-- Protocol changes as discussed in the Redis group
-- keys expire
-- sunion ssub
-- write integers in a special way on disk, use the unused 11|.... length.
-- compact types for disk storing of short strings (no 4 bytes overhead!)
-- network layer stresser in test in demo
+BEFORE REDIS 1.0.0-rc1
+- What happens if the saving child gets killed instead to end normally? Handle this.
+- Fix INCRBY argument that is limited to 32bit int.
+- Make sinterstore / unionstore / sdiffstore returning the cardinality of the resulting set.
+- Add a new field as INFO output: bgsaveinprogress
+- Remove max number of args limit
+- network layer stresser in test in demo, make sure to set/get random streams of data and check that what we read back is byte-by-byte the same.