server.slowlog_log_slower_than = strtoll(argv[1],NULL,10);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"slowlog-max-len") && argc == 2) {
server.slowlog_max_len = strtoll(argv[1],NULL,10);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"client-output-buffer-limit") &&
+ argc == 5)
+ {
+ int class = getClientLimitClassByName(argv[1]);
+ unsigned long long hard, soft;
+ int soft_seconds;
+ if (class == -1) {
+ err = "Unrecognized client limit class";
+ goto loaderr;
+ }
+ hard = memtoll(argv[2],NULL);
+ soft = memtoll(argv[3],NULL);
+ soft_seconds = atoi(argv[4]);
+ if (soft_seconds < 0) {
+ err = "Negative number of seconds in soft limt is invalid";
+ goto loaderr;
+ }
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].hard_limit_bytes = hard;
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_bytes = soft;
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_seconds = soft_seconds;
} else {
err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments"; goto loaderr;
} else {
goto badfmt;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,"client-output-buffer-limit")) {
+ int vlen, j;
+ sds *v = sdssplitlen(o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr)," ",1,&vlen);
+ /* We need a multiple of 4: <class> <hard> <soft> <soft_seconds> */
+ if (vlen % 4) {
+ sdsfreesplitres(v,vlen);
+ goto badfmt;
+ }
+ /* Sanity check of single arguments, so that we either refuse the
+ * whole configuration string or accept it all, even if a single
+ * error in a single client class is present. */
+ for (j = 0; j < vlen; j++) {
+ char *eptr;
+ long val;
+ if ((j % 4) == 0) {
+ if (getClientLimitClassByName(v[j]) == -1) {
+ sdsfreesplitres(v,vlen);
+ goto badfmt;
+ }
+ } else {
+ val = strtoll(v[j], &eptr, 10);
+ if (eptr[0] != '\0' || val < 0) {
+ sdsfreesplitres(v,vlen);
+ goto badfmt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Finally set the new config */
+ for (j = 0; j < vlen; j += 4) {
+ int class;
+ unsigned long long hard, soft;
+ int soft_seconds;
+ class = getClientLimitClassByName(v[j]);
+ hard = strtoll(v[j+1],NULL,10);
+ soft = strtoll(v[j+2],NULL,10);
+ soft_seconds = strtoll(v[j+3],NULL,10);
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].hard_limit_bytes = hard;
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_bytes = soft;
+ server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_seconds = soft_seconds;
+ }
+ sdsfreesplitres(v,vlen);
} else {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Unsupported CONFIG parameter: %s",
+ if (stringmatch(pattern,"client-output-buffer-limit",0)) {
+ sds buf = sdsempty();
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLIENT_LIMIT_NUM_CLASSES; j++) {
+ buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%s %llu %llu %ld",
+ getClientLimitClassName(j),
+ server.client_obuf_limits[j].hard_limit_bytes,
+ server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_bytes,
+ (long) server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds);
+ buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
+ }
+ addReplyBulkCString(c,"client-output-buffer-limit");
+ addReplyBulkCString(c,buf);
+ sdsfree(buf);
+ matches++;
+ }
} zset;
typedef struct clientBufferLimitsConfig {
- unsigned long hard_limit_bytes;
- unsigned long soft_limit_bytes;
+ unsigned long long hard_limit_bytes;
+ unsigned long long soft_limit_bytes;
time_t soft_limit_seconds;
} clientBufferLimitsConfig;
unsigned long getClientOutputBufferMemoryUsage(redisClient *c);
void freeClientsInAsyncFreeQueue(void);
void asyncCloseClientOnOutputBufferLimitReached(redisClient *c);
+int getClientLimitClassByName(char *name);
+char *getClientLimitClassName(int class);
#ifdef __GNUC__
void addReplyErrorFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...)