r evalsha 9bd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87129 0
} {myval}
+ test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on invalid SHA1?} {
+ catch {r evalsha NotValidShaSUM 0} e
+ set _ $e
test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on non defined SHA1?} {
- catch {r evalsha ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 0} e
+ catch {r evalsha ffd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87130 0} e
set _ $e
test {EVAL - Redis integer -> Lua type conversion} {
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('incr','x')
+ local foo = redis.pcall('incr','x')
return {type(foo),foo}
} 0
} {number 1}
test {EVAL - Redis bulk -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('get','mykey')
+ local foo = redis.pcall('get','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo}
} 0
} {string myval}
r rpush mylist b
r rpush mylist c
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('lrange','mylist',0,-1)
+ local foo = redis.pcall('lrange','mylist',0,-1)
return {type(foo),foo[1],foo[2],foo[3],# foo}
} 0
} {table a b c 3}
test {EVAL - Redis status reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('set','mykey','myval')
+ local foo = redis.pcall('set','mykey','myval')
return {type(foo),foo['ok']}
} 0
} {table OK}
test {EVAL - Redis error reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('incr','mykey')
+ local foo = redis.pcall('incr','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo['err']}
} 0
} {table {ERR value is not an integer or out of range}}
test {EVAL - Redis nil bulk reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r del mykey
r eval {
- local foo = redis.call('get','mykey')
+ local foo = redis.pcall('get','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo == false}
} 0
} {boolean 1}
r set mykey "this is DB 9"
r select 10
r set mykey "this is DB 10"
- r eval {return redis.call('get','mykey')} 0
+ r eval {return redis.pcall('get','mykey')} 0
} {this is DB 10}
test {EVAL - Is Lua seleced DB retained?} {
- r eval {return redis.call('select','9')} 0
+ r eval {return redis.pcall('select','9')} 0
r get mykey
} {this is DB 9}
- test {EVAL - Script can't run more than configured time limit} {
- r config set lua-time-limit 1
+ if 0 {
+ test {EVAL - Script can't run more than configured time limit} {
+ r config set lua-time-limit 1
+ catch {
+ r eval {
+ local i = 0
+ while true do i=i+1 end
+ } 0
+ } e
+ set _ $e
+ } {*execution time*}
+ }
+ test {EVAL - Scripts can't run certain commands} {
+ set e {}
+ catch {r eval {return redis.pcall('spop','x')} 0} e
+ set e
+ } {*not allowed*}
+ test {EVAL - Scripts can't run certain commands} {
+ set e {}
catch {
- r eval {
- local i = 0
- while true do i=i+1 end
- } 0
+ r eval "redis.pcall('randomkey'); return redis.pcall('set','x','ciao')" 0
} e
- set _ $e
- } {*execution time*}
+ set e
+ } {*not allowed after*}
+ test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
+ set e {}
+ catch {
+ r eval "redis.call('nosuchcommand')" 0
+ } e
+ set e
+ } {*Unknown Redis*}
+ test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
+ set e {}
+ catch {
+ r eval "redis.call('get','a','b','c')" 0
+ } e
+ set e
+ } {*number of args*}
+ test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
+ set e {}
+ r set foo bar
+ catch {
+ r eval "redis.call('lpush','foo','val')" 0
+ } e
+ set e
+ } {*against a key*}
+ test {SCRIPTING FLUSH - is able to clear the scripts cache?} {
+ r set mykey myval
+ set v [r evalsha 9bd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87129 0]
+ assert_equal $v myval
+ set e ""
+ r script flush
+ catch {r evalsha 9bd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87129 0} e
+ set e
+ test {SCRIPT EXISTS - can detect already defined scripts?} {
+ r eval "return 1+1" 0
+ r script exists a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bd9 a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bda
+ } {1 0}
+ test {SCRIPT LOAD - is able to register scripts in the scripting cache} {
+ list \
+ [r script load "return 'loaded'"] \
+ [r evalsha b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 0]
+ } {b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 loaded}
+ test "In the context of Lua the output of random commands gets ordered" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
+ r eval {return redis.call('smembers','myset')} 0
+ } {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
+ test "SORT is normally not re-ordered by the scripting engine" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset 1 2 3 4 10
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','desc')} 0
+ } {10 4 3 2 1}
+ test "SORT BY <constant> output gets ordered by scripting" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','by','_')} 0
+ } {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
+ test "SORT output containing NULLs is well handled by scripting" {
+ r del myset
+ r sadd myset a b c
+ r eval {return redis.call('sort','myset','by','_','get','#','get','_:*')} 0
+ } {{} {} {} a b c}
+ test "redis.sha1hex() implementation" {
+ list [r eval {return redis.sha1hex('')} 0] \
+ [r eval {return redis.sha1hex('Pizza & Mandolino')} 0]
+ } {da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 74822d82031af7493c20eefa13bd07ec4fada82f}
start_server {tags {"scripting repl"}} {