static void appendCommand(redisClient *c);
static void substrCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zrankCommand(redisClient *c);
+static void zrevrankCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hsetCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hgetCommand(redisClient *c);
+static void zremrangebyrankCommand(redisClient *c);
+ static void zunionCommand(redisClient *c);
+ static void zinterCommand(redisClient *c);
/*================================= Globals ================================= */
+ {"zremrangebyrank",zremrangebyrankCommand,4,REDIS_CMD_INLINE,1,1,1},
+ {"zunion",zunionCommand,-4,REDIS_CMD_INLINE|REDIS_CMD_DENYOOM,0,0,0},
+ {"zinter",zinterCommand,-4,REDIS_CMD_INLINE|REDIS_CMD_DENYOOM,0,0,0},
+static void zremrangebyrankCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ int start = atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr);
+ int end = atoi(c->argv[3]->ptr);
+ robj *zsetobj;
+ zset *zs;
+ zsetobj = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
+ if (zsetobj == NULL) {
+ addReply(c,shared.czero);
+ } else {
+ if (zsetobj->type != REDIS_ZSET) {
+ addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+ return;
+ }
+ zs = zsetobj->ptr;
+ int llen = zs->zsl->length;
+ long deleted;
+ /* convert negative indexes */
+ if (start < 0) start = llen+start;
+ if (end < 0) end = llen+end;
+ if (start < 0) start = 0;
+ if (end < 0) end = 0;
+ /* indexes sanity checks */
+ if (start > end || start >= llen) {
+ addReply(c,shared.czero);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (end >= llen) end = llen-1;
+ /* increment start and end because zsl*Rank functions
+ * use 1-based rank */
+ deleted = zslDeleteRangeByRank(zs->zsl,start+1,end+1,zs->dict);
+ if (htNeedsResize(zs->dict)) dictResize(zs->dict);
+ server.dirty += deleted;
+ addReplyLong(c, deleted);
+ }
+ typedef struct {
+ dict *dict;
+ double weight;
+ } zsetopsrc;
+ static int qsortCompareZsetopsrcByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
+ zsetopsrc *d1 = (void*) s1, *d2 = (void*) s2;
+ unsigned long size1, size2;
+ size1 = d1->dict ? dictSize(d1->dict) : 0;
+ size2 = d2->dict ? dictSize(d2->dict) : 0;
+ return size1 - size2;
+ }
+ static void zunionInterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj *dstkey, int op) {
+ int i, j, zsetnum;
+ zsetopsrc *src;
+ robj *dstobj;
+ zset *dstzset;
+ dictIterator *di;
+ dictEntry *de;
+ /* expect zsetnum input keys to be given */
+ zsetnum = atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr);
+ if (zsetnum < 1) {
+ addReplySds(c,sdsnew("-ERR at least 1 input key is needed for ZUNION/ZINTER\r\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* test if the expected number of keys would overflow */
+ if (3+zsetnum > c->argc) {
+ addReply(c,shared.syntaxerr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* read keys to be used for input */
+ src = malloc(sizeof(zsetopsrc) * zsetnum);
+ for (i = 0, j = 3; i < zsetnum; i++, j++) {
+ robj *zsetobj = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[j]);
+ if (!zsetobj) {
+ src[i].dict = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (zsetobj->type != REDIS_ZSET) {
+ zfree(src);
+ addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+ return;
+ }
+ src[i].dict = ((zset*)zsetobj->ptr)->dict;
+ }
+ /* default all weights to 1 */
+ src[i].weight = 1.0;
+ }
+ /* parse optional extra arguments */
+ if (j < c->argc) {
+ int remaining = c->argc-j;
+ while (remaining) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"weights")) {
+ j++; remaining--;
+ if (remaining < zsetnum) {
+ zfree(src);
+ addReplySds(c,sdsnew("-ERR not enough weights for ZUNION/ZINTER\r\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < zsetnum; i++, j++, remaining--) {
+ src[i].weight = strtod(c->argv[j]->ptr, NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zfree(src);
+ addReply(c,shared.syntaxerr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dstobj = createZsetObject();
+ dstzset = dstobj->ptr;
+ if (op == REDIS_OP_INTER) {
+ /* sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
+ * algorithm's performance */
+ qsort(src,zsetnum,sizeof(zsetopsrc), qsortCompareZsetopsrcByCardinality);
+ /* skip going over all entries if the smallest zset is NULL or empty */
+ if (src[0].dict && dictSize(src[0].dict) > 0) {
+ /* precondition: as src[0].dict is non-empty and the zsets are ordered
+ * from small to large, all src[i > 0].dict are non-empty too */
+ di = dictGetIterator(src[0].dict);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ double *score = zmalloc(sizeof(double));
+ *score = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < zsetnum; j++) {
+ dictEntry *other = (j == 0) ? de : dictFind(src[j].dict,dictGetEntryKey(de));
+ if (other) {
+ *score = *score + src[j].weight * (*(double*)dictGetEntryVal(other));
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* skip entry when not present in every source dict */
+ if (j != zsetnum) {
+ zfree(score);
+ } else {
+ robj *o = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ dictAdd(dstzset->dict,o,score);
+ incrRefCount(o); /* added to dictionary */
+ zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,*score,o);
+ incrRefCount(o); /* added to skiplist */
+ }
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ }
+ } else if (op == REDIS_OP_UNION) {
+ for (i = 0; i < zsetnum; i++) {
+ if (!src[i].dict) continue;
+ di = dictGetIterator(src[i].dict);
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ /* skip key when already processed */
+ if (dictFind(dstzset->dict,dictGetEntryKey(de)) != NULL) continue;
+ double *score = zmalloc(sizeof(double));
+ *score = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0; j < zsetnum; j++) {
+ if (!src[j].dict) continue;
+ dictEntry *other = (i == j) ? de : dictFind(src[j].dict,dictGetEntryKey(de));
+ if (other) {
+ *score = *score + src[j].weight * (*(double*)dictGetEntryVal(other));
+ }
+ }
+ robj *o = dictGetEntryKey(de);
+ dictAdd(dstzset->dict,o,score);
+ incrRefCount(o); /* added to dictionary */
+ zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,*score,o);
+ incrRefCount(o); /* added to skiplist */
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* unknown operator */
+ redisAssert(op == REDIS_OP_INTER || op == REDIS_OP_UNION);
+ }
+ deleteKey(c->db,dstkey);
+ dictAdd(c->db->dict,dstkey,dstobj);
+ incrRefCount(dstkey);
+ addReplyLong(c, dstzset->zsl->length);
+ server.dirty++;
+ zfree(src);
+ }
+ static void zunionCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ zunionInterGenericCommand(c,c->argv[1], REDIS_OP_UNION);
+ }
+ static void zinterCommand(redisClient *c) {
+ zunionInterGenericCommand(c,c->argv[1], REDIS_OP_INTER);
+ }
static void zrangeGenericCommand(redisClient *c, int reverse) {
robj *o;
int start = atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr);