-adlist.o: adlist.c adlist.h zmalloc.h
-ae.o: ae.c ae.h zmalloc.h config.h ae_kqueue.c
-ae_epoll.o: ae_epoll.c
-ae_kqueue.o: ae_kqueue.c
-ae_select.o: ae_select.c
-anet.o: anet.c fmacros.h anet.h
-aof.o: aof.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-config.o: config.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-db.o: db.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-debug.o: debug.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h sha1.h
-dict.o: dict.c fmacros.h dict.h zmalloc.h
-diskstore.o: diskstore.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h \
- adlist.h zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-dscache.o: dscache.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h \
- adlist.h zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-intset.o: intset.c intset.h zmalloc.h
-lzf_c.o: lzf_c.c lzfP.h
-lzf_d.o: lzf_d.c lzfP.h
-multi.o: multi.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-networking.o: networking.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h \
- adlist.h zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-object.o: object.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-pqsort.o: pqsort.c
-pubsub.o: pubsub.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-rdb.o: rdb.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h lzf.h
-redis-benchmark.o: redis-benchmark.c fmacros.h ae.h \
- ../deps/hiredis/hiredis.h sds.h adlist.h zmalloc.h
-redis-check-aof.o: redis-check-aof.c fmacros.h config.h
-redis-check-dump.o: redis-check-dump.c lzf.h
-redis-cli.o: redis-cli.c fmacros.h version.h ../deps/hiredis/hiredis.h \
- sds.h zmalloc.h ../deps/linenoise/linenoise.h help.h
-redis.o: redis.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h asciilogo.h
-release.o: release.c release.h
-replication.o: replication.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h \
- adlist.h zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-sds.o: sds.c sds.h zmalloc.h
-sha1.o: sha1.c sha1.h
-sort.o: sort.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h pqsort.h
-syncio.o: syncio.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-t_hash.o: t_hash.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-t_list.o: t_list.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-t_set.o: t_set.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-t_string.o: t_string.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h \
- adlist.h zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-t_zset.o: t_zset.c redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-util.o: util.c util.h
-cluster.o: redis.h fmacros.h config.h ae.h sds.h dict.h adlist.h \
- zmalloc.h anet.h zipmap.h ziplist.h intset.h version.h
-ziplist.o: ziplist.c zmalloc.h ziplist.h
-zipmap.o: zipmap.c zmalloc.h
-zmalloc.o: zmalloc.c config.h
-.PHONY: dependencies
- @printf '%b %b\n' $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)hiredis$(ENDCOLOR)
- @cd ../deps/hiredis && $(MAKE) static ARCH="$(ARCH)"
- @printf '%b %b\n' $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)linenoise$(ENDCOLOR)
- @cd ../deps/linenoise && $(MAKE) ARCH="$(ARCH)"
- cd ../deps/jemalloc && ./configure $(JEMALLOC_CFLAGS) --with-jemalloc-prefix=je_ --enable-cc-silence && $(MAKE) lib/libjemalloc.a
-redis-server: $(OBJ)
-redis-benchmark: dependencies $(BENCHOBJ)
- @cd ../deps/hiredis && $(MAKE) static
- $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(BENCHPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(BENCHOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a $(CCLINK) $(ALLOC_LINK)
- $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $<
-redis-cli: dependencies $(CLIOBJ)
- $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(CLIPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CLIOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a ../deps/linenoise/linenoise.o $(CCLINK) $(ALLOC_LINK)
- $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis -I../deps/linenoise $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $<
-redis-check-dump: $(CHECKDUMPOBJ)
-redis-check-aof: $(CHECKAOFOBJ)
-# Because the jemalloc.h header is generated as a part of the jemalloc build
-# process, building it should complete before building any other object.
-%.o: %.c $(ALLOC_DEP)
+include Makefile.dep
+ $(REDIS_CC) -MM *.c > Makefile.dep
+.PHONY: dep
+# Prerequisites target
+ @touch $@
+# Clean local objects and build dependencies when FINAL_CFLAGS is different
+ifneq ($(shell sh -c '[ -f .make-cflags ] && cat .make-cflags || echo none'), $(FINAL_CFLAGS))
+.make-cflags: clean
+ -(cd ../deps && $(MAKE) $(DEPENDENCY_TARGETS))
+ -(echo "$(FINAL_CFLAGS)" > .make-cflags)
+.make-prerequisites: .make-cflags
+# Clean local objects when FINAL_LDFLAGS is different
+ifneq ($(shell sh -c '[ -f .make-ldflags ] && cat .make-ldflags || echo none'), $(FINAL_LDFLAGS))
+.make-ldflags: clean
+ -(echo "$(FINAL_LDFLAGS)" > .make-ldflags)
+.make-prerequisites: .make-ldflags
+# Clean local objects when MALLOC is different
+ifneq ($(shell sh -c '[ -f .make-malloc ] && cat .make-malloc || echo none'), $(MALLOC))
+.make-malloc: clean
+ -(echo "$(MALLOC)" > .make-malloc)
+.make-prerequisites: .make-malloc
+# redis-server
+ $(REDIS_LD) -o $@ $^ ../deps/lua/src/liblua.a $(FINAL_LIBS)
+# redis-cli
+ $(REDIS_LD) -o $@ $^ ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a ../deps/linenoise/linenoise.o $(FINAL_LIBS)
+# redis-benchmark
+ $(REDIS_LD) -o $@ $^ ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a $(FINAL_LIBS)
+# redis-check-dump
+ $(REDIS_LD) -o $@ $^ $(FINAL_LIBS)
+# redis-check-aof
+ $(REDIS_LD) -o $@ $^ $(FINAL_LIBS)
+# Because the jemalloc.h header is generated as a part of the jemalloc build,
+# building it should complete before building any other object. Instead of
+# depending on a single artifact, build all dependencies first.
+%.o: %.c .make-prerequisites
+ $(REDIS_CC) -c $<