+ test_interactive_cli "Parsing quotes" {
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"bar\""]
+ assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \" bar \""]
+ assert_equal " bar " [r get key]
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\\\"bar\\\"\""]
+ assert_equal "\"bar\"" [r get key]
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\tbar\t\""]
+ assert_equal "\tbar\t" [r get key]
+ # invalid quotation
+ assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"\"key"]
+ assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"key\"x"]
+ # quotes after the argument are weird, but should be allowed
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key\"\" bar"]
+ assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Status reply" {
+ assert_equal "OK\n" [run_cli set key bar]
+ assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Integer reply" {
+ r del counter
+ assert_equal "(integer) 1\n" [run_cli incr counter]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Bulk reply" {
+ r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
+ assert_equal "\"tab\\tnewline\\n\"\n" [run_cli get key]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
+ r del list
+ r rpush list foo
+ r rpush list bar
+ assert_equal "1. \"foo\"\n2. \"bar\"\n" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
+ assert_equal "OK\n" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
+ assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_tty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
+ set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
+ assert_equal "OK\n" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
+ assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Status reply" {
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
+ assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Integer reply" {
+ r del counter
+ assert_equal "1" [run_cli incr counter]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Bulk reply" {
+ r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
+ assert_equal "tab\tnewline\n" [run_cli get key]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
+ r del list
+ r rpush list foo
+ r rpush list bar
+ assert_equal "foo\nbar" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
+ assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
+ }
+ test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
+ set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
+ assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
+ assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
+ }