--- /dev/null
+\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION timeuuid" to load this file. \quit
+create type timeuuid;
+create or replace function timeuuid_in(cstring) returns timeuuid
+ as 'uuid_in' language internal immutable strict;
+create or replace function timeuuid_out(timeuuid) returns cstring
+ as 'uuid_out' language internal immutable strict;
+create or replace function timeuuid_recv(internal) returns timeuuid
+ as 'uuid_recv' language internal immutable strict;
+create or replace function timeuuid_send(timeuuid) returns bytea
+ as 'uuid_send' language internal immutable strict;
+create type timeuuid (
+ input = timeuuid_in,
+ output = timeuuid_out,
+ receive = timeuuid_recv,
+ send = timeuuid_send,
+ like = uuid
+create or replace function timeuuid_eq(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'uuid_eq' language internal immutable strict;
+create or replace function timeuuid_neq(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'uuid_ne' language internal immutable strict;
+create or replace function timeuuid_hash(timeuuid) returns int4
+ as 'uuid_hash' language internal immutable strict;
+create function timeuuid_lt(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timeuuid_gt(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timeuuid_le(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timeuuid_ge(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns boolean
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timeuuid_cmp(timeuuid, timeuuid) returns int4
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create operator = (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = =,
+ negator = <>,
+ procedure = timeuuid_eq,
+ restrict = eqsel,
+ join = eqjoinsel,
+ hashes,
+ merges
+create operator <> (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = <>,
+ negator = =,
+ procedure = timeuuid_neq,
+ restrict = neqsel,
+ join = neqjoinsel
+create operator < (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = >,
+ negator = >=,
+ procedure = timeuuid_lt,
+ restrict = scalarltsel,
+ join = scalarltjoinsel
+create operator > (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = <,
+ negator = <=,
+ procedure = timeuuid_gt,
+ restrict = scalargtsel,
+ join = scalargtjoinsel
+create operator <= (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = >=,
+ negator = >,
+ procedure = timeuuid_le,
+ restrict = scalarltsel,
+ join = scalarltjoinsel
+create operator >= (
+ leftarg = timeuuid,
+ rightarg = timeuuid,
+ commutator = <=,
+ negator = <,
+ procedure = timeuuid_ge,
+ restrict = scalargtsel,
+ join = scalargtjoinsel
+create operator class timeuuid_ops
+default for type timeuuid using btree as
+ operator 1 <,
+ operator 2 <=,
+ operator 3 =,
+ operator 4 >=,
+ operator 5 >,
+ function 1 timeuuid_cmp(timeuuid, timeuuid);
+create cast (timeuuid as uuid)
+ without function as assignment;
+create cast (uuid as timeuuid)
+ without function as assignment;
+create function timeuuid_to_timestamptz(uuid) returns timestamptz
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timeuuid_to_timestamptz(timeuuid) returns timestamptz
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create function timestamptz_to_timeuuid(timestamptz) returns timeuuid
+ as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language c strict immutable;
+create cast (timeuuid as timestamptz)
+ with function timeuuid_to_timestamptz(timeuuid);
+create cast (timestamptz as timeuuid)
+ with function timestamptz_to_timeuuid(timestamptz);
--- /dev/null
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "utils/timestamp.h"
+#include "utils/uuid.h"
+#define UUID_EPOCH_JDATE 2299161 /* == date2j(1582, 10, 15) */
+struct pg_uuid_t {
+ unsigned char data[UUID_LEN];
+struct timeuuid_t {
+ uint32_t time_low;
+ uint16_t time_mid;
+ uint16_t time_hi_and_version;
+ uint8_t data[8];
+typedef struct timeuuid_t timeuuid_t;
+Datum timeuuid_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum timeuuid_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum timeuuid_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum timeuuid_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum timeuuid_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+static int timeuuid_internal_cmp(const pg_uuid_t *arg1, const pg_uuid_t *arg2) {
+ int result;
+ if ((result = memcmp(&arg1->data[6], &arg2->data[6], 2)) != 0)
+ return result;
+ if ((result = memcmp(&arg1->data[4], &arg2->data[4], 2)) != 0)
+ return result;
+ if ((result = memcmp(&arg1->data[0], &arg2->data[0], 4)) != 0)
+ return result;
+ return memcmp(&arg1->data[8], &arg2->data[8], 8);
+Datum timeuuid_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ pg_uuid_t *arg1 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ pg_uuid_t *arg2 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(timeuuid_internal_cmp(arg1, arg2) < 0);
+Datum timeuuid_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ pg_uuid_t *arg1 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ pg_uuid_t *arg2 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(timeuuid_internal_cmp(arg1, arg2) > 0);
+Datum timeuuid_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ pg_uuid_t *arg1 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ pg_uuid_t *arg2 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(timeuuid_internal_cmp(arg1, arg2) <= 0);
+Datum timeuuid_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ pg_uuid_t *arg1 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ pg_uuid_t *arg2 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(timeuuid_internal_cmp(arg1, arg2) >= 0);
+Datum timeuuid_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ pg_uuid_t *arg1 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ pg_uuid_t *arg2 = PG_GETARG_UUID_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(timeuuid_internal_cmp(arg1, arg2));
+Datum timeuuid_to_timestamptz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum timestamptz_to_timeuuid(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+static const int64_t uuid_diff = ((int64_t) POSTGRES_EPOCH_JDATE - (int64_t) UUID_EPOCH_JDATE) * SECS_PER_DAY * USECS_PER_SEC;
+Datum timeuuid_to_timestamptz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ timeuuid_t *uuid = (timeuuid_t *) PG_GETARG_UUID_P(0);
+ TimestampTz ts = (((uint64_t) ntohs(uuid->time_hi_and_version) & 0xfff) << 48) + ((uint64_t) ntohs(uuid->time_mid) << 32) + (uint64_t) ntohl(uuid->time_low);
+ ts = (int64_t) (ts / 10) - uuid_diff;
+Datum timestamptz_to_timeuuid(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
+ TimestampTz ts = PG_GETARG_TIMESTAMPTZ(0);
+ ts = (ts + uuid_diff) * 10;
+ timeuuid_t *uuid = (timeuuid_t *) palloc(sizeof(*uuid));
+ uuid->time_hi_and_version = htons((ts >> 48) | (0x1 << 12));
+ uuid->time_mid = htons(ts >> 32);
+ uuid->time_low = htonl(ts);
+ memset(uuid->data, 0, 8);