Every redis command or data transmitted by the client and the server is
terminated by "\r\n" (CRLF).<h2><a name="Simple INLINE commands">Simple INLINE commands</a></h2>The simplest commands are the inline commands. This is an example of a
server/client chat (the server chat starts with S:, the client chat with C:)<br/><br/><pre class="codeblock python" name="code">
Every redis command or data transmitted by the client and the server is
terminated by "\r\n" (CRLF).<h2><a name="Simple INLINE commands">Simple INLINE commands</a></h2>The simplest commands are the inline commands. This is an example of a
server/client chat (the server chat starts with S:, the client chat with C:)<br/><br/><pre class="codeblock python" name="code">