]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blame - wxPython/demo/data/testtable.txt
implement wxColourDialog::Move() (patch 548048)
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / demo / data / testtable.txt
Content-type: text/html ]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blame - wxPython/demo/data/testtable.txt

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1Name Type Platform Location Availability Description
2WebReuser Development Windows 95, Windows NT, HPUX 9.05 and 10.2, Solaris 2.4 and 2.5 http://www.stablesoft.com Evaluation WebReuser is a re-use tool from Hitachi Europe Limited. WebReuser is a tool that simplifies software reuse. Its ability to track, schematize and search documents makes it the ideal way to understand C++ code. These features also make WebReuser an ideal tool to classify any Web resource. WebReuser can even be used for more general documentation management tasks.
3MacAnova Development Windows, Motif, Mac http://www.stat.umn.edu/~gary/macanova/macanova.home.html Free A large statistical application from the School of Statistics, University of Minnesota. It is based on a modified version of wxWindows 1.65.
4Hardy Development Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif (Sun only) http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~hardy/ Freeware for personal and academic use A hypertext-based diagramming and knowledge-based system development tool, with NASA's CLIPS built-in. It is a superset of wxCLIPS.
5wxCLIPS Development Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://web.ukonline.co.uk/julian.smart/wxclips Freeware A GUI development environment for CLIPS applications.
6wxPython Development wxWindows 2 for the new version http://alldunn.com/wxPython/ Freeware Python/wxWindows combination by Robin Dunn and Harri Pasanen. Python is an elegant object-oriented, interpreted language that runs on many platforms.
7MrEd Development Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/mred/ Freeware MrEd is a combined editor and Scheme development environment by Matthew Flatt.
8WXLisp Development Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://www.cadlab.de/~lipuser/wxlisp/wxlisp.html Freeware A combination of wxWindows and XLisp.
9Scriptum Development Motif http://www.isoft.com.ar/eng/products/system/scriptum.html Freeware Graphical editor with visual highlighting, navigation/browsing, undo, class browser for C++ and Java, source code management, file locking, remote editing using ftp, configurable.
10WipeOut Development XView/Linux http://www.softwarebuero.de/wipeout-eng.html Giftware WipeOut is an integrated development environment for C++ projects, available for Linux/XView. The authors are working on versions for SunOS/Solaris. Source is available for porting to other platforms.
11OPL Development Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://www.ozemail.com.au/~adavison/ Freeware Object Prolog is a portable implementation of Prolog by Andrew Davison, with object-oriented extensions, entirely written in C++. In the initial version, a binding to wxWindows is available. In the revamped version, this binding has not been written yet.
12Dataplore Graphics and sound Windows, other? http://www.datan.de/dataplore Commercial Data visualisation tool, from Datan
13VCG Tool Graphics and sound Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://www.cs.uni-sb.de:80/RW/users/sander/html/gsvcg1.html Freeware A graph layout tool similar to GraphPlace, but with extensions. Very nice indeed!
14Y.E.S. Graphics and sound Win 3.1, WIN32, XView (Linux) ftp://ftp.musik.uni-essen.de/pub/EsAC/program/ Shareware Monophonic notation program.
15JAZZ Graphics and sound XView (Linux) http://rokke.aug.hiagder.no/per/jazz.html Freeware A MIDI sequencer for Linux.
16ISP Graphics and sound Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin/contrib/isp-100/ Freeware Image and sound player educational tool.
17ClockWorks Graphics and sound Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://web.ukonline.co.uk/Members/julian.smart/freesoft.html#clockworks Freeware A configurable analogue clock, with a collection of 'fine art' faces. By Julian Smart.
18M Miscellaneous Windows 95, Windows NT, Linux http://www.phy.hw.ac.uk/~karsten/M/index.html GPL M is a cross-platform e-mail application. It will be available for X11/Unix and Windows platforms, supporting a wide range of e-mail transfer protocols as well as including full MIME support. M's wealth of features and ease of use make it one of the most powerful MUAs available, providing a consistent and intuitive interface across all platforms.
19Boolean Miscellaneous Windows 95, Windows NT, Solaris http://www.xs4all.nl/~kholwerd/bool.html Freeware A GDSII CAD file format viewer, and program to perform boolean operations on sets of 2D polygons. By Klaas Holwerda.
20TimeMan Miscellaneous wxGTK, Unix http://www.bgif.no/neureka/TimeMan/ Freeware A time manager, written using wxGTK
21Forty Thieves Miscellaneous Motif, Windows apps/forty/forty.htm Freeware A fiendish patience game, by Chris Breeze. A nice demo of what's possible with wxWindows.
22Lean Integration Platform Miscellaneous Windows NT, various flavours of UNIX http://www.c-lab.de/~lipuser/lip To be decided LIP is a workflow-oriented tool integration system which uses wxLisp (and thus wxWindows) as an implementation basis. Lisp combined with the wxWindows bindings make up the compatible extension language platform of the system.
23wxWeb Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin/contrib/wxweb Freeware Andrew Davison's Web browser, with SimSock portable socket library and wxHtml canvas. Includes an http server for UNIX and Windows.
24SANTIS Miscellaneous Win 3.1, Windows 95, Linux, Solaris OpenLook and Motif, Silicon Graphics http://www.physiology.rwth-aachen.de/bs/santis/ Free for non-commercial use SANTIS is a software tool designed for the analysis of signals and time series data of any kind, in particular for scientific purposes. It was developed at the Laboratory of Biomedical Systems Analysis, Institute of Physiology at the University of Aachen, Germany.
25Xbaies Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView xbaies.htm Freeware A shell for building Bayesian network models, by Robert Cowell.
26wxTinyBB Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin/contrib/wxtinybb Freeware/commercial A tiny blackboard shell demo showing an embedded (commercial) Prolog engine. Demo written by Arvindra Sehmi. A good example of a nice interface using wxWindows.
27Gambit Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://www.hss.caltech.edu/~gambit/Gambit.html Freeware A large wxWindows application with source, and features such as a table control with printing.
28Tex2RTF Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView http://web.ukonline.co.uk/julian.smart/tex2rtf Freeware Converts subset of LaTeX syntax to WinHelp, wordprocessor RTF, HTML, and wxHelp. As used for wxWindows documentation.
29wxPoem Miscellaneous Win 3.1, WIN32, Motif, XView none.htm Freeware A poetry display program for wxWindows. Included as a sample in the wxWindows distribution.
30Sonar tracking software Miscellaneous See Web site http://www.desertstar.com Demonstration Miscellaneous sonar tracking software from Desert Star Systems, who use wxWindows for all their Windows-based software.
31Name Research software Platform Location Availability Description
32DisCo Research software N/A http://www.cs.tut.fi/laitos/DisCo/tool.fm.html N/A A tool for specification of reactive systems.
33CAFE Research software N/A cafe.htm N/A Cellular Analysis of Fire and Extinction