+++ /dev/null
-# Tcl clinet library - used by test-redis.tcl script for now
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo
-# Released under the BSD license like Redis itself
-# Example usage:
-# set r [redis 6379]
-# $r lpush mylist foo
-# $r lpush mylist bar
-# $r lrange mylist 0 -1
-# $r close
-# Non blocking usage example:
-# proc handlePong {r type reply} {
-# puts "PONG $type '$reply'"
-# if {$reply ne "PONG"} {
-# $r ping [list handlePong]
-# }
-# }
-# set r [redis]
-# $r blocking 0
-# $r get fo [list handlePong]
-# vwait forever
-package require Tcl 8.5
-package provide redis 0.1
-namespace eval redis {}
-set ::redis::id 0
-array set ::redis::fd {}
-array set ::redis::blocking {}
-array set ::redis::callback {}
-array set ::redis::state {} ;# State in non-blocking reply reading
-array set ::redis::statestack {} ;# Stack of states, for nested mbulks
-array set ::redis::bulkarg {}
-array set ::redis::multibulkarg {}
-# Flag commands requiring last argument as a bulk write operation
-foreach redis_bulk_cmd {
- set setnx rpush lpush lset lrem sadd srem sismember echo getset smove zadd zrem zscore zincrby append zrank zrevrank hget hdel hexists setex
-} {
- set ::redis::bulkarg($redis_bulk_cmd) {}
-# Flag commands requiring last argument as a bulk write operation
-foreach redis_multibulk_cmd {
- mset msetnx hset hsetnx hmset hmget
-} {
- set ::redis::multibulkarg($redis_multibulk_cmd) {}
-unset redis_bulk_cmd
-unset redis_multibulk_cmd
-proc redis {{server} {port 6379}} {
- set fd [socket $server $port]
- fconfigure $fd -translation binary
- set id [incr ::redis::id]
- set ::redis::fd($id) $fd
- set ::redis::blocking($id) 1
- ::redis::redis_reset_state $id
- interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {} ::redis::__dispatch__ $id
-proc ::redis::__dispatch__ {id method args} {
- set fd $::redis::fd($id)
- set blocking $::redis::blocking($id)
- if {$blocking == 0} {
- if {[llength $args] == 0} {
- error "Please provide a callback in non-blocking mode"
- }
- set callback [lindex $args end]
- set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
- }
- if {[info command ::redis::__method__$method] eq {}} {
- if {[info exists ::redis::bulkarg($method)]} {
- set cmd "$method "
- append cmd [join [lrange $args 0 end-1]]
- append cmd " [string length [lindex $args end]]\r\n"
- append cmd [lindex $args end]
- ::redis::redis_writenl $fd $cmd
- } elseif {[info exists ::redis::multibulkarg($method)]} {
- set cmd "*[expr {[llength $args]+1}]\r\n"
- append cmd "$[string length $method]\r\n$method\r\n"
- foreach a $args {
- append cmd "$[string length $a]\r\n$a\r\n"
- }
- ::redis::redis_write $fd $cmd
- flush $fd
- } else {
- set cmd "$method "
- append cmd [join $args]
- ::redis::redis_writenl $fd $cmd
- }
- if {$blocking} {
- ::redis::redis_read_reply $fd
- } else {
- # Every well formed reply read will pop an element from this
- # list and use it as a callback. So pipelining is supported
- # in non blocking mode.
- lappend ::redis::callback($id) $callback
- fileevent $fd readable [list ::redis::redis_readable $fd $id]
- }
- } else {
- uplevel 1 [list ::redis::__method__$method $id $fd] $args
- }
-proc ::redis::__method__blocking {id fd val} {
- set ::redis::blocking($id) $val
- fconfigure $fd -blocking $val
-proc ::redis::__method__close {id fd} {
- catch {close $fd}
- catch {unset ::redis::fd($id)}
- catch {unset ::redis::blocking($id)}
- catch {unset ::redis::state($id)}
- catch {unset ::redis::statestack($id)}
- catch {unset ::redis::callback($id)}
- catch {interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {}}
-proc ::redis::__method__channel {id fd} {
- return $fd
-proc ::redis::redis_write {fd buf} {
- puts -nonewline $fd $buf
-proc ::redis::redis_writenl {fd buf} {
- redis_write $fd $buf
- redis_write $fd "\r\n"
- flush $fd
-proc ::redis::redis_readnl {fd len} {
- set buf [read $fd $len]
- read $fd 2 ; # discard CR LF
- return $buf
-proc ::redis::redis_bulk_read {fd} {
- set count [redis_read_line $fd]
- if {$count == -1} return {}
- set buf [redis_readnl $fd $count]
- return $buf
-proc ::redis::redis_multi_bulk_read fd {
- set count [redis_read_line $fd]
- if {$count == -1} return {}
- set l {}
- for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
- lappend l [redis_read_reply $fd]
- }
- return $l
-proc ::redis::redis_read_line fd {
- string trim [gets $fd]
-proc ::redis::redis_read_reply fd {
- set type [read $fd 1]
- switch -exact -- $type {
- : -
- + {redis_read_line $fd}
- - {return -code error [redis_read_line $fd]}
- $ {redis_bulk_read $fd}
- * {redis_multi_bulk_read $fd}
- default {return -code error "Bad protocol, $type as reply type byte"}
- }
-proc ::redis::redis_reset_state id {
- set ::redis::state($id) [dict create buf {} mbulk -1 bulk -1 reply {}]
- set ::redis::statestack($id) {}
-proc ::redis::redis_call_callback {id type reply} {
- set cb [lindex $::redis::callback($id) 0]
- set ::redis::callback($id) [lrange $::redis::callback($id) 1 end]
- uplevel #0 $cb [list ::redis::redisHandle$id $type $reply]
- ::redis::redis_reset_state $id
-# Read a reply in non-blocking mode.
-proc ::redis::redis_readable {fd id} {
- if {[eof $fd]} {
- redis_call_callback $id eof {}
- ::redis::__method__close $id $fd
- return
- }
- if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == -1} {
- set line [gets $fd]
- if {$line eq {}} return ;# No complete line available, return
- switch -exact -- [string index $line 0] {
- : -
- + {redis_call_callback $id reply [string range $line 1 end-1]}
- - {redis_call_callback $id err [string range $line 1 end-1]}
- $ {
- dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk \
- [expr [string range $line 1 end-1]+2]
- if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == 1} {
- # We got a $-1, hack the state to play well with this.
- dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk 2
- dict set ::redis::state($id) buf "\r\n"
- ::redis::redis_readable $fd $id
- }
- }
- * {
- dict set ::redis::state($id) mbulk [string range $line 1 end-1]
- # Handle *-1
- if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
- redis_call_callback $id reply {}
- }
- }
- default {
- redis_call_callback $id err \
- "Bad protocol, $type as reply type byte"
- }
- }
- } else {
- set totlen [dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]
- set buflen [string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]]
- set toread [expr {$totlen-$buflen}]
- set data [read $fd $toread]
- set nread [string length $data]
- dict append ::redis::state($id) buf $data
- # Check if we read a complete bulk reply
- if {[string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]] ==
- [dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]} {
- if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
- redis_call_callback $id reply \
- [string range [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf] 0 end-2]
- } else {
- dict with ::redis::state($id) {
- lappend reply [string range $buf 0 end-2]
- incr mbulk -1
- set bulk -1
- }
- if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == 0} {
- redis_call_callback $id reply \
- [dict get $::redis::state($id) reply]
- }
- }
- }
- }
--- /dev/null
+# Redis configuration file example
+# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specifiy
+# it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth:
+# 1k => 1000 bytes
+# 1kb => 1024 bytes
+# 1m => 1000000 bytes
+# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
+# 1g => 1000000000 bytes
+# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
+# units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.
+# By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
+# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
+daemonize no
+# When running daemonized, Redis writes a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid by
+# default. You can specify a custom pid file location here.
+pidfile redis.pid
+# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379
+port 6379
+# If you want you can bind a single interface, if the bind option is not
+# specified all the interfaces will listen for incoming connections.
+# bind
+# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
+timeout 300
+# Set server verbosity to 'debug'
+# it can be one of:
+# debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
+# verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level)
+# notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably)
+# warning (only very important / critical messages are logged)
+loglevel verbose
+# Specify the log file name. Also 'stdout' can be used to force
+# Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
+# output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
+logfile stdout
+# Set the number of databases. The default database is DB 0, you can select
+# a different one on a per-connection basis using SELECT <dbid> where
+# dbid is a number between 0 and 'databases'-1
+databases 16
+################################ SNAPSHOTTING #################################
+# Save the DB on disk:
+# save <seconds> <changes>
+# Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
+# number of write operations against the DB occurred.
+# In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
+# after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
+# after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
+# after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
+# Note: you can disable saving at all commenting all the "save" lines.
+save 900 1
+save 300 10
+save 60 10000
+# Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases?
+# For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win.
+# If you want to save some CPU in the saving child set it to 'no' but
+# the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys.
+rdbcompression yes
+# The filename where to dump the DB
+dbfilename dump.rdb
+# The working directory.
+# The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified
+# above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive.
+# Also the Append Only File will be created inside this directory.
+# Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
+dir ./test/tmp
+################################# REPLICATION #################################
+# Master-Slave replication. Use slaveof to make a Redis instance a copy of
+# another Redis server. Note that the configuration is local to the slave
+# so for example it is possible to configure the slave to save the DB with a
+# different interval, or to listen to another port, and so on.
+# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>
+# If the master is password protected (using the "requirepass" configuration
+# directive below) it is possible to tell the slave to authenticate before
+# starting the replication synchronization process, otherwise the master will
+# refuse the slave request.
+# masterauth <master-password>
+################################## SECURITY ###################################
+# Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
+# commands. This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
+# others with access to the host running redis-server.
+# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
+# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
+# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
+# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
+# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
+# requirepass foobared
+################################### LIMITS ####################################
+# Set the max number of connected clients at the same time. By default there
+# is no limit, and it's up to the number of file descriptors the Redis process
+# is able to open. The special value '0' means no limits.
+# Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending
+# an error 'max number of clients reached'.
+# maxclients 128
+# Don't use more memory than the specified amount of bytes.
+# When the memory limit is reached Redis will try to remove keys with an
+# EXPIRE set. It will try to start freeing keys that are going to expire
+# in little time and preserve keys with a longer time to live.
+# Redis will also try to remove objects from free lists if possible.
+# If all this fails, Redis will start to reply with errors to commands
+# that will use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue
+# to reply to most read-only commands like GET.
+# WARNING: maxmemory can be a good idea mainly if you want to use Redis as a
+# 'state' server or cache, not as a real DB. When Redis is used as a real
+# database the memory usage will grow over the weeks, it will be obvious if
+# it is going to use too much memory in the long run, and you'll have the time
+# to upgrade. With maxmemory after the limit is reached you'll start to get
+# errors for write operations, and this may even lead to DB inconsistency.
+# maxmemory <bytes>
+############################## APPEND ONLY MODE ###############################
+# By default Redis asynchronously dumps the dataset on disk. If you can live
+# with the idea that the latest records will be lost if something like a crash
+# happens this is the preferred way to run Redis. If instead you care a lot
+# about your data and don't want to that a single record can get lost you should
+# enable the append only mode: when this mode is enabled Redis will append
+# every write operation received in the file appendonly.aof. This file will
+# be read on startup in order to rebuild the full dataset in memory.
+# Note that you can have both the async dumps and the append only file if you
+# like (you have to comment the "save" statements above to disable the dumps).
+# Still if append only mode is enabled Redis will load the data from the
+# log file at startup ignoring the dump.rdb file.
+# IMPORTANT: Check the BGREWRITEAOF to check how to rewrite the append
+# log file in background when it gets too big.
+appendonly no
+# The name of the append only file (default: "appendonly.aof")
+# appendfilename appendonly.aof
+# The fsync() call tells the Operating System to actually write data on disk
+# instead to wait for more data in the output buffer. Some OS will really flush
+# data on disk, some other OS will just try to do it ASAP.
+# Redis supports three different modes:
+# no: don't fsync, just let the OS flush the data when it wants. Faster.
+# always: fsync after every write to the append only log . Slow, Safest.
+# everysec: fsync only if one second passed since the last fsync. Compromise.
+# The default is "everysec" that's usually the right compromise between
+# speed and data safety. It's up to you to understand if you can relax this to
+# "no" that will will let the operating system flush the output buffer when
+# it wants, for better performances (but if you can live with the idea of
+# some data loss consider the default persistence mode that's snapshotting),
+# or on the contrary, use "always" that's very slow but a bit safer than
+# everysec.
+# If unsure, use "everysec".
+# appendfsync always
+appendfsync everysec
+# appendfsync no
+################################ VIRTUAL MEMORY ###############################
+# Virtual Memory allows Redis to work with datasets bigger than the actual
+# amount of RAM needed to hold the whole dataset in memory.
+# In order to do so very used keys are taken in memory while the other keys
+# are swapped into a swap file, similarly to what operating systems do
+# with memory pages.
+# To enable VM just set 'vm-enabled' to yes, and set the following three
+# VM parameters accordingly to your needs.
+vm-enabled no
+# vm-enabled yes
+# This is the path of the Redis swap file. As you can guess, swap files
+# can't be shared by different Redis instances, so make sure to use a swap
+# file for every redis process you are running. Redis will complain if the
+# swap file is already in use.
+# The best kind of storage for the Redis swap file (that's accessed at random)
+# is a Solid State Disk (SSD).
+# *** WARNING *** if you are using a shared hosting the default of putting
+# the swap file under /tmp is not secure. Create a dir with access granted
+# only to Redis user and configure Redis to create the swap file there.
+vm-swap-file /tmp/redis.swap
+# vm-max-memory configures the VM to use at max the specified amount of
+# RAM. Everything that deos not fit will be swapped on disk *if* possible, that
+# is, if there is still enough contiguous space in the swap file.
+# With vm-max-memory 0 the system will swap everything it can. Not a good
+# default, just specify the max amount of RAM you can in bytes, but it's
+# better to leave some margin. For instance specify an amount of RAM
+# that's more or less between 60 and 80% of your free RAM.
+vm-max-memory 0
+# Redis swap files is split into pages. An object can be saved using multiple
+# contiguous pages, but pages can't be shared between different objects.
+# So if your page is too big, small objects swapped out on disk will waste
+# a lot of space. If you page is too small, there is less space in the swap
+# file (assuming you configured the same number of total swap file pages).
+# If you use a lot of small objects, use a page size of 64 or 32 bytes.
+# If you use a lot of big objects, use a bigger page size.
+# If unsure, use the default :)
+vm-page-size 32
+# Number of total memory pages in the swap file.
+# Given that the page table (a bitmap of free/used pages) is taken in memory,
+# every 8 pages on disk will consume 1 byte of RAM.
+# The total swap size is vm-page-size * vm-pages
+# With the default of 32-bytes memory pages and 134217728 pages Redis will
+# use a 4 GB swap file, that will use 16 MB of RAM for the page table.
+# It's better to use the smallest acceptable value for your application,
+# but the default is large in order to work in most conditions.
+vm-pages 134217728
+# Max number of VM I/O threads running at the same time.
+# This threads are used to read/write data from/to swap file, since they
+# also encode and decode objects from disk to memory or the reverse, a bigger
+# number of threads can help with big objects even if they can't help with
+# I/O itself as the physical device may not be able to couple with many
+# reads/writes operations at the same time.
+# The special value of 0 turn off threaded I/O and enables the blocking
+# Virtual Memory implementation.
+vm-max-threads 4
+############################### ADVANCED CONFIG ###############################
+# Glue small output buffers together in order to send small replies in a
+# single TCP packet. Uses a bit more CPU but most of the times it is a win
+# in terms of number of queries per second. Use 'yes' if unsure.
+glueoutputbuf yes
+# Hashes are encoded in a special way (much more memory efficient) when they
+# have at max a given numer of elements, and the biggest element does not
+# exceed a given threshold. You can configure this limits with the following
+# configuration directives.
+hash-max-zipmap-entries 64
+hash-max-zipmap-value 512
+# Active rehashing uses 1 millisecond every 100 milliseconds of CPU time in
+# order to help rehashing the main Redis hash table (the one mapping top-level
+# keys to values). The hash table implementation redis uses (see dict.c)
+# performs a lazy rehashing: the more operation you run into an hash table
+# that is rhashing, the more rehashing "steps" are performed, so if the
+# server is idle the rehashing is never complete and some more memory is used
+# by the hash table.
+# The default is to use this millisecond 10 times every second in order to
+# active rehashing the main dictionaries, freeing memory when possible.
+# If unsure:
+# use "activerehashing no" if you have hard latency requirements and it is
+# not a good thing in your environment that Redis can reply form time to time
+# to queries with 2 milliseconds delay.
+# use "activerehashing yes" if you don't have such hard requirements but
+# want to free memory asap when possible.
+activerehashing yes
+################################## INCLUDES ###################################
+# Include one or more other config files here. This is useful if you
+# have a standard template that goes to all redis server but also need
+# to customize a few per-server settings. Include files can include
+# other files, so use this wisely.
+# include /path/to/local.conf
+# include /path/to/other.conf
--- /dev/null
+# Tcl clinet library - used by test-redis.tcl script for now
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo
+# Released under the BSD license like Redis itself
+# Example usage:
+# set r [redis 6379]
+# $r lpush mylist foo
+# $r lpush mylist bar
+# $r lrange mylist 0 -1
+# $r close
+# Non blocking usage example:
+# proc handlePong {r type reply} {
+# puts "PONG $type '$reply'"
+# if {$reply ne "PONG"} {
+# $r ping [list handlePong]
+# }
+# }
+# set r [redis]
+# $r blocking 0
+# $r get fo [list handlePong]
+# vwait forever
+package require Tcl 8.5
+package provide redis 0.1
+namespace eval redis {}
+set ::redis::id 0
+array set ::redis::fd {}
+array set ::redis::blocking {}
+array set ::redis::callback {}
+array set ::redis::state {} ;# State in non-blocking reply reading
+array set ::redis::statestack {} ;# Stack of states, for nested mbulks
+array set ::redis::bulkarg {}
+array set ::redis::multibulkarg {}
+# Flag commands requiring last argument as a bulk write operation
+foreach redis_bulk_cmd {
+ set setnx rpush lpush lset lrem sadd srem sismember echo getset smove zadd zrem zscore zincrby append zrank zrevrank hget hdel hexists setex
+} {
+ set ::redis::bulkarg($redis_bulk_cmd) {}
+# Flag commands requiring last argument as a bulk write operation
+foreach redis_multibulk_cmd {
+ mset msetnx hset hsetnx hmset hmget
+} {
+ set ::redis::multibulkarg($redis_multibulk_cmd) {}
+unset redis_bulk_cmd
+unset redis_multibulk_cmd
+proc redis {{server} {port 6379}} {
+ set fd [socket $server $port]
+ fconfigure $fd -translation binary
+ set id [incr ::redis::id]
+ set ::redis::fd($id) $fd
+ set ::redis::blocking($id) 1
+ ::redis::redis_reset_state $id
+ interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {} ::redis::__dispatch__ $id
+proc ::redis::__dispatch__ {id method args} {
+ set fd $::redis::fd($id)
+ set blocking $::redis::blocking($id)
+ if {$blocking == 0} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 0} {
+ error "Please provide a callback in non-blocking mode"
+ }
+ set callback [lindex $args end]
+ set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
+ }
+ if {[info command ::redis::__method__$method] eq {}} {
+ if {[info exists ::redis::bulkarg($method)]} {
+ set cmd "$method "
+ append cmd [join [lrange $args 0 end-1]]
+ append cmd " [string length [lindex $args end]]\r\n"
+ append cmd [lindex $args end]
+ ::redis::redis_writenl $fd $cmd
+ } elseif {[info exists ::redis::multibulkarg($method)]} {
+ set cmd "*[expr {[llength $args]+1}]\r\n"
+ append cmd "$[string length $method]\r\n$method\r\n"
+ foreach a $args {
+ append cmd "$[string length $a]\r\n$a\r\n"
+ }
+ ::redis::redis_write $fd $cmd
+ flush $fd
+ } else {
+ set cmd "$method "
+ append cmd [join $args]
+ ::redis::redis_writenl $fd $cmd
+ }
+ if {$blocking} {
+ ::redis::redis_read_reply $fd
+ } else {
+ # Every well formed reply read will pop an element from this
+ # list and use it as a callback. So pipelining is supported
+ # in non blocking mode.
+ lappend ::redis::callback($id) $callback
+ fileevent $fd readable [list ::redis::redis_readable $fd $id]
+ }
+ } else {
+ uplevel 1 [list ::redis::__method__$method $id $fd] $args
+ }
+proc ::redis::__method__blocking {id fd val} {
+ set ::redis::blocking($id) $val
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking $val
+proc ::redis::__method__close {id fd} {
+ catch {close $fd}
+ catch {unset ::redis::fd($id)}
+ catch {unset ::redis::blocking($id)}
+ catch {unset ::redis::state($id)}
+ catch {unset ::redis::statestack($id)}
+ catch {unset ::redis::callback($id)}
+ catch {interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {}}
+proc ::redis::__method__channel {id fd} {
+ return $fd
+proc ::redis::redis_write {fd buf} {
+ puts -nonewline $fd $buf
+proc ::redis::redis_writenl {fd buf} {
+ redis_write $fd $buf
+ redis_write $fd "\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+proc ::redis::redis_readnl {fd len} {
+ set buf [read $fd $len]
+ read $fd 2 ; # discard CR LF
+ return $buf
+proc ::redis::redis_bulk_read {fd} {
+ set count [redis_read_line $fd]
+ if {$count == -1} return {}
+ set buf [redis_readnl $fd $count]
+ return $buf
+proc ::redis::redis_multi_bulk_read fd {
+ set count [redis_read_line $fd]
+ if {$count == -1} return {}
+ set l {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
+ lappend l [redis_read_reply $fd]
+ }
+ return $l
+proc ::redis::redis_read_line fd {
+ string trim [gets $fd]
+proc ::redis::redis_read_reply fd {
+ set type [read $fd 1]
+ switch -exact -- $type {
+ : -
+ + {redis_read_line $fd}
+ - {return -code error [redis_read_line $fd]}
+ $ {redis_bulk_read $fd}
+ * {redis_multi_bulk_read $fd}
+ default {return -code error "Bad protocol, $type as reply type byte"}
+ }
+proc ::redis::redis_reset_state id {
+ set ::redis::state($id) [dict create buf {} mbulk -1 bulk -1 reply {}]
+ set ::redis::statestack($id) {}
+proc ::redis::redis_call_callback {id type reply} {
+ set cb [lindex $::redis::callback($id) 0]
+ set ::redis::callback($id) [lrange $::redis::callback($id) 1 end]
+ uplevel #0 $cb [list ::redis::redisHandle$id $type $reply]
+ ::redis::redis_reset_state $id
+# Read a reply in non-blocking mode.
+proc ::redis::redis_readable {fd id} {
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ redis_call_callback $id eof {}
+ ::redis::__method__close $id $fd
+ return
+ }
+ if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == -1} {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if {$line eq {}} return ;# No complete line available, return
+ switch -exact -- [string index $line 0] {
+ : -
+ + {redis_call_callback $id reply [string range $line 1 end-1]}
+ - {redis_call_callback $id err [string range $line 1 end-1]}
+ $ {
+ dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk \
+ [expr [string range $line 1 end-1]+2]
+ if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == 1} {
+ # We got a $-1, hack the state to play well with this.
+ dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk 2
+ dict set ::redis::state($id) buf "\r\n"
+ ::redis::redis_readable $fd $id
+ }
+ }
+ * {
+ dict set ::redis::state($id) mbulk [string range $line 1 end-1]
+ # Handle *-1
+ if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
+ redis_call_callback $id reply {}
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ redis_call_callback $id err \
+ "Bad protocol, $type as reply type byte"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set totlen [dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]
+ set buflen [string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]]
+ set toread [expr {$totlen-$buflen}]
+ set data [read $fd $toread]
+ set nread [string length $data]
+ dict append ::redis::state($id) buf $data
+ # Check if we read a complete bulk reply
+ if {[string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]] ==
+ [dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]} {
+ if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
+ redis_call_callback $id reply \
+ [string range [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf] 0 end-2]
+ } else {
+ dict with ::redis::state($id) {
+ lappend reply [string range $buf 0 end-2]
+ incr mbulk -1
+ set bulk -1
+ }
+ if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == 0} {
+ redis_call_callback $id reply \
+ [dict get $::redis::state($id) reply]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+proc error_and_quit {config_file error} {
+ puts [exec cat $config_file]
+ puts "\nERROR:"
+ puts [string trim $error]
+ exit 1
+proc start_server {filename overrides {code undefined}} {
+ set data [split [exec cat "test/assets/$filename"] "\n"]
+ set config {}
+ foreach line $data {
+ if {[string length $line] > 0 && [string index $line 0] ne "#"} {
+ set elements [split $line " "]
+ set directive [lrange $elements 0 0]
+ set arguments [lrange $elements 1 end]
+ dict set config $directive $arguments
+ }
+ }
+ # use a different directory every time a server is started
+ dict set config dir [tmpdir server]
+ # apply overrides from arguments
+ foreach override $overrides {
+ set directive [lrange $override 0 0]
+ set arguments [lrange $override 1 end]
+ dict set config $directive $arguments
+ }
+ # write new configuration to temporary file
+ set config_file [tmpfile redis.conf]
+ set fp [open $config_file w+]
+ foreach directive [dict keys $config] {
+ puts -nonewline $fp "$directive "
+ puts $fp [dict get $config $directive]
+ }
+ close $fp
+ set stdout [format "%s/%s" [dict get $config "dir"] "stdout"]
+ set stderr [format "%s/%s" [dict get $config "dir"] "stderr"]
+ exec ./redis-server $config_file > $stdout 2> $stderr &
+ after 10
+ # check that the server actually started
+ if {[file size $stderr] > 0} {
+ error_and_quit $config_file [exec cat $stderr]
+ }
+ set line [exec head -n1 $stdout]
+ if {[string match {*already in use*} $line]} {
+ error_and_quit $config_file $line
+ }
+ # find out the pid
+ regexp {^\[(\d+)\]} [exec head -n1 $stdout] _ pid
+ # create the client object
+ set host $::host
+ set port $::port
+ if {[dict exists $config bind]} { set host [dict get $config bind] }
+ if {[dict exists $config port]} { set port [dict get $config port] }
+ set client [redis $host $port]
+ # select the right db when we don't have to authenticate
+ if {![dict exists $config requirepass]} {
+ $client select 9
+ }
+ if {$code ne "undefined"} {
+ # append the client to the client stack
+ lappend ::clients $client
+ # execute provided block
+ catch { uplevel 1 $code } err
+ # pop the client object
+ set ::clients [lrange $::clients 0 end-1]
+ # kill server and wait for the process to be totally exited
+ exec kill $pid
+ while 1 {
+ if {[catch {exec ps -p $pid | grep redis-server} result]} {
+ # non-zero exis status, process is gone
+ break;
+ }
+ after 10
+ }
+ if {[string length $err] > 0} {
+ puts "Error executing the suite, aborting..."
+ puts $err
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ dict set ret "config" $config_file
+ dict set ret "pid" $pid
+ dict set ret "stdout" $stdout
+ dict set ret "stderr" $stderr
+ dict set ret "client" $client
+ set _ $ret
+ }
+proc kill_server config {
+ set pid [dict get $config pid]
+ exec kill $pid
--- /dev/null
+set ::passed 0
+set ::failed 0
+set ::testnum 0
+proc test {name code okpattern} {
+ incr ::testnum
+ # if {$::testnum < $::first || $::testnum > $::last} return
+ puts -nonewline [format "#%03d %-70s " $::testnum $name]
+ flush stdout
+ set retval [uplevel 1 $code]
+ if {$okpattern eq $retval || [string match $okpattern $retval]} {
+ puts "PASSED"
+ incr ::passed
+ } else {
+ puts "!! ERROR expected\n'$okpattern'\nbut got\n'$retval'"
+ incr ::failed
+ }
+ if {$::traceleaks} {
+ if {![string match {*0 leaks*} [exec leaks redis-server]]} {
+ puts "--------- Test $::testnum LEAKED! --------"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+set ::tmpcounter 0
+set ::tmproot "./test/tmp"
+file mkdir $::tmproot
+# returns a dirname unique to this process to write to
+proc tmpdir {basename} {
+ set dir [file join $::tmproot $basename.[pid].[incr ::tmpcounter]]
+ file mkdir $dir
+ set _ $dir
+# return a filename unique to this process to write to
+proc tmpfile {basename} {
+ file join $::tmproot $basename.[pid].[incr ::tmpcounter]
--- /dev/null
+proc randstring {min max {type binary}} {
+ set len [expr {$min+int(rand()*($max-$min+1))}]
+ set output {}
+ if {$type eq {binary}} {
+ set minval 0
+ set maxval 255
+ } elseif {$type eq {alpha}} {
+ set minval 48
+ set maxval 122
+ } elseif {$type eq {compr}} {
+ set minval 48
+ set maxval 52
+ }
+ while {$len} {
+ append output [format "%c" [expr {$minval+int(rand()*($maxval-$minval+1))}]]
+ incr len -1
+ }
+ return $output
+# Useful for some test
+proc zlistAlikeSort {a b} {
+ if {[lindex $a 0] > [lindex $b 0]} {return 1}
+ if {[lindex $a 0] < [lindex $b 0]} {return -1}
+ string compare [lindex $a 1] [lindex $b 1]
+proc waitForBgsave r {
+ while 1 {
+ set i [$r info]
+ if {[string match {*bgsave_in_progress:1*} $i]} {
+ puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background save to finish... "
+ flush stdout
+ after 1000
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+proc waitForBgrewriteaof r {
+ while 1 {
+ set i [$r info]
+ if {[string match {*bgrewriteaof_in_progress:1*} $i]} {
+ puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background AOF rewrite to finish... "
+ flush stdout
+ after 1000
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+proc randomInt {max} {
+ expr {int(rand()*$max)}
+proc randpath args {
+ set path [expr {int(rand()*[llength $args])}]
+ uplevel 1 [lindex $args $path]
+proc randomValue {} {
+ randpath {
+ # Small enough to likely collide
+ randomInt 1000
+ } {
+ # 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
+ randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
+ } {
+ # 64 bit
+ randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
+ } {
+ # Random string
+ randpath {randstring 0 256 alpha} \
+ {randstring 0 256 compr} \
+ {randstring 0 256 binary}
+ }
+proc randomKey {} {
+ randpath {
+ # Small enough to likely collide
+ randomInt 1000
+ } {
+ # 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
+ randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
+ } {
+ # 64 bit
+ randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
+ } {
+ # Random string
+ randpath {randstring 1 256 alpha} \
+ {randstring 1 256 compr}
+ }
+proc createComplexDataset {r ops} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {
+ set k [randomKey]
+ set f [randomValue]
+ set v [randomValue]
+ randpath {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ randpath {set d +inf} {set d -inf}
+ }
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ if {$t eq {none}} {
+ randpath {
+ $r set $k $v
+ } {
+ $r lpush $k $v
+ } {
+ $r sadd $k $v
+ } {
+ $r zadd $k $d $v
+ } {
+ $r hset $k $f $v
+ }
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ }
+ switch $t {
+ {string} {
+ # Nothing to do
+ }
+ {list} {
+ randpath {$r lpush $k $v} \
+ {$r rpush $k $v} \
+ {$r lrem $k 0 $v} \
+ {$r rpop $k} \
+ {$r lpop $k}
+ }
+ {set} {
+ randpath {$r sadd $k $v} \
+ {$r srem $k $v}
+ }
+ {zset} {
+ randpath {$r zadd $k $d $v} \
+ {$r zrem $k $v}
+ }
+ {hash} {
+ randpath {$r hset $k $f $v} \
+ {$r hdel $k $f}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc datasetDigest r {
+ set keys [lsort [$r keys *]]
+ set digest {}
+ foreach k $keys {
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ switch $t {
+ {string} {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r get $k]]
+ } {list} {
+ if {[$r llen $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r lrange $k 0 -1]]
+ }
+ } {set} {
+ if {[$r scard $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [lsort [$r smembers $k]]]
+ }
+ } {zset} {
+ if {[$r zcard $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r zrange $k 0 -1 withscores]]
+ }
+ } {hash} {
+ if {[$r hlen $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [lsort [$r hgetall $k]]]
+ }
+ } default {
+ error "Type not supported: $t"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$aux eq {}} continue
+ set digest [::sha1::sha1 -hex [join [list $aux $digest $k] "\n"]]
+ }
+ return $digest
--- /dev/null
+# Redis test suite. Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com
+# This softare is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
+# more information.
+set tcl_precision 17
+source test/support/redis.tcl
+source test/support/server.tcl
+source test/support/tmpfile.tcl
+source test/support/test.tcl
+source test/support/util.tcl
+set ::host
+set ::port 6379
+set ::traceleaks 0
+proc execute_tests name {
+ set cur $::testnum
+ source "test/$name.tcl"
+# setup a list to hold a stack of clients. the proc "r" provides easy
+# access to the client at the top of the stack
+set ::clients {}
+proc r {args} {
+ set client [lindex $::clients end]
+ $client {*}$args
+proc main {} {
+ execute_tests "unit/auth"
+ execute_tests "unit/protocol"
+ execute_tests "unit/basic"
+ execute_tests "unit/type/list"
+ execute_tests "unit/type/set"
+ execute_tests "unit/type/zset"
+ execute_tests "unit/type/hash"
+ execute_tests "unit/sort"
+ execute_tests "unit/expire"
+ execute_tests "unit/other"
+ puts "\n[expr $::passed+$::failed] tests, $::passed passed, $::failed failed"
+ if {$::failed > 0} {
+ puts "\n*** WARNING!!! $::failed FAILED TESTS ***\n"
+ }
+ # clean up tmp
+ exec rm -rf test/tmp/*
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {{requirepass foobar}} {
+ test {AUTH fails when a wrong password is given} {
+ catch {r auth wrong!} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*invalid password}
+ test {Arbitrary command gives an error when AUTH is required} {
+ catch {r set foo bar} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*operation not permitted}
+ test {AUTH succeeds when the right password is given} {
+ r auth foobar
+ } {OK}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {DEL all keys to start with a clean DB} {
+ foreach key [r keys *] {r del $key}
+ r dbsize
+ } {0}
+ test {SET and GET an item} {
+ r set x foobar
+ r get x
+ } {foobar}
+ test {SET and GET an empty item} {
+ r set x {}
+ r get x
+ } {}
+ test {DEL against a single item} {
+ r del x
+ r get x
+ } {}
+ test {Vararg DEL} {
+ r set foo1 a
+ r set foo2 b
+ r set foo3 c
+ list [r del foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4] [r mget foo1 foo2 foo3]
+ } {3 {{} {} {}}}
+ test {KEYS with pattern} {
+ foreach key {key_x key_y key_z foo_a foo_b foo_c} {
+ r set $key hello
+ }
+ lsort [r keys foo*]
+ } {foo_a foo_b foo_c}
+ test {KEYS to get all keys} {
+ lsort [r keys *]
+ } {foo_a foo_b foo_c key_x key_y key_z}
+ test {DBSIZE} {
+ r dbsize
+ } {6}
+ test {DEL all keys} {
+ foreach key [r keys *] {r del $key}
+ r dbsize
+ } {0}
+ test {Very big payload in GET/SET} {
+ set buf [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
+ r set foo $buf
+ r get foo
+ } [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
+ test {Very big payload random access} {
+ set err {}
+ array set payload {}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ set size [expr 1+[randomInt 100000]]
+ set buf [string repeat "pl-$j" $size]
+ set payload($j) $buf
+ r set bigpayload_$j $buf
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
+ set index [randomInt 100]
+ set buf [r get bigpayload_$index]
+ if {$buf != $payload($index)} {
+ set err "Values differ: I set '$payload($index)' but I read back '$buf'"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ unset payload
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {SET 10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order} {
+ set err {}
+ for {set x 0} {$x < 10000} {incr x} {
+ r set $x $x
+ }
+ set sum 0
+ for {set x 9999} {$x >= 0} {incr x -1} {
+ set val [r get $x]
+ if {$val ne $x} {
+ set err "Eleemnt at position $x is $val instead of $x"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {DBSIZE should be 10101 now} {
+ r dbsize
+ } {10101}
+ test {INCR against non existing key} {
+ set res {}
+ append res [r incr novar]
+ append res [r get novar]
+ } {11}
+ test {INCR against key created by incr itself} {
+ r incr novar
+ } {2}
+ test {INCR against key originally set with SET} {
+ r set novar 100
+ r incr novar
+ } {101}
+ test {INCR over 32bit value} {
+ r set novar 17179869184
+ r incr novar
+ } {17179869185}
+ test {INCRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
+ r set novar 17179869184
+ r incrby novar 17179869184
+ } {34359738368}
+ test {INCR fails against key with spaces (no integer encoded)} {
+ r set novar " 11 "
+ catch {r incr novar} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {INCR fails against a key holding a list} {
+ r rpush mylist 1
+ catch {r incr mylist} err
+ r rpop mylist
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {DECRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment, negative res} {
+ r set novar 17179869184
+ r decrby novar 17179869185
+ } {-1}
+ test {SETNX target key missing} {
+ r setnx novar2 foobared
+ r get novar2
+ } {foobared}
+ test {SETNX target key exists} {
+ r setnx novar2 blabla
+ r get novar2
+ } {foobared}
+ test {SETNX will overwrite EXPIREing key} {
+ r set x 10
+ r expire x 10000
+ r setnx x 20
+ r get x
+ } {20}
+ test {EXISTS} {
+ set res {}
+ r set newkey test
+ append res [r exists newkey]
+ r del newkey
+ append res [r exists newkey]
+ } {10}
+ test {Zero length value in key. SET/GET/EXISTS} {
+ r set emptykey {}
+ set res [r get emptykey]
+ append res [r exists emptykey]
+ r del emptykey
+ append res [r exists emptykey]
+ } {10}
+ test {Commands pipelining} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "SET k1 4\r\nxyzk\r\nGET k1\r\nPING\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ set res {}
+ append res [string match OK* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
+ append res [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]
+ append res [string match PONG* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
+ format $res
+ } {1xyzk1}
+ test {Non existing command} {
+ catch {r foobaredcommand} err
+ string match ERR* $err
+ } {1}
+ test {RENAME basic usage} {
+ r set mykey hello
+ r rename mykey mykey1
+ r rename mykey1 mykey2
+ r get mykey2
+ } {hello}
+ test {RENAME source key should no longer exist} {
+ r exists mykey
+ } {0}
+ test {RENAME against already existing key} {
+ r set mykey a
+ r set mykey2 b
+ r rename mykey2 mykey
+ set res [r get mykey]
+ append res [r exists mykey2]
+ } {b0}
+ test {RENAMENX basic usage} {
+ r del mykey
+ r del mykey2
+ r set mykey foobar
+ r renamenx mykey mykey2
+ set res [r get mykey2]
+ append res [r exists mykey]
+ } {foobar0}
+ test {RENAMENX against already existing key} {
+ r set mykey foo
+ r set mykey2 bar
+ r renamenx mykey mykey2
+ } {0}
+ test {RENAMENX against already existing key (2)} {
+ set res [r get mykey]
+ append res [r get mykey2]
+ } {foobar}
+ test {RENAME against non existing source key} {
+ catch {r rename nokey foobar} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {RENAME where source and dest key is the same} {
+ catch {r rename mykey mykey} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {DEL all keys again (DB 0)} {
+ foreach key [r keys *] {
+ r del $key
+ }
+ r dbsize
+ } {0}
+ test {DEL all keys again (DB 1)} {
+ r select 10
+ foreach key [r keys *] {
+ r del $key
+ }
+ set res [r dbsize]
+ r select 9
+ format $res
+ } {0}
+ test {MOVE basic usage} {
+ r set mykey foobar
+ r move mykey 10
+ set res {}
+ lappend res [r exists mykey]
+ lappend res [r dbsize]
+ r select 10
+ lappend res [r get mykey]
+ lappend res [r dbsize]
+ r select 9
+ format $res
+ } [list 0 0 foobar 1]
+ test {MOVE against key existing in the target DB} {
+ r set mykey hello
+ r move mykey 10
+ } {0}
+ test {SET/GET keys in different DBs} {
+ r set a hello
+ r set b world
+ r select 10
+ r set a foo
+ r set b bared
+ r select 9
+ set res {}
+ lappend res [r get a]
+ lappend res [r get b]
+ r select 10
+ lappend res [r get a]
+ lappend res [r get b]
+ r select 9
+ format $res
+ } {hello world foo bared}
+ test {MGET} {
+ r flushdb
+ r set foo BAR
+ r set bar FOO
+ r mget foo bar
+ } {BAR FOO}
+ test {MGET against non existing key} {
+ r mget foo baazz bar
+ } {BAR {} FOO}
+ test {MGET against non-string key} {
+ r sadd myset ciao
+ r sadd myset bau
+ r mget foo baazz bar myset
+ } {BAR {} FOO {}}
+ test {RANDOMKEY} {
+ r flushdb
+ r set foo x
+ r set bar y
+ set foo_seen 0
+ set bar_seen 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set rkey [r randomkey]
+ if {$rkey eq {foo}} {
+ set foo_seen 1
+ }
+ if {$rkey eq {bar}} {
+ set bar_seen 1
+ }
+ }
+ list $foo_seen $bar_seen
+ } {1 1}
+ test {RANDOMKEY against empty DB} {
+ r flushdb
+ r randomkey
+ } {}
+ test {RANDOMKEY regression 1} {
+ r flushdb
+ r set x 10
+ r del x
+ r randomkey
+ } {}
+ test {GETSET (set new value)} {
+ list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
+ } {{} xyz}
+ test {GETSET (replace old value)} {
+ r set foo bar
+ list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
+ } {bar xyz}
+ test {MSET base case} {
+ r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"
+ r mget x y z
+ } [list 10 {foo bar} "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"]
+ test {MSET wrong number of args} {
+ catch {r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z} err
+ format $err
+ } {*wrong number*}
+ test {MSETNX with already existent key} {
+ list [r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy x 20] [r exists x1] [r exists y2]
+ } {0 0 0}
+ test {MSETNX with not existing keys} {
+ list [r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy] [r get x1] [r get y2]
+ } {1 xxx yyy}
+ test {MSETNX should remove all the volatile keys even on failure} {
+ r mset x 1 y 2 z 3
+ r expire y 10000
+ r expire z 10000
+ list [r msetnx x A y B z C] [r mget x y z]
+ } {0 {1 {} {}}}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {EXPIRE - don't set timeouts multiple times} {
+ r set x foobar
+ set v1 [r expire x 5]
+ set v2 [r ttl x]
+ set v3 [r expire x 10]
+ set v4 [r ttl x]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3 $v4
+ } {1 5 0 5}
+ test {EXPIRE - It should be still possible to read 'x'} {
+ r get x
+ } {foobar}
+ test {EXPIRE - After 6 seconds the key should no longer be here} {
+ after 6000
+ list [r get x] [r exists x]
+ } {{} 0}
+ test {EXPIRE - Delete on write policy} {
+ r del x
+ r lpush x foo
+ r expire x 1000
+ r lpush x bar
+ r lrange x 0 -1
+ } {bar}
+ test {EXPIREAT - Check for EXPIRE alike behavior} {
+ r del x
+ r set x foo
+ r expireat x [expr [clock seconds]+15]
+ r ttl x
+ } {1[345]}
+ test {SETEX - Set + Expire combo operation. Check for TTL} {
+ r setex x 12 test
+ r ttl x
+ } {1[012]}
+ test {SETEX - Check value} {
+ r get x
+ } {test}
+ test {SETEX - Overwrite old key} {
+ r setex y 1 foo
+ r get y
+ } {foo}
+ test {SETEX - Wait for the key to expire} {
+ after 3000
+ r get y
+ } {}
+ test {SETEX - Wrong time parameter} {
+ catch {r setex z -10 foo} e
+ set _ $e
+ } {*invalid expire*}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values} {
+ # Wait for a background saving in progress to terminate
+ waitForBgsave r
+ r lpush mysavelist hello
+ r lpush mysavelist world
+ r set myemptykey {}
+ r set mynormalkey {blablablba}
+ r zadd mytestzset 10 a
+ r zadd mytestzset 20 b
+ r zadd mytestzset 30 c
+ r save
+ } {OK}
+ foreach fuzztype {binary alpha compr} {
+ test "FUZZ stresser with data model $fuzztype" {
+ set err 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
+ set fuzz [randstring 0 512 $fuzztype]
+ r set foo $fuzz
+ set got [r get foo]
+ if {$got ne $fuzz} {
+ set err [list $fuzz $got]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {0}
+ }
+ test {BGSAVE} {
+ waitForBgsave r
+ r flushdb
+ r save
+ r set x 10
+ r bgsave
+ waitForBgsave r
+ r debug reload
+ r get x
+ } {10}
+ test {SELECT an out of range DB} {
+ catch {r select 1000000} err
+ set _ $err
+ } {*invalid*}
+ if {![catch {package require sha1}]} {
+ test {Check consistency of different data types after a reload} {
+ r flushdb
+ createComplexDataset r 10000
+ set sha1 [datasetDigest r]
+ r debug reload
+ set sha1_after [datasetDigest r]
+ expr {$sha1 eq $sha1_after}
+ } {1}
+ test {Same dataset digest if saving/reloading as AOF?} {
+ r bgrewriteaof
+ waitForBgrewriteaof r
+ r debug loadaof
+ set sha1_after [datasetDigest r]
+ expr {$sha1 eq $sha1_after}
+ } {1}
+ }
+ test {EXPIRES after a reload (snapshot + append only file)} {
+ r flushdb
+ r set x 10
+ r expire x 1000
+ r save
+ r debug reload
+ set ttl [r ttl x]
+ set e1 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
+ r bgrewriteaof
+ waitForBgrewriteaof r
+ set ttl [r ttl x]
+ set e2 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
+ list $e1 $e2
+ } {1 1}
+ test {PIPELINING stresser (also a regression for the old epoll bug)} {
+ set fd2 [socket $::host $::port]
+ fconfigure $fd2 -encoding binary -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 "SELECT 9\r\n"
+ flush $fd2
+ gets $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ set q {}
+ set val "0000${i}0000"
+ append q "SET key:$i [string length $val]\r\n$val\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ set q {}
+ append q "GET key:$i\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ }
+ flush $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ gets $fd2 line
+ gets $fd2 count
+ set count [string range $count 1 end]
+ set val [read $fd2 $count]
+ read $fd2 2
+ }
+ close $fd2
+ set _ 1
+ } {1}
+ test {MUTLI / EXEC basics} {
+ r del mylist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ r multi
+ set v1 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set v2 [r ping]
+ set v3 [r exec]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3
+ } {QUEUED QUEUED {{a b c} PONG}}
+ test {DISCARD} {
+ r del mylist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ r multi
+ set v1 [r del mylist]
+ set v2 [r discard]
+ set v3 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3
+ } {QUEUED OK {a b c}}
+ test {APPEND basics} {
+ list [r append foo bar] [r get foo] \
+ [r append foo 100] [r get foo]
+ } {3 bar 6 bar100}
+ test {APPEND basics, integer encoded values} {
+ set res {}
+ r del foo
+ r append foo 1
+ r append foo 2
+ lappend res [r get foo]
+ r set foo 1
+ r append foo 2
+ lappend res [r get foo]
+ } {12 12}
+ test {APPEND fuzzing} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach type {binary alpha compr} {
+ set buf {}
+ r del x
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set bin [randstring 0 10 $type]
+ append buf $bin
+ r append x $bin
+ }
+ if {$buf != [r get x]} {
+ set err "Expected '$buf' found '[r get x]'"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {SUBSTR basics} {
+ set res {}
+ r set foo "Hello World"
+ lappend res [r substr foo 0 3]
+ lappend res [r substr foo 0 -1]
+ lappend res [r substr foo -4 -1]
+ lappend res [r substr foo 5 3]
+ lappend res [r substr foo 5 5000]
+ lappend res [r substr foo -5000 10000]
+ set _ $res
+ } {Hell {Hello World} orld {} { World} {Hello World}}
+ test {SUBSTR against integer encoded values} {
+ r set foo 123
+ r substr foo 0 -2
+ } {12}
+ test {SUBSTR fuzzing} {
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set bin [randstring 0 1024 binary]
+ set _start [set start [randomInt 1500]]
+ set _end [set end [randomInt 1500]]
+ if {$_start < 0} {set _start "end-[abs($_start)-1]"}
+ if {$_end < 0} {set _end "end-[abs($_end)-1]"}
+ set s1 [string range $bin $_start $_end]
+ r set bin $bin
+ set s2 [r substr bin $start $end]
+ if {$s1 != $s2} {
+ set err "String mismatch"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ # Leave the user with a clean DB before to exit
+ test {FLUSHDB} {
+ set aux {}
+ r select 9
+ r flushdb
+ lappend aux [r dbsize]
+ r select 10
+ r flushdb
+ lappend aux [r dbsize]
+ } {0 0}
+ test {Perform a final SAVE to leave a clean DB on disk} {
+ r save
+ } {OK}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {Handle an empty query well} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ r ping
+ } {PONG}
+ test {Negative multi bulk command does not create problems} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "*-10\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ r ping
+ } {PONG}
+ test {Negative multi bulk payload} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "SET x -10\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*invalid bulk*}
+ test {Too big bulk payload} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "SET x 2000000000\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*invalid bulk*count*}
+ test {Multi bulk request not followed by bulk args} {
+ set fd [r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "*1\r\nfoo\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*protocol error*}
+ test {Generic wrong number of args} {
+ catch {r ping x y z} err
+ set _ $err
+ } {*wrong*arguments*ping*}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {SORT ALPHA against integer encoded strings} {
+ r del mylist
+ r lpush mylist 2
+ r lpush mylist 1
+ r lpush mylist 3
+ r lpush mylist 10
+ r sort mylist alpha
+ } {1 10 2 3}
+ test {Create a random list and a random set} {
+ set tosort {}
+ array set seenrand {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
+ while 1 {
+ # Make sure all the weights are different because
+ # Redis does not use a stable sort but Tcl does.
+ randpath {
+ set rint [expr int(rand()*1000000)]
+ } {
+ set rint [expr rand()]
+ }
+ if {![info exists seenrand($rint)]} break
+ }
+ set seenrand($rint) x
+ r lpush tosort $i
+ r sadd tosort-set $i
+ r set weight_$i $rint
+ r hset wobj_$i weight $rint
+ lappend tosort [list $i $rint]
+ }
+ set sorted [lsort -index 1 -real $tosort]
+ set res {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
+ lappend res [lindex $sorted $i 0]
+ }
+ format {}
+ } {}
+ test {SORT with BY against the newly created list} {
+ r sort tosort {BY weight_*}
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with BY (hash field) against the newly created list} {
+ r sort tosort {BY wobj_*->weight}
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with GET (key+hash) with sanity check of each element (list)} {
+ set err {}
+ set l1 [r sort tosort GET # GET weight_*]
+ set l2 [r sort tosort GET # GET wobj_*->weight]
+ foreach {id1 w1} $l1 {id2 w2} $l2 {
+ set realweight [r get weight_$id1]
+ if {$id1 != $id2} {
+ set err "ID mismatch $id1 != $id2"
+ break
+ }
+ if {$realweight != $w1 || $realweight != $w2} {
+ set err "Weights mismatch! w1: $w1 w2: $w2 real: $realweight"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {SORT with BY, but against the newly created set} {
+ r sort tosort-set {BY weight_*}
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with BY (hash field), but against the newly created set} {
+ r sort tosort-set {BY wobj_*->weight}
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with BY and STORE against the newly created list} {
+ r sort tosort {BY weight_*} store sort-res
+ r lrange sort-res 0 -1
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with BY (hash field) and STORE against the newly created list} {
+ r sort tosort {BY wobj_*->weight} store sort-res
+ r lrange sort-res 0 -1
+ } $res
+ test {SORT direct, numeric, against the newly created list} {
+ r sort tosort
+ } [lsort -integer $res]
+ test {SORT decreasing sort} {
+ r sort tosort {DESC}
+ } [lsort -decreasing -integer $res]
+ test {SORT speed, sorting 10000 elements list using BY, 100 times} {
+ set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set sorted [r sort tosort {BY weight_* LIMIT 0 10}]
+ }
+ set elapsed [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds]-$start]
+ puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
+ flush stdout
+ format {}
+ } {}
+ test {SORT speed, as above but against hash field} {
+ set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set sorted [r sort tosort {BY wobj_*->weight LIMIT 0 10}]
+ }
+ set elapsed [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds]-$start]
+ puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
+ flush stdout
+ format {}
+ } {}
+ test {SORT speed, sorting 10000 elements list directly, 100 times} {
+ set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set sorted [r sort tosort {LIMIT 0 10}]
+ }
+ set elapsed [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds]-$start]
+ puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
+ flush stdout
+ format {}
+ } {}
+ test {SORT speed, pseudo-sorting 10000 elements list, BY <const>, 100 times} {
+ set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set sorted [r sort tosort {BY nokey LIMIT 0 10}]
+ }
+ set elapsed [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds]-$start]
+ puts -nonewline "\n Average time to sort: [expr double($elapsed)/100] milliseconds "
+ flush stdout
+ format {}
+ } {}
+ test {SORT regression for issue #19, sorting floats} {
+ r flushdb
+ foreach x {1.1 5.10 3.10 7.44 2.1 5.75 6.12 0.25 1.15} {
+ r lpush mylist $x
+ }
+ r sort mylist
+ } [lsort -real {1.1 5.10 3.10 7.44 2.1 5.75 6.12 0.25 1.15}]
+ test {SORT with GET #} {
+ r del mylist
+ r lpush mylist 1
+ r lpush mylist 2
+ r lpush mylist 3
+ r mset weight_1 10 weight_2 5 weight_3 30
+ r sort mylist BY weight_* GET #
+ } {2 1 3}
+ test {SORT with constant GET} {
+ r sort mylist GET foo
+ } {{} {} {}}
+ test {SORT against sorted sets} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 5 b
+ r zadd zset 2 c
+ r zadd zset 10 d
+ r zadd zset 3 e
+ r sort zset alpha desc
+ } {e d c b a}
+ test {Sorted sets +inf and -inf handling} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset -100 a
+ r zadd zset 200 b
+ r zadd zset -300 c
+ r zadd zset 1000000 d
+ r zadd zset +inf max
+ r zadd zset -inf min
+ r zrange zset 0 -1
+ } {min c a b d max}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {HSET/HLEN - Small hash creation} {
+ array set smallhash {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
+ set key [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set val [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ if {[info exists smallhash($key)]} {
+ incr i -1
+ continue
+ }
+ r hset smallhash $key $val
+ set smallhash($key) $val
+ }
+ list [r hlen smallhash]
+ } {8}
+ test {Is the small hash encoded with a zipmap?} {
+ r debug object smallhash
+ } {*zipmap*}
+ test {HSET/HLEN - Big hash creation} {
+ array set bighash {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1024} {incr i} {
+ set key [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set val [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ if {[info exists bighash($key)]} {
+ incr i -1
+ continue
+ }
+ r hset bighash $key $val
+ set bighash($key) $val
+ }
+ list [r hlen bighash]
+ } {1024}
+ test {Is the big hash encoded with a zipmap?} {
+ r debug object bighash
+ } {*hashtable*}
+ test {HGET against the small hash} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach k [array names smallhash *] {
+ if {$smallhash($k) ne [r hget smallhash $k]} {
+ set err "$smallhash($k) != [r hget smallhash $k]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HGET against the big hash} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach k [array names bighash *] {
+ if {$bighash($k) ne [r hget bighash $k]} {
+ set err "$bighash($k) != [r hget bighash $k]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HGET against non existing key} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [r hget smallhash __123123123__]
+ lappend rv [r hget bighash __123123123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {{} {}}
+ test {HSET in update and insert mode} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hset smallhash $k newval1]
+ set smallhash($k) newval1
+ lappend rv [r hget smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hset smallhash __foobar123__ newval]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hset bighash $k newval2]
+ set bighash($k) newval2
+ lappend rv [r hget bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hset bighash __foobar123__ newval]
+ lappend rv [r hdel smallhash __foobar123__]
+ lappend rv [r hdel bighash __foobar123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 newval1 1 0 newval2 1 1 1}
+ test {HSETNX target key missing - small hash} {
+ r hsetnx smallhash __123123123__ foo
+ r hget smallhash __123123123__
+ } {foo}
+ test {HSETNX target key exists - small hash} {
+ r hsetnx smallhash __123123123__ bar
+ set result [r hget smallhash __123123123__]
+ r hdel smallhash __123123123__
+ set _ $result
+ } {foo}
+ test {HSETNX target key missing - big hash} {
+ r hsetnx bighash __123123123__ foo
+ r hget bighash __123123123__
+ } {foo}
+ test {HSETNX target key exists - big hash} {
+ r hsetnx bighash __123123123__ bar
+ set result [r hget bighash __123123123__]
+ r hdel bighash __123123123__
+ set _ $result
+ } {foo}
+ test {HMSET wrong number of args} {
+ catch {r hmset smallhash key1 val1 key2} err
+ format $err
+ } {*wrong number*}
+ test {HMSET - small hash} {
+ set args {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
+ set newval [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set smallhash($k) $newval
+ lappend args $k $newval
+ }
+ r hmset smallhash {*}$args
+ } {OK}
+ test {HMSET - big hash} {
+ set args {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
+ set newval [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set bighash($k) $newval
+ lappend args $k $newval
+ }
+ r hmset bighash {*}$args
+ } {OK}
+ test {HMGET against non existing key and fields} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [r hmget doesntexist __123123123__ __456456456__]
+ lappend rv [r hmget smallhash __123123123__ __456456456__]
+ lappend rv [r hmget bighash __123123123__ __456456456__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {{{} {}} {{} {}} {{} {}}}
+ test {HMGET - small hash} {
+ set keys {}
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
+ lappend keys $k
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set err {}
+ set result [r hmget smallhash {*}$keys]
+ if {$vals ne $result} {
+ set err "$vals != $result"
+ break
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HMGET - big hash} {
+ set keys {}
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
+ lappend keys $k
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set err {}
+ set result [r hmget bighash {*}$keys]
+ if {$vals ne $result} {
+ set err "$vals != $result"
+ break
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HKEYS - small hash} {
+ lsort [r hkeys smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array names smallhash *]]
+ test {HKEYS - big hash} {
+ lsort [r hkeys bighash]
+ } [lsort [array names bighash *]]
+ test {HVALS - small hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [r hvals smallhash]]
+ test {HVALS - big hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [r hvals bighash]]
+ test {HGETALL - small hash} {
+ lsort [r hgetall smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array get smallhash]]
+ test {HGETALL - big hash} {
+ lsort [r hgetall bighash]
+ } [lsort [array get bighash]]
+ test {HDEL and return value} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [r hdel smallhash nokey]
+ lappend rv [r hdel bighash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hget smallhash $k]
+ unset smallhash($k)
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hget bighash $k]
+ unset bighash($k)
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 0 1 0 {} 1 0 {}}
+ test {HEXISTS} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hexists smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hexists smallhash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [r hexists bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [r hexists bighash nokey]
+ } {1 0 1 0}
+ test {Is a zipmap encoded Hash promoted on big payload?} {
+ r hset smallhash foo [string repeat a 1024]
+ r debug object smallhash
+ } {*hashtable*}
+ test {HINCRBY against non existing database key} {
+ r del htest
+ list [r hincrby htest foo 2]
+ } {2}
+ test {HINCRBY against non existing hash key} {
+ set rv {}
+ r hdel smallhash tmp
+ r hdel bighash tmp
+ lappend rv [r hincrby smallhash tmp 2]
+ lappend rv [r hget smallhash tmp]
+ lappend rv [r hincrby bighash tmp 2]
+ lappend rv [r hget bighash tmp]
+ } {2 2 2 2}
+ test {HINCRBY against hash key created by hincrby itself} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [r hincrby smallhash tmp 3]
+ lappend rv [r hget smallhash tmp]
+ lappend rv [r hincrby bighash tmp 3]
+ lappend rv [r hget bighash tmp]
+ } {5 5 5 5}
+ test {HINCRBY against hash key originally set with HSET} {
+ r hset smallhash tmp 100
+ r hset bighash tmp 100
+ list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 2] [r hincrby bighash tmp 2]
+ } {102 102}
+ test {HINCRBY over 32bit value} {
+ r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
+ r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
+ list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 1] [r hincrby bighash tmp 1]
+ } {17179869185 17179869185}
+ test {HINCRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
+ r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
+ r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
+ list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 17179869184] [r hincrby bighash tmp 17179869184]
+ } {34359738368 34359738368}
+ test {HINCRBY fails against hash value with spaces} {
+ r hset smallhash str " 11 "
+ r hset bighash str " 11 "
+ catch {r hincrby smallhash str 1} smallerr
+ catch {r hincrby smallhash str 1} bigerr
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $smallerr]
+ lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $bigerr]
+ } {1 1}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ set res [r lpush mylist a]
+ append res [r lpush mylist b]
+ append res [r rpush mylist c]
+ append res [r llen mylist]
+ append res [r rpush anotherlist d]
+ append res [r lpush anotherlist e]
+ append res [r llen anotherlist]
+ append res [r lindex mylist 0]
+ append res [r lindex mylist 1]
+ append res [r lindex mylist 2]
+ append res [r lindex anotherlist 0]
+ append res [r lindex anotherlist 1]
+ list $res [r lindex mylist 100]
+ } {1233122baced {}}
+ test {DEL a list} {
+ r del mylist
+ r exists mylist
+ } {0}
+ test {Create a long list and check every single element with LINDEX} {
+ set ok 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ r rpush mylist $i
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {[r lindex mylist $i] eq $i} {incr ok}
+ if {[r lindex mylist [expr (-$i)-1]] eq [expr 999-$i]} {
+ incr ok
+ }
+ }
+ format $ok
+ } {2000}
+ test {Test elements with LINDEX in random access} {
+ set ok 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set rint [expr int(rand()*1000)]
+ if {[r lindex mylist $rint] eq $rint} {incr ok}
+ if {[r lindex mylist [expr (-$rint)-1]] eq [expr 999-$rint]} {
+ incr ok
+ }
+ }
+ format $ok
+ } {2000}
+ test {Check if the list is still ok after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ r debug reload
+ set ok 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set rint [expr int(rand()*1000)]
+ if {[r lindex mylist $rint] eq $rint} {incr ok}
+ if {[r lindex mylist [expr (-$rint)-1]] eq [expr 999-$rint]} {
+ incr ok
+ }
+ }
+ format $ok
+ } {2000}
+ test {LLEN against non-list value error} {
+ r del mylist
+ r set mylist foobar
+ catch {r llen mylist} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {LLEN against non existing key} {
+ r llen not-a-key
+ } {0}
+ test {LINDEX against non-list value error} {
+ catch {r lindex mylist 0} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {LINDEX against non existing key} {
+ r lindex not-a-key 10
+ } {}
+ test {LPUSH against non-list value error} {
+ catch {r lpush mylist 0} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {RPUSH against non-list value error} {
+ catch {r rpush mylist 0} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH base case} {
+ r del mylist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ r rpush mylist d
+ set v1 [r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set v2 [r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set l1 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set l2 [r lrange newlist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $l1 $l2
+ } {d c {a b} {c d}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH with the same list as src and dst} {
+ r del mylist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ set l1 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set v [r rpoplpush mylist mylist]
+ set l2 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ list $l1 $v $l2
+ } {{a b c} c {c a b}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH target list already exists} {
+ r del mylist
+ r del newlist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ r rpush mylist d
+ r rpush newlist x
+ set v1 [r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set v2 [r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set l1 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set l2 [r lrange newlist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $l1 $l2
+ } {d c {a b} {c d x}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non existing key} {
+ r del mylist
+ r del newlist
+ set v1 [r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ list $v1 [r exists mylist] [r exists newlist]
+ } {{} 0 0}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non list src key} {
+ r del mylist
+ r del newlist
+ r set mylist x
+ catch {r rpoplpush mylist newlist} err
+ list [r type mylist] [r exists newlist] [string range $err 0 2]
+ } {string 0 ERR}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non list dst key} {
+ r del mylist
+ r del newlist
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist b
+ r rpush mylist c
+ r rpush mylist d
+ r set newlist x
+ catch {r rpoplpush mylist newlist} err
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] [r type newlist] [string range $err 0 2]
+ } {{a b c d} string ERR}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non existing src key} {
+ r del mylist
+ r del newlist
+ r rpoplpush mylist newlist
+ } {}
+ test {Basic LPOP/RPOP} {
+ r del mylist
+ r rpush mylist 1
+ r rpush mylist 2
+ r lpush mylist 0
+ list [r lpop mylist] [r rpop mylist] [r lpop mylist] [r llen mylist]
+ } [list 0 2 1 0]
+ test {LPOP/RPOP against empty list} {
+ r lpop mylist
+ } {}
+ test {LPOP against non list value} {
+ r set notalist foo
+ catch {r lpop notalist} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*kind*}
+ test {Mass LPUSH/LPOP} {
+ set sum 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ r lpush mylist $i
+ incr sum $i
+ }
+ set sum2 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 500} {incr i} {
+ incr sum2 [r lpop mylist]
+ incr sum2 [r rpop mylist]
+ }
+ expr $sum == $sum2
+ } {1}
+ test {LRANGE basics} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
+ r rpush mylist $i
+ }
+ list [r lrange mylist 1 -2] \
+ [r lrange mylist -3 -1] \
+ [r lrange mylist 4 4]
+ } {{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {7 8 9} 4}
+ test {LRANGE inverted indexes} {
+ r lrange mylist 6 2
+ } {}
+ test {LRANGE out of range indexes including the full list} {
+ r lrange mylist -1000 1000
+ } {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
+ test {LRANGE against non existing key} {
+ r lrange nosuchkey 0 1
+ } {}
+ test {LTRIM basics} {
+ r del mylist
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ r lpush mylist $i
+ r ltrim mylist 0 4
+ }
+ r lrange mylist 0 -1
+ } {99 98 97 96 95}
+ test {LTRIM stress testing} {
+ set mylist {}
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ lappend mylist $i
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ # Fill the list
+ r del mylist
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ r rpush mylist $i
+ }
+ # Trim at random
+ set a [randomInt 20]
+ set b [randomInt 20]
+ r ltrim mylist $a $b
+ if {[r lrange mylist 0 -1] ne [lrange $mylist $a $b]} {
+ set err "[r lrange mylist 0 -1] != [lrange $mylist $a $b]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {LSET} {
+ r del mylist
+ foreach x {99 98 97 96 95} {
+ r rpush mylist $x
+ }
+ r lset mylist 1 foo
+ r lset mylist -1 bar
+ r lrange mylist 0 -1
+ } {99 foo 97 96 bar}
+ test {LSET out of range index} {
+ catch {r lset mylist 10 foo} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*range*}
+ test {LSET against non existing key} {
+ catch {r lset nosuchkey 10 foo} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*key*}
+ test {LSET against non list value} {
+ r set nolist foobar
+ catch {r lset nolist 0 foo} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*value*}
+ test {LREM, remove all the occurrences} {
+ r flushdb
+ r rpush mylist foo
+ r rpush mylist bar
+ r rpush mylist foobar
+ r rpush mylist foobared
+ r rpush mylist zap
+ r rpush mylist bar
+ r rpush mylist test
+ r rpush mylist foo
+ set res [r lrem mylist 0 bar]
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
+ } {{foo foobar foobared zap test foo} 2}
+ test {LREM, remove the first occurrence} {
+ set res [r lrem mylist 1 foo]
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
+ } {{foobar foobared zap test foo} 1}
+ test {LREM, remove non existing element} {
+ set res [r lrem mylist 1 nosuchelement]
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
+ } {{foobar foobared zap test foo} 0}
+ test {LREM, starting from tail with negative count} {
+ r flushdb
+ r rpush mylist foo
+ r rpush mylist bar
+ r rpush mylist foobar
+ r rpush mylist foobared
+ r rpush mylist zap
+ r rpush mylist bar
+ r rpush mylist test
+ r rpush mylist foo
+ r rpush mylist foo
+ set res [r lrem mylist -1 bar]
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
+ } {{foo bar foobar foobared zap test foo foo} 1}
+ test {LREM, starting from tail with negative count (2)} {
+ set res [r lrem mylist -2 foo]
+ list [r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
+ } {{foo bar foobar foobared zap test} 2}
+ test {LREM, deleting objects that may be encoded as integers} {
+ r lpush myotherlist 1
+ r lpush myotherlist 2
+ r lpush myotherlist 3
+ r lrem myotherlist 1 2
+ r llen myotherlist
+ } {2}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ r sadd myset foo
+ r sadd myset bar
+ list [r scard myset] [r sismember myset foo] \
+ [r sismember myset bar] [r sismember myset bla] \
+ [lsort [r smembers myset]]
+ } {2 1 1 0 {bar foo}}
+ test {SADD adding the same element multiple times} {
+ r sadd myset foo
+ r sadd myset foo
+ r sadd myset foo
+ r scard myset
+ } {2}
+ test {SADD against non set} {
+ r lpush mylist foo
+ catch {r sadd mylist bar} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*kind*}
+ test {SREM basics} {
+ r sadd myset ciao
+ r srem myset foo
+ lsort [r smembers myset]
+ } {bar ciao}
+ test {Mass SADD and SINTER with two sets} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ r sadd set1 $i
+ r sadd set2 [expr $i+995]
+ }
+ lsort [r sinter set1 set2]
+ } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test {SUNION with two sets} {
+ lsort [r sunion set1 set2]
+ } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ test {SINTERSTORE with two sets} {
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2
+ lsort [r smembers setres]
+ } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test {SINTERSTORE with two sets, after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ r debug reload
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2
+ lsort [r smembers setres]
+ } {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test {SUNIONSTORE with two sets} {
+ r sunionstore setres set1 set2
+ lsort [r smembers setres]
+ } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ test {SUNIONSTORE against non existing keys} {
+ r set setres xxx
+ list [r sunionstore setres foo111 bar222] [r exists xxx]
+ } {0 0}
+ test {SINTER against three sets} {
+ r sadd set3 999
+ r sadd set3 995
+ r sadd set3 1000
+ r sadd set3 2000
+ lsort [r sinter set1 set2 set3]
+ } {995 999}
+ test {SINTERSTORE with three sets} {
+ r sinterstore setres set1 set2 set3
+ lsort [r smembers setres]
+ } {995 999}
+ test {SUNION with non existing keys} {
+ lsort [r sunion nokey1 set1 set2 nokey2]
+ } [lsort -uniq "[r smembers set1] [r smembers set2]"]
+ test {SDIFF with two sets} {
+ for {set i 5} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ r sadd set4 $i
+ }
+ lsort [r sdiff set1 set4]
+ } {0 1 2 3 4}
+ test {SDIFF with three sets} {
+ r sadd set5 0
+ lsort [r sdiff set1 set4 set5]
+ } {1 2 3 4}
+ test {SDIFFSTORE with three sets} {
+ r sdiffstore sres set1 set4 set5
+ lsort [r smembers sres]
+ } {1 2 3 4}
+ test {SPOP basics} {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset 1
+ r sadd myset 2
+ r sadd myset 3
+ list [lsort [list [r spop myset] [r spop myset] [r spop myset]]] [r scard myset]
+ } {{1 2 3} 0}
+ test {SRANDMEMBER} {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a
+ r sadd myset b
+ r sadd myset c
+ unset -nocomplain myset
+ array set myset {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set myset([r srandmember myset]) 1
+ }
+ lsort [array names myset]
+ } {a b c}
+ test {SMOVE basics} {
+ r sadd myset1 a
+ r sadd myset1 b
+ r sadd myset1 c
+ r sadd myset2 x
+ r sadd myset2 y
+ r sadd myset2 z
+ r smove myset1 myset2 a
+ list [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ } {{a x y z} {b c}}
+ test {SMOVE non existing key} {
+ list [r smove myset1 myset2 foo] [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset1]]
+ } {0 {a x y z} {b c}}
+ test {SMOVE non existing src set} {
+ list [r smove noset myset2 foo] [lsort [r smembers myset2]]
+ } {0 {a x y z}}
+ test {SMOVE non existing dst set} {
+ list [r smove myset2 myset3 y] [lsort [r smembers myset2]] [lsort [r smembers myset3]]
+ } {1 {a x z} y}
+ test {SMOVE wrong src key type} {
+ r set x 10
+ catch {r smove x myset2 foo} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
+ test {SMOVE wrong dst key type} {
+ r set x 10
+ catch {r smove myset2 x foo} err
+ format $err
+ } {ERR*}
--- /dev/null
+start_server default.conf {} {
+ test {ZSET basic ZADD and score update} {
+ r zadd ztmp 10 x
+ r zadd ztmp 20 y
+ r zadd ztmp 30 z
+ set aux1 [r zrange ztmp 0 -1]
+ r zadd ztmp 1 y
+ set aux2 [r zrange ztmp 0 -1]
+ list $aux1 $aux2
+ } {{x y z} {y x z}}
+ test {ZCARD basics} {
+ r zcard ztmp
+ } {3}
+ test {ZCARD non existing key} {
+ r zcard ztmp-blabla
+ } {0}
+ test {ZRANK basics} {
+ r zadd zranktmp 10 x
+ r zadd zranktmp 20 y
+ r zadd zranktmp 30 z
+ list [r zrank zranktmp x] [r zrank zranktmp y] [r zrank zranktmp z]
+ } {0 1 2}
+ test {ZREVRANK basics} {
+ list [r zrevrank zranktmp x] [r zrevrank zranktmp y] [r zrevrank zranktmp z]
+ } {2 1 0}
+ test {ZRANK - after deletion} {
+ r zrem zranktmp y
+ list [r zrank zranktmp x] [r zrank zranktmp z]
+ } {0 1}
+ test {ZSCORE} {
+ set aux {}
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ lappend aux $score
+ r zadd zscoretest $score $i
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {[r zscore zscoretest $i] != [lindex $aux $i]} {
+ set err "Expected score was [lindex $aux $i] but got [r zscore zscoretest $i] for element $i"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {ZSCORE after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ set aux {}
+ set err {}
+ r del zscoretest
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ lappend aux $score
+ r zadd zscoretest $score $i
+ }
+ r debug reload
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {[r zscore zscoretest $i] != [lindex $aux $i]} {
+ set err "Expected score was [lindex $aux $i] but got [r zscore zscoretest $i] for element $i"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {ZRANGE and ZREVRANGE basics} {
+ list [r zrange ztmp 0 -1] [r zrevrange ztmp 0 -1] \
+ [r zrange ztmp 1 -1] [r zrevrange ztmp 1 -1]
+ } {{y x z} {z x y} {x z} {x y}}
+ r zrange ztmp 0 -1 withscores
+ } {y 1 x 10 z 30}
+ test {ZSETs stress tester - sorting is working well?} {
+ set delta 0
+ for {set test 0} {$test < 2} {incr test} {
+ unset -nocomplain auxarray
+ array set auxarray {}
+ set auxlist {}
+ r del myzset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {$test == 0} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ } else {
+ set score [expr int(rand()*10)]
+ }
+ set auxarray($i) $score
+ r zadd myzset $score $i
+ # Random update
+ if {[expr rand()] < .2} {
+ set j [expr int(rand()*1000)]
+ if {$test == 0} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ } else {
+ set score [expr int(rand()*10)]
+ }
+ set auxarray($j) $score
+ r zadd myzset $score $j
+ }
+ }
+ foreach {item score} [array get auxarray] {
+ lappend auxlist [list $score $item]
+ }
+ set sorted [lsort -command zlistAlikeSort $auxlist]
+ set auxlist {}
+ foreach x $sorted {
+ lappend auxlist [lindex $x 1]
+ }
+ set fromredis [r zrange myzset 0 -1]
+ set delta 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $fromredis]} {incr i} {
+ if {[lindex $fromredis $i] != [lindex $auxlist $i]} {
+ incr delta
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ format $delta
+ } {0}
+ test {ZINCRBY - can create a new sorted set} {
+ r del zset
+ r zincrby zset 1 foo
+ list [r zrange zset 0 -1] [r zscore zset foo]
+ } {foo 1}
+ test {ZINCRBY - increment and decrement} {
+ r zincrby zset 2 foo
+ r zincrby zset 1 bar
+ set v1 [r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ r zincrby zset 10 bar
+ r zincrby zset -5 foo
+ r zincrby zset -5 bar
+ set v2 [r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 [r zscore zset foo] [r zscore zset bar]
+ } {{bar foo} {foo bar} -2 6}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZCOUNT basics} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [r zrangebyscore zset 2 4] [r zrangebyscore zset (2 (4] \
+ [r zcount zset 2 4] [r zcount zset (2 (4]
+ } {{b c d} c 3 1}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE withscores} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ r zrangebyscore zset 2 4 withscores
+ } {b 2 c 3 d 4}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE fuzzy test, 100 ranges in 1000 elements sorted set} {
+ set err {}
+ r del zset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ r zadd zset [expr rand()] $i
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set min [expr rand()]
+ set max [expr rand()]
+ if {$min > $max} {
+ set aux $min
+ set min $max
+ set max $aux
+ }
+ set low [r zrangebyscore zset -inf $min]
+ set ok [r zrangebyscore zset $min $max]
+ set high [r zrangebyscore zset $max +inf]
+ set lowx [r zrangebyscore zset -inf ($min]
+ set okx [r zrangebyscore zset ($min ($max]
+ set highx [r zrangebyscore zset ($max +inf]
+ if {[r zcount zset -inf $min] != [llength $low]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[r zcount zset $min $max] != [llength $ok]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[r zcount zset $max +inf] != [llength $high]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[r zcount zset -inf ($min] != [llength $lowx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[r zcount zset ($min ($max] != [llength $okx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[r zcount zset ($max +inf] != [llength $highx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ foreach x $low {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score > $min} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score > $min\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $lowx {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score >= $min} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score >= $min\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $ok {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score < $min || $score > $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score outside $min-$max range\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $okx {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score <= $min || $score >= $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score outside $min-$max open range\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $high {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score < $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score < $max\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $highx {
+ set score [r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score <= $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score <= $max\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ list \
+ [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 0 2] \
+ [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 3] \
+ [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 10] \
+ [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 20 10]
+ } {{a b} {c d e} {c d e} {}}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE with LIMIT and withscores} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 10 a
+ r zadd zset 20 b
+ r zadd zset 30 c
+ r zadd zset 40 d
+ r zadd zset 50 e
+ r zrangebyscore zset 20 50 LIMIT 2 3 withscores
+ } {d 40 e 50}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYSCORE basics} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [r zremrangebyscore zset 2 4] [r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {3 {a e}}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYSCORE from -inf to +inf} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [r zremrangebyscore zset -inf +inf] [r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {5 {}}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYRANK basics} {
+ r del zset
+ r zadd zset 1 a
+ r zadd zset 2 b
+ r zadd zset 3 c
+ r zadd zset 4 d
+ r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [r zremrangebyrank zset 1 3] [r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {3 {a e}}
+ test {ZUNION against non-existing key doesn't set destination} {
+ r del zseta
+ list [r zunion dst_key 1 zseta] [r exists dst_key]
+ } {0 0}
+ test {ZUNION basics} {
+ r del zseta zsetb zsetc
+ r zadd zseta 1 a
+ r zadd zseta 2 b
+ r zadd zseta 3 c
+ r zadd zsetb 1 b
+ r zadd zsetb 2 c
+ r zadd zsetb 3 d
+ list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 3 d 3 c 5}}
+ test {ZUNION with weights} {
+ list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 2 b 7 d 9 c 12}}
+ test {ZUNION with AGGREGATE MIN} {
+ list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 1 c 2 d 3}}
+ test {ZUNION with AGGREGATE MAX} {
+ list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 3}}
+ test {ZINTER basics} {
+ list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 3 c 5}}
+ test {ZINTER with weights} {
+ list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 7 c 12}}
+ test {ZINTER with AGGREGATE MIN} {
+ list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 1 c 2}}
+ test {ZINTER with AGGREGATE MAX} {
+ list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 2 c 3}}
+ test {ZSETs skiplist implementation backlink consistency test} {
+ set diff 0
+ set elements 10000
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $elements} {incr j} {
+ r zadd myzset [expr rand()] "Element-$j"
+ r zrem myzset "Element-[expr int(rand()*$elements)]"
+ }
+ set l1 [r zrange myzset 0 -1]
+ set l2 [r zrevrange myzset 0 -1]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $l1]} {incr j} {
+ if {[lindex $l1 $j] ne [lindex $l2 end-$j]} {
+ incr diff
+ }
+ }
+ format $diff
+ } {0}
+ test {ZSETs ZRANK augmented skip list stress testing} {
+ set err {}
+ r del myzset
+ for {set k 0} {$k < 10000} {incr k} {
+ set i [expr {$k%1000}]
+ if {[expr rand()] < .2} {
+ r zrem myzset $i
+ } else {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ r zadd myzset $score $i
+ }
+ set card [r zcard myzset]
+ if {$card > 0} {
+ set index [randomInt $card]
+ set ele [lindex [r zrange myzset $index $index] 0]
+ set rank [r zrank myzset $ele]
+ if {$rank != $index} {
+ set err "$ele RANK is wrong! ($rank != $index)"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}