Commit | Line | Data |
5526e819 VS |
1 | <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> |
2 | <HTML> | |
3 | <HEAD> | |
4 | <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> | |
5 | <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i686) [Netscape]"> | |
6 | </HEAD> | |
e6ff5ac9 | 7 | <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#B3B6E0" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF0000" ALINK="#000088"> |
5526e819 | 8 | |
139ab6fc | 9 | <font size=+2> |
5526e819 | 10 | <b><a href="tables.htm">click here to go to tables test page!</a></b> |
25082126 VS |
11 | <p> |
12 | <b><a href="imagemap.htm">click here to go to IMAGEMAPs test page!</a></b> | |
139ab6fc VS |
13 | <p> |
14 | <b><a href="8859_2.htm">i18n demo 1 (iso8859-2)</a></b> | |
15 | <p> | |
16 | <b><a href="cp1250.htm">i18n demo 2 (cp1250)</a></b> | |
17 | </font> | |
5526e819 VS |
18 | <p> |
19 | This is - - default text, now switching to | |
20 | <CENTER> | |
21 | <P>center, now still ctr, now exiting</CENTER> | |
22 | exited!.<A HREF="#downtown">[link to down]</A> | |
23 | <P>Hello, this *is* default charset (helvetica, probably) and it is displayed | |
24 | with one <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">COLOR CHANGE</FONT>. Of course we | |
25 | can have as many color changes as we can, what about this <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">M</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#33FF33">D</FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><FONT SIZE=+1>N</FONT></FONT></B>E<FONT COLOR="#999999">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC">S?</FONT> | |
26 | <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">There was a space above.</FONT> | |
27 | <BR> | |
28 | <HR WIDTH="100%">This was a line. <TT>(BTW we are in <B>fixed</B> font | |
29 | / <I><U>typewriter</U> font</I> right now :-)</TT> | |
30 | <BR>This is in <B>BOLD</B> face. This is <I>ITALIC.</I> This is <B><I><U>E | |
31 | V E R Y T H I N G</U></I></B>. | |
32 | <BR> | |
33 | <P><BR> | |
34 | <CENTER> | |
35 | <P>Right now, <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=+4>centered REALLY Big Text</FONT></FONT>, | |
36 | how do you like (space) it?</CENTER> | |
37 | ||
38 | <DIV ALIGN=right>RIGHT: <FONT SIZE=-2>text-2, </FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>text-1, | |
39 | </FONT>text+0, | |
40 | <FONT SIZE=+1>text+1, | |
41 | </FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>text+2, | |
42 | </FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=+3>text+3, | |
43 | </FONT><FONT SIZE=+4>text+4</FONT> | |
44 | <BR><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are right now</FONT></U></DIV> | |
45 | ||
46 | <CENTER><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are center now</FONT></U></CENTER> | |
47 | <U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are left now.</FONT></U> | |
48 | <P><I><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Blue italic text is displayed there....</FONT></I> | |
49 | <H1> | |
50 | ||
51 | <HR ALIGN=LEFT SIZE=10 WIDTH="50%">This is heading one.</H1> | |
52 | this is normal | |
53 | <CENTER> | |
54 | <H1> | |
55 | This is <FONT COLOR="#33FF33">CENTERED</FONT> heading one</H1></CENTER> | |
56 | <FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">Yes, hmmmmmmmmm........, right now, <TT>we should | |
57 | display some tiny nice image</TT>, he?</FONT> | |
58 | <BR><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" ><IMG SRC="pic2.bmp">and this is text...... | |
59 | <P><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=327 ALIGN=CENTER>and | |
60 | this is text...... | |
61 | <BR><A HREF="pic.png"><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=160 WIDTH=100 ALIGN=TEXTTOP></A> (try clicking on the image :-) and | |
62 | this is text...... | |
63 | <BR> | |
64 | <BR> | |
65 | <UL> | |
66 | <LI> | |
67 | item 1</LI> | |
68 | ||
69 | <LI> | |
70 | item 2</LI> | |
71 | ||
72 | <UL> | |
73 | <LI> | |
74 | nested item</LI> | |
75 | ||
76 | <LI> | |
77 | nested item 2</LI> | |
78 | </UL> | |
79 | ||
80 | <LI> | |
81 | item 3</LI> | |
82 | </UL> | |
83 | ||
84 | <OL> | |
85 | <LI> | |
86 | item one</LI> | |
87 | ||
88 | <LI> | |
89 | item two</LI> | |
90 | ||
91 | <OL> | |
92 | <LI> | |
93 | nsted item</LI> | |
94 | </OL> | |
95 | ||
96 | <LI> | |
97 | last numbered item</LI> | |
98 | </OL> | |
99 | ||
100 | <H1> | |
101 | Heading 1</H1> | |
102 | <I>Italic text now...</I> | |
103 | <H2> | |
104 | <I>Heading 2</I></H2> | |
105 | <I>and now?</I> | |
106 | <H3> | |
107 | Heading 3</H3> | |
108 | ||
109 | <H4> | |
110 | Heading 4</H4> | |
111 | ||
112 | <H5> | |
113 | Heading 5</H5> | |
114 | ||
115 | <H6> | |
116 | Heading 6</H6> | |
117 | And this is normal text, once again :-) | |
118 | <BR> | |
119 | <BR> | |
120 | <BR> | |
121 | <BR> | |
122 | <BR> | |
123 | <BR> | |
124 | <P>And yes, we're in <FONT SIZE=+4>HTML DOCUMENT, </FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>so | |
125 | what about some nice <A HREF="fft.html">hypertext link</A>??</FONT> | |
126 | <P>hello? | |
127 | <BR> | |
128 | <P><BR> | |
129 | <CENTER> | |
130 | <P>This is <A NAME="downtown"></a>centered paragraph</CENTER> | |
131 | ||
132 | <P>This is new par? | |
133 | <P><B>We switched to BOLD</B> | |
134 | <P><B>This is new paragraph</B> Bold is off now. | |
135 | <P>new par | |
136 | <P> ----------- | |
137 | <P><FONT SIZE=-2>Hello</FONT> | |
138 | <OL><FONT SIZE=-2>this is standalone :-)</FONT> | |
139 | <LI> | |
140 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf | |
141 | jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl | |
142 | fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga | |
143 | kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI> | |
144 | ||
145 | <LI> | |
146 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
147 | twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo | |
148 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
149 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI> | |
150 | ||
151 | <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0><B>(blockquote)</B>two two two two two two twotwo | |
152 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT> | |
153 | <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> | |
154 | <FONT SIZE=+0>two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
155 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> | |
156 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
157 | twotwo TWO</FONT> | |
158 | <LI> | |
159 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI> | |
160 | ||
161 | <LI> | |
162 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf | |
163 | jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl | |
164 | fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga | |
165 | kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI> | |
166 | ||
167 | <LI> | |
168 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
169 | twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo | |
170 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
171 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two | |
172 | two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two | |
173 | two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two | |
174 | two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two | |
175 | two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI> | |
176 | ||
177 | <LI> | |
178 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI> | |
179 | ||
180 | <LI> | |
181 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf | |
182 | jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl | |
183 | fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga | |
184 | kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI> | |
185 | ||
186 | <LI> | |
187 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
188 | twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo | |
189 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
190 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two | |
191 | two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two | |
192 | two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two | |
193 | two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two | |
194 | two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI> | |
195 | ||
196 | <LI> | |
197 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI> | |
198 | ||
199 | <LI> | |
200 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf | |
201 | jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl | |
202 | fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga | |
203 | kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI> | |
204 | ||
205 | <LI> | |
206 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
207 | twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo | |
208 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
209 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two | |
210 | two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two | |
211 | two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two | |
212 | two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two | |
213 | two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI> | |
214 | ||
215 | <LI> | |
216 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI> | |
217 | ||
218 | <LI> | |
219 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf | |
220 | jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl | |
221 | fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga | |
222 | kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI> | |
223 | ||
224 | <LI> | |
225 | <FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
226 | twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo | |
227 | TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO | |
228 | two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI> | |
229 | ||
230 | <P><BR><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two | |
231 | two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two | |
232 | two twotwo TWO</FONT> | |
233 | <P><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two | |
234 | two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two | |
235 | twotwo TWO</FONT> | |
236 | <LI> | |
237 | <FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI> | |
238 | </OL> | |
239 | Now, you will see some PRE text:<p> | |
240 | <PRE>// This is sample C++ code: | |
241 | ||
242 | void main(int argc, char *argv[]) | |
243 | { | |
244 | printf("Go away, man!\n"); | |
245 | i = 666; | |
246 | printf("\n\n\nCRASH\n DOWN NOW. . . \n"); | |
247 | }</PRE> | |
248 | ||
249 | <H3>WWW</H3> | |
250 | <A HREF="http://www.kde.org">This is WWW link to KDE site!</A> | |
251 | <BR> | |
252 | ||
253 | ||
254 | ||
255 | ||
256 | ||
257 | ||
258 | <A HREF="http://www.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~vsla8348/wxhtml/index.html">(one folder up)</A> | |
259 | <BR> | |
260 | ||
261 | ... | |
262 | <BR> | |
263 | ... | |
264 | <BR> | |
265 | Link to normal text file : <a href="test.cpp">test.cpp</a> | |
266 | <BR> | |
267 | And link to BINARY : <a href="test">Unix</a> or <a href="test.exe">Windows</a> | |
268 | <BR> | |
269 | <a href="http://www.tue.nl">ANOTHER LINK(www.tue.nl)</a> | |
270 | ||
8b260fbe VS |
271 | <p><hr size=4><p> |
272 | ||
273 | <h2>Definition lists</h2> | |
274 | ||
275 | This is definition list (DL,DT,DD): | |
276 | <dl> | |
277 | <dt> term | |
278 | <dd> and it's definition | |
279 | ||
280 | <dt> Windows 95 | |
281 | <dt> Windows 98 | |
282 | <dt> Windows NT | |
283 | <dd> so-called operating systems | |
284 | <dd> Micro$oft trademarks | |
285 | ||
286 | <dt> Unix | |
287 | <dd> operating system | |
288 | <dd> huh? | |
289 | ||
290 | </dl> | |
291 | ...end of DD | |
5526e819 | 292 | |
6ed4970d VS |
293 | <p> |
294 | <h2>Increasing font size test</h2> | |
295 | ||
296 | normal<p> | |
297 | <font size=+1> | |
298 | plus one<p> | |
299 | <font size=+1> | |
300 | plus one<p> | |
301 | <font size=+1> | |
302 | plus one<p> | |
303 | <font size=-2> | |
304 | minus two<p> | |
305 | </font> | |
306 | </font> | |
307 | </font> | |
308 | </font> | |
309 | ||
310 | ||
311 | <p> | |
312 | <h2> FONT FACE demo </h2> | |
313 | ||
314 | ||
315 | <font size=+2> | |
316 | Normal font<br> | |
317 | <font face="Times New Roman,times">Times New Roman (and <tt>typewriter</tt>) | |
318 | <br></font> | |
319 | <font face="avantgarde,Tahoma">avantgarde or Tahoma, if available</font> | |
320 | <br> | |
321 | <tt>inside tt tag...<font face="lucidatypewriter,terminal"> lucida/terminal </font></tt> | |
322 | <br>...and now, everything is back in normal, we | |
323 | continue as <i>before</i>, <b>ok?</b> ?? | |
324 | ||
325 | </font> | |
326 | ||
5526e819 VS |
327 | </BODY> |
328 | </HTML> |