# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
daemonize no
+# When run as a daemon, Redis write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid by default.
+# You can specify a custom pid file location here.
+pidfile /var/run/redis.pid
# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379
port 6379
# bind
-# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds
+# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
timeout 300
# Save the DB on disk:
save 300 10
save 60 10000
+# The filename where to dump the DB
+dbfilename dump.rdb
# For default save/load DB in/from the working directory
# Note that you must specify a directory not a file name.
dir ./
# output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
logfile stdout
-# Set the number of databases.
+# Set the number of databases. The default database is DB 0, you can select
+# a different one on a per-connection basis using SELECT <dbid> where
+# dbid is a number between 0 and 'databases'-1
databases 16
################################# REPLICATION #################################
# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>
+################################## SECURITY ###################################
+# Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
+# commands. This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
+# others with access to the host running redis-server.
+# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
+# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
+# requirepass foobared
############################### ADVANCED CONFIG ###############################
# Glue small output buffers together in order to send small replies in a
# single TCP packet. Uses a bit more CPU but most of the times it is a win
# in terms of number of queries per second. Use 'yes' if unsure.
glueoutputbuf yes
+# Use object sharing. Can save a lot of memory if you have many common
+# string in your dataset, but performs lookups against the shared objects
+# pool so it uses more CPU and can be a bit slower. Usually it's a good
+# idea.
+shareobjects no