set _ $err
} {}
+ test {HSET in update and insert mode} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hset smallhash $k newval1]
+ set smallhash($k) newval1
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hset smallhash __foobar123__ newval]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hset bighash $k newval2]
+ set bighash($k) newval2
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hset bighash __foobar123__ newval]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash __foobar123__]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash __foobar123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 newval1 1 0 newval2 1 1 1}
+ test {HGET against non existing key} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash __123123123__]
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash __123123123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {{} {}}
+ test {HKEYS - small hash} {
+ lsort [$r hkeys smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array names smallhash *]]
+ test {HKEYS - big hash} {
+ lsort [$r hkeys bighash]
+ } [lsort [array names bighash *]]
+ test {HVALS - small hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [$r hvals smallhash]]
+ test {HVALS - big hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [$r hvals bighash]]
+ test {HGETALL - small hash} {
+ lsort [$r hgetall smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array get smallhash]]
+ test {HGETALL - big hash} {
+ lsort [$r hgetall bighash]
+ } [lsort [array get bighash]]
+ test {HDEL and return value} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash nokey]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash $k]
+ unset smallhash($k)
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash $k]
+ unset bighash($k)
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 0 1 0 {} 1 0 {}}
+ test {HEXISTS} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists smallhash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists bighash nokey]
+ } {1 0 1 0}
+ test {Is a zipmap encoded Hash promoted on big payload?} {
+ $r hset smallhash foo [string repeat a 1024]
+ $r debug object smallhash
+ } {*hashtable*}
+ # TODO:
+ # Randomized test, small and big
+ # .rdb / AOF consistency test should include hashes
test {EXPIRE - don't set timeouts multiple times} {
$r set x foobar
set v1 [$r expire x 5]