+ } {b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 loaded}
+ test "In the context of Lua the output of random commands gets ordered" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
+ r eval {return redis.call('smembers','myset')} 0
+ } {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
+ test "SORT is normally not alpha re-ordered for the scripting engine" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset 1 2 3 4 10
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','desc')} 0
+ } {10 4 3 2 1}
+ test "SORT BY <constant> output gets ordered for scripting" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','by','_')} 0
+ } {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
+ test "SORT BY <constant> with GET gets ordered for scripting" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','by','_','get','#','get','_:*')} 0
+ } {a {} b {} c {}}
+ test "redis.sha1hex() implementation" {
+ list [r eval {return redis.sha1hex('')} 0] \
+ [r eval {return redis.sha1hex('Pizza & Mandolino')} 0]
+ } {da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 74822d82031af7493c20eefa13bd07ec4fada82f}
+ test {Globals protection reading an undeclared global variable} {
+ catch {r eval {return a} 0} e
+ set e
+ } {*ERR*attempted to access unexisting global*}
+ test {Globals protection setting an undeclared global*} {
+ catch {r eval {a=10} 0} e
+ set e
+ } {*ERR*attempted to create global*}
+ test {Test an example script DECR_IF_GT} {
+ set decr_if_gt {
+ local current
+ current = redis.call('get',KEYS[1])
+ if not current then return nil end
+ if current > ARGV[1] then
+ return redis.call('decr',KEYS[1])
+ else
+ return redis.call('get',KEYS[1])
+ end
+ }
+ r set foo 5
+ set res {}
+ lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
+ lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
+ lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
+ lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
+ lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
+ set res
+ } {4 3 2 2 2}
+ test {Scripting engine resets PRNG at every script execution} {
+ set rand1 [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
+ set rand2 [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
+ assert_equal $rand1 $rand2
+ }
+ test {Scripting engine PRNG can be seeded correctly} {
+ set rand1 [r eval {
+ math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
+ } 0 10]
+ set rand2 [r eval {
+ math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
+ } 0 10]
+ set rand3 [r eval {
+ math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
+ } 0 20]
+ assert_equal $rand1 $rand2
+ assert {$rand2 ne $rand3}
+ }
+# Start a new server since the last test in this stanza will kill the
+# instance at all.
+start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
+ test {Timedout read-only scripts can be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r config set lua-time-limit 10
+ $rd eval {while true do end} 0
+ after 200
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ r script kill
+ assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
+ }
+ test {Timedout scripts that modified data can't be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ r config set lua-time-limit 10
+ $rd eval {redis.call('set','x','y'); while true do end} 0
+ after 200
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ catch {r script kill} e
+ assert_match {UNKILLABLE*} $e
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ }
+ test {SHUTDOWN NOSAVE can kill a timedout script anyway} {
+ # The server sould be still unresponding to normal commands.
+ catch {r ping} e
+ assert_match {BUSY*} $e
+ catch {r shutdown nosave}
+ # Make sure the server was killed
+ catch {set rd [redis_deferring_client]} e
+ assert_match {*connection refused*} $e
+ }