$rd read
} {list b}
+ test "BLPOP with same key multiple times should work (issue #801)" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r del list1 list2
+ # Data arriving after the BLPOP.
+ $rd blpop list1 list2 list2 list1 0
+ r lpush list1 a
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {list1 a}
+ $rd blpop list1 list2 list2 list1 0
+ r lpush list2 b
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {list2 b}
+ # Data already there.
+ r lpush list1 a
+ r lpush list2 b
+ $rd blpop list1 list2 list2 list1 0
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {list1 a}
+ $rd blpop list1 list2 list2 list1 0
+ assert_equal [$rd read] {list2 b}
+ }
test "MULTI/EXEC is isolated from the point of view of BLPOP" {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r del list