/* Cydia Substrate - Meta-Library Insert for iPhoneOS
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
#import <SpringBoard/SBAlertItem.h>
#import <SpringBoard/SBAlertItemsController.h>
-#import <SpringBoard/SBContentLayer.h>
+#import <SpringBoard/SBButtonBar.h>
#import <SpringBoard/SBStatusBarController.h>
+#import <SpringBoard/SBStatusBarDataManager.h>
#import <SpringBoard/SBStatusBarTimeView.h>
+#import <SpringBoard/SBUIController.h>
#include <substrate.h>
-@protocol MobileSubstrate
-- (id) ms$initWithSize:(CGSize)size;
-- (int) ms$maxIconColumns;
Class $SafeModeAlertItem;
Class $SBAlertItemsController;
case 3:
- [UIApp openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://cydia.saurik.com/safemode/"]];
+ [UIApp applicationOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://cydia.saurik.com/safemode/"]];
void SafeModeAlertItem$configure$requirePasscodeForActions$(id self, SEL sel, BOOL configure, BOOL require) {
- UIModalView *sheet([self alertSheet]);
+ id sheet([self alertSheet]);
[sheet setDelegate:self];
- [sheet setBodyText:@"We apologize for the inconvenience, but SpringBoard has just crashed.\n\nA recent software installation, upgrade, or removal might have been the cause of this.\n\nYour device is now running in Safe Mode. All extensions that support this safety system are disabled.\n\nReboot (or restart SpringBoard) to return to the normal mode. To return to this dialog touch the status bar."];
+ [sheet setBodyText:@"We apologize for the inconvenience, but SpringBoard has just crashed.\n\nMobileSubstrate /did not/ cause this problem: it has protected you from it.\n\nYour device is now running in Safe Mode. All extensions that support this safety system are disabled.\n\nReboot (or restart SpringBoard) to return to the normal mode. To return to this dialog touch the status bar."];
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:@"OK"];
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:@"Restart"];
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:@"Help"];
[sheet setNumberOfRows:1];
+ if ([sheet respondsToSelector:@selector(setForceHorizontalButtonsLayout:)])
+ [sheet setForceHorizontalButtonsLayout:YES];
void SafeModeAlertItem$performUnlockAction(id self, SEL sel) {
if ($SBAlertItemsController != nil)
- [[$SBAlertItemsController sharedInstance] activateAlertItem:[[$SafeModeAlertItem alloc] init]];
+ [[$SBAlertItemsController sharedInstance] activateAlertItem:[[[$SafeModeAlertItem alloc] init] autorelease]];
+MSHook(void, SBStatusBar$touchesEnded$withEvent$, SBStatusBar *self, SEL sel, id touches, id event) {
+ MSAlert();
+ _SBStatusBar$touchesEnded$withEvent$(self, sel, touches, event);
MSHook(void, SBStatusBar$mouseDown$, SBStatusBar *self, SEL sel, GSEventRef event) {
_SBStatusBar$mouseDown$(self, sel, event);
+MSHook(void, UIStatusBar$touchesBegan$withEvent$, id self, SEL sel, void *arg0, void *arg1) {
+ MSAlert();
+ _UIStatusBar$touchesBegan$withEvent$(self, sel, arg0, arg1);
+MSHook(void, SBStatusBarDataManager$_updateTimeString, id self, SEL sel) {
+ if (char *_data = &MSHookIvar<char>(self, "_data")) {
+ char *timeString(_data + 20);
+ strcpy(timeString, "Exit Safe Mode");
+ }
static void SBIconController$showInfoAlertIfNeeded(id self, SEL sel) {
static bool loaded = false;
if (loaded)
-static int SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns(id<MobileSubstrate> self, SEL sel) {
+MSHook(int, SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns, SBButtonBar *self, SEL sel) {
static int max;
if (max == 0) {
- max = [self ms$maxIconColumns];
+ max = _SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns(self, sel);
if (NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults])
if (NSDictionary *iconState = [defaults objectForKey:@"iconState"])
if (NSDictionary *buttonBar = [iconState objectForKey:@"buttonBar"])
} return max;
-static id SBContentLayer$initWithSize$(SBContentLayer<MobileSubstrate> *self, SEL sel, CGSize size) {
- self = [self ms$initWithSize:size];
- if (self == nil)
- return nil;
- [self setBackgroundColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor]];
- return self;
+MSHook(id, SBUIController$init, SBUIController *self, SEL sel) {
+ if ((self = _SBUIController$init(self, sel)) != nil) {
+ UIView *&_contentLayer(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_contentLayer"));
+ UIView *&_contentView(MSHookIvar<UIView *>(self, "_contentView"));
+ UIView *layer;
+ if (&_contentLayer != NULL)
+ layer = _contentLayer;
+ else if (&_contentView != NULL)
+ layer = _contentView;
+ else
+ layer = nil;
+ if (layer != nil)
+ [layer setBackgroundColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor]];
+ } return self;
+#define Paper_ "/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobilePaper.png"
+MSHook(UIImage *, UIImage$defaultDesktopImage, UIImage *self, SEL sel) {
+ return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:@Paper_];
MSHook(void, SBStatusBarTimeView$tile, SBStatusBarTimeView *self, SEL sel) {
CGRect &_textRect(MSHookIvar<CGRect>(self, "_textRect"));
if (_time != nil)
[_time release];
- _time = [@"Safe Mode, Click!" retain];
+ _time = [@"Exit Safe Mode" retain];
GSFontRef font([self textFont]);
CGSize size([_time sizeWithFont:(id)font]);
CGRect frame([self frame]);
- NSLog(@"%f:%f,%f:%f:%u", size.height, size.width, frame.size.height, frame.size.width, [[(id) objc_getClass("SBStatusBarController") sharedStatusBarController] statusBarOrientation]);
_textRect.size = size;
_textRect.origin.x = (frame.size.width - size.width) / 2;
_textRect.origin.y = (frame.size.height - size.height) / 2;
#define Dylib_ "/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib"
-extern "C" void MSInitialize() {
+MSInitialize {
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@"MS:Warning: Entering Safe Mode");
- MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBButtonBar"), @selector(maxIconColumns), (IMP) &SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns, "ms$");
- MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBContentLayer"), @selector(initWithSize:), (IMP) &SBContentLayer$initWithSize$, "ms$");
+ _SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBButtonBar"), @selector(maxIconColumns), &$SBButtonBar$maxIconColumns);
+ _SBUIController$init = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBUIController"), @selector(init), &$SBUIController$init);
+ _SBStatusBar$touchesEnded$withEvent$ = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBStatusBar"), @selector(touchesEnded:withEvent:), &$SBStatusBar$touchesEnded$withEvent$);
_SBStatusBar$mouseDown$ = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBStatusBar"), @selector(mouseDown:), &$SBStatusBar$mouseDown$);
+ _SBStatusBarDataManager$_updateTimeString = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBStatusBarDataManager"), @selector(_updateTimeString), &$SBStatusBarDataManager$_updateTimeString);
_SBStatusBarTimeView$tile = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("SBStatusBarTimeView"), @selector(tile), &$SBStatusBarTimeView$tile);
+ _UIStatusBar$touchesBegan$withEvent$ = MSHookMessage(objc_getClass("UIStatusBar"), @selector(touchesBegan:withEvent:), &$UIStatusBar$touchesBegan$withEvent$);
+ _UIImage$defaultDesktopImage = MSHookMessage(object_getClass(objc_getClass("UIImage")), @selector(defaultDesktopImage), &$UIImage$defaultDesktopImage);
char *dil = getenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES");
if (dil == NULL)
NSLog(@"MS:Error: DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is unset?");
if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(_class, sel))
method_setImplementation(method, (IMP) &SBIconController$showInfoAlertIfNeeded);
+ [pool release];