+- Protocol changes as discussed in the Redis group
- keys expire
- sunion ssub
- write integers in a special way on disk (and on memory?)
- network layer stresser in test in demo
- maxclients directive
- check 'server.dirty' everywere
-- replication tests
-- command line client. If the last argument of a bulk command is missing get it from stdin. Example:
- $ echo "bar" | redis-client SET foo
- $ redis-client SET foo bar
- $ redis-client GET foo
- bar
- $
-- Make Redis aware of the memory it is using thanks to getrusage() and report this info with the INFO command.
-- INFO command: clients, slave/master, requests/second in the last N seconds, memory usage, uptime, dirty, lastsave
+- replication automated tests
+- a command, or an external tool, to perform the MD5SUM of the whole dataset, so that if the dataset between two servers is identical, so will be the MD5SUM
+* Include Lua and Perl bindings