-/* Set the event loop to listen for write events on the client's socket.
- * Typically gets called every time a reply is built. */
-int _installWriteEvent(redisClient *c) {
+/* This function is called every time we are going to transmit new data
+ * to the client. The behavior is the following:
+ *
+ * If the client should receive new data (normal clients will) the function
+ * returns REDIS_OK, and make sure to install the write handler in our event
+ * loop so that when the socket is writable new data gets written.
+ *
+ * If the client should not receive new data, because it is a fake client
+ * or a slave, or because the setup of the write handler failed, the function
+ * returns REDIS_ERR.
+ *
+ * Typically gets called every time a reply is built, before adding more
+ * data to the clients output buffers. If the function returns REDIS_ERR no
+ * data should be appended to the output buffers. */
+int prepareClientToWrite(redisClient *c) {