if exist include\wx\univ\setup.h del include\wx\univ\setup.h\r | |
38 | \r | |
39 | del c*.*\r | |
40 | svn up configure\r | |
41 | svn up configure.in\r | |
42 | svn up config.guess\r | |
43 | svn up config.sub\r | |
44 | dos2unix configure\r | |
45 | dos2unix config.guess\r | |
46 | dos2unix config.sub\r | |
47 | copy include\wx\msw\setup0.h include\wx\msw\setup.h\r | |
48 | copy include\wx\univ\setup0.h include\wx\univ\setup.h\r | |
49 | echo SVN update >> c:\temp.log\r | |
50 | \r | |
51 | rem make chm\r | |
52 | rem Now create standalone copies of docs (chm and htb)\r | |
53 | cd %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen\r | |
54 | del out\html\*.html\r | |
55 | del out\html\*.htb\r | |
56 | del out\html\*.zip\r | |
57 | del out\*.chm\r | |
58 | call regen chm\r | |
59 | \r | |
60 | \r | |
61 | cd %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen\out\r | |
62 | zip wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-docs-chm.zip wx.chm\r | |
63 | copy wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-docs-chm.zip %DAILY%\r | |
64 | cd html\r | |
65 | del *.dot\r | |
66 | del *.md5\r | |
67 | zip -r wx.htb *.*\r | |
68 | copy wx.htb %DAILY%\wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-docs-html.zip\r | |
69 | zip wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-docs-htb.zip wx.htb\r | |
70 | copy wxWidgets-%WXW_VER%-docs-htb.zip %DAILY%\r | |
71 | \r | |
72 | \r | |
73 | mkdir %INNO%\docs\htmlhelp\r | |
74 | copy %WXWIN%\docs\doxygen\out\wx.chm %INNO%\docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm\r | |
75 | cd %WXWIN%\build\tools\r | |
76 | iscc wxwidgets.iss >> c:\temp.log\r | |
77 | copy %INNO%\..\wxMSW-%WXW_VER%-Setup.exe c:\daily | |
78 | \r | |
79 | echo docs built for %WXW_VER%\r | |
80 | echo docs built for %WXW_VER% >> c:\temp.log\r | |
81 | \r | |
82 | \r |