+# Start a new server since the last test in this stanza will kill the
+# instance at all.
+start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
+ test {Timedout read-only scripts can be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r config set lua-time-limit 10
+ $rd eval {while true do end} 0
+ after 200
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ r script kill
+ assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
+ }
+ test {Timedout scripts that modified data can't be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r config set lua-time-limit 10
+ $rd eval {redis.call('set','x','y'); while true do end} 0
+ after 200
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ catch {r script kill} e
+ assert_match {ERR*} $e
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ }
+ test {SHUTDOWN NOSAVE can kill a timedout script anyway} {
+ # The server sould be still unresponding to normal commands.
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ catch {r shutdown nosave}
+ # Make sure the server was killed
+ catch {set rd [redis_deferring_client]} e
+ assert_match {*connection refused*} $e
+ }
start_server {tags {"scripting repl"}} {
start_server {} {
test {Before the slave connects we issue an EVAL command} {