+2009-05-25 maxclients implemented, see redis.conf for details
+2009-05-25 INFO command now reports replication info
+2009-05-25 minor fix to RubyRedis about bulk commands sent without arguments
2009-05-24 Warns if using the default config
2009-05-24 Issue with redis-client used in scripts solved, now to check if the latest argument must come from standard input we do not check that stdin is or not a tty but the command arity
2009-05-23 RubyRedis: now sets are returned as arrays again, and not as Set objects
* Add number of keys for every DB in INFO
* maxmemory support
- * maxclients support
* Resize the expires and Sets hash tables if needed as well? For Sets the right moment to check for this is probably in SREM
* What happens if the saving child gets killed or segfaults instead of ending normally? Handle this.
* check 'server.dirty' everywere. Make it proprotional to the number of objects modified.
* Elapsed time in logs for SAVE when saving is going to take more than 2 seconds
* LOCK / TRYLOCK / UNLOCK as described many times in the google group
* Replication automated tests
+ * some kind of sorted type, example:
+ ZADD mykey foo 100
+ ZADD mykey bar 50
+ ZRANGE mykey 0 1 => bar foo
+ This is able to take elements sorted because a binary tree is used to store
+ the elements by 'score', with the actual value being the key. On the other
+ side the type also takes an hash table with key->score mapping, so that when
+ there is an update we lookup the current score and can traverse the tree.
+ * BITMAP type
sock = TCPSocket.new(host, port, 0)
+ sock.setsockopt Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1
# If the timeout is set we set the low level socket options in order
# to make sure a blocking read will return after the specified number