execute_tests "unit/sort"
execute_tests "unit/expire"
execute_tests "unit/other"
+ execute_tests "unit/cas"
execute_tests "integration/replication"
execute_tests "integration/aof"
execute_tests "unit/sort"
execute_tests "unit/expire"
execute_tests "unit/other"
+ execute_tests "unit/cas"
puts "\n[expr $::passed+$::failed] tests, $::passed passed, $::failed failed"
if {$::failed > 0} {
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {EXEC works on WATCHed key not modified} {
+ r watch x y z
+ r watch k
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {PONG}
+ test {EXEC fail on WATCHed key modified (1 key of 1 watched)} {
+ r set x 30
+ r watch x
+ r set x 40
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {}
+ test {EXEC fail on WATCHed key modified (1 key of 5 watched)} {
+ r set x 30
+ r watch a b x k z
+ r set x 40
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {}
+ test {After successful EXEC key is no longer watched} {
+ r set x 30
+ r watch x
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ r set x 40
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {PONG}
+ test {After failed EXEC key is no longer watched} {
+ r set x 30
+ r watch x
+ r set x 40
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ r set x 40
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {PONG}
+ test {It is possible to UNWATCH} {
+ r set x 30
+ r watch x
+ r set x 40
+ r unwatch
+ r multi
+ r ping
+ r exec
+ } {PONG}
+ test {UNWATCH when there is nothing watched works as expected} {
+ r unwatch
+ } {OK}