]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/shortlog
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisCheck for \n after finding \r
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisShow memory allocator in INFO output
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisUse string2ll in ziplist code (faster)
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisTests for string2ll; move isObject* to object.c
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisMove code
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisMore allocators
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisInline sdslen and sdsavail (thanks to @bitbckt)
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisUpdate hiredis
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisUse custom string2ll and strchr
2011-05-05  Pieter NoordhuisFix ziplist regression and update stresser
2011-05-05  antirezcluster import/export of hash slots implemented in...
2011-05-04  antirezif /dev/urandom is not available use rand() to get...
2011-05-04  antirezBetter pretty printed makefile output
2011-05-04  antirezinitial pretty printing in makefile
2011-05-04  antirezCLUSTER SETSLOT implemented
2011-05-02  antirezrender migrating and importing slots in cluster nodes...
2011-05-01  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-05-01  antirezFixed a problem with string2ll()
2011-04-29  antirezCLUSTER subcommands to set slots in migrating or import...
2011-04-29  antirezCLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT implemented
2011-04-29  antirezCLUSTER KEYSLOT command
2011-04-29  antirezFixed a bug with replication where SLAVEOF NO ONE cause...
2011-04-28  antireztake a hashslot -> keys index, will be used for cluster...
2011-04-22  Pieter NoordhuisUse correct argc/argv for cleanup when loading AOF
2011-04-22  Pieter NoordhuisReformat AOF tests
2011-04-21  antirezpeak fragmentation ratio removed as it is a confusing...
2011-04-21  antirezCLIENT KILL implemented
2011-04-21  antirezCLIENT LIST implemented
2011-04-21  antirezsave peak memory usage as statistic and show it in...
2011-04-20  antirezremoved check for zmalloc return NULL in createClient...
2011-04-19  antirezVariadic SREM
2011-04-19  antirezvariadic HDEL with tests
2011-04-15  antirezVariadic SADD tests
2011-04-15  antirezvariadic SADD
2011-04-15  antirezaddReplyLongLong optimized to return shared objects...
2011-04-15  antirezversion bumped to 2.9, that is, 3.0 unstable
2011-04-15  antireztests for variadic list push
2011-04-15  antireztest fixed after ascii art banner modified the output...
2011-04-15  antirezvariadic LPUSH/RPUSH
2011-04-14  antirezMerge remote branch 'pietern/unstable-zset' into unstable
2011-04-14  antirezredis-trib: functions implementing commands moved at...
2011-04-13  antirezfixed bug due to typo in code
2011-04-13  antirezfixed typo in comment
2011-04-13  antirezfixed a typo in redis-trib
2011-04-13  antirezuse map! instead of reassigning
2011-04-13  antirezhopefully more readable info_string method in redis...
2011-04-13  antirezredis-trib create, first version is know working
2011-04-13  antirezTODO updated
2011-04-13  antirezno longer useful debugging printf removed
2011-04-13  antirezASCII ART FTW
2011-04-13  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-04-13  antirezredis-trib: show list of commands
2011-04-12  antirezTODO update
2011-04-12  antirezredis-trib can now assign hash slots to initialize...
2011-04-12  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-04-11  antirezTODO modified
2011-04-11  Salvatore Sanfilippoassert_empty in redis-trib
2011-04-11  Salvatore Sanfilippoadded known nodes info in CLUSTER INFO
2011-04-11  Salvatore Sanfilippoa first refactoring of redis-trib.rb
2011-04-11  Salvatore SanfilippoRedis-trib initial implementation (currently can not...
2011-04-11  Salvatore Sanfilippoadded minimal cluster section in INFO output. This...
2011-04-08  antirezupdate state when FAIL is cleared from a node
2011-04-08  antirezdo not process node failure messages about yourself
2011-04-07  antirezfixed lame error in slot assignment
2011-04-07  antirezevaluate cluster state after config load. Still bugs...
2011-04-07  antirezmaster node without slaves rejoin fixed
2011-04-07  antirezwhen loading config set the ping/pong timestaps to...
2011-04-07  antireznode cluster configuration file configurable via redis...
2011-04-07  antirezuseless newline removed from log message
2011-04-07  antirezfixes to configuration loading and saving. However...
2011-04-07  antirezfirst version of cluster config loading code
2011-04-07  antirezinitial cluster config load code
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisExplicitly zero zval since it is stored on the stack
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisUpdate target encoding for sorted set from rdb
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisTest for ENCODING_SKIPLIST instead of ENCODING_RAW
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisTypo
2011-04-06  Pieter NoordhuisMerge branch 'unstable' into unstable-zset
2011-04-06  antirezmake sure that OBJECT ENCODING returns skiplist for...
2011-04-06  antirezOBJECT command implemented
2011-04-05  antirezbad data on RESTORE can no longer crash the server...
2011-04-01  antirezMerge branch 'unstable' of github.com:antirez/redis...
2011-04-01  antirezDUMP implemented, RESTORE and MIGRATE fixed. Use zcallo...
2011-03-31  antirezfixed memory leak introduced with the previous commit...
2011-03-31  antirezFixed issue #503. MONITOR + QUIT could crash the server...
2011-03-30  antirezminor change with no actual effects til the loading...
2011-03-30  antirezcentralized cluster config file name. Assigned slots...
2011-03-30  antirezfix to configuration saving on first start
2011-03-30  antirezcluster configuration saving
2011-03-29  antireztodo list for a first cluster howto guide for early...
2011-03-29  antirezCLUSTER file updated with warning
2011-03-29  antirezCluster branch merged to unstable.
2011-03-29  antirezTODO modified
2011-03-29  antirezMerge remote branch 'origin/getkeys' into unstable
2011-03-28  antirezPreloading messages log level changed from WARNING...
2011-03-28  antirezfixed a bug in RENAME getKeys() function
2011-03-28  antirezbug fixed in zunionstore specific getKeys() implementation
2011-03-28  antirezFixes to the new preloading / key discovery APIs
2011-03-28  antirezimplemented preload of EXEC using the new getKeys(...
2011-03-23  antirezminor style change
2011-03-23  antireznew preloading implemented, still EXEC not handled...