VERSION 1.4 TODO (Hash type)
-* Blocking LPOP (BLPOP).
-* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
+* RPOPLPUSH should notify blocking POP operations
* List ops like L/RPUSH L/RPOP should return the new list length.
+* Save dataset / fsync() on SIGTERM
+* MULTI/EXEC should support the "EXEC FSYNC" form
+* Synchronous Virtual Memory
+* BLPOP & C. tests (write a non blocking Tcl client as first step)
VERSION 1.6 TODO (Virtual memory)
-* Redis Virtual Memory for datasets bigger than RAM (
+* Asynchronous Virtual Memory
+* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
VERSION 1.8 TODO (Fault tollerant sharding)
* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
* Specially encoded sets of integers (this includes a big refactoring providing an higher level layer for Sets manipulation)