+ reply = (redisReply*)_reply;
+ /* Check if we need to connect to a different node and reissue the request. */
+ if (config.cluster_mode && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR &&
+ (!strncmp(reply->str,"MOVED",5) || !strcmp(reply->str,"ASK")))
+ {
+ char *p = reply->str, *s;
+ int slot;
+ output = 0;
+ /* Comments show the position of the pointer as:
+ *
+ * [S] for pointer 's'
+ * [P] for pointer 'p'
+ */
+ s = strchr(p,' '); /* MOVED[S]3999 */
+ p = strchr(s+1,' '); /* MOVED[S]3999[P] */
+ *p = '\0';
+ slot = atoi(s+1);
+ s = strchr(p+1,':'); /* MOVED 3999[P][S]6381 */
+ *s = '\0';
+ sdsfree(config.hostip);
+ config.hostip = sdsnew(p+1);
+ config.hostport = atoi(s+1);
+ if (config.interactive)
+ printf("-> Redirected to slot [%d] located at %s:%d\n",
+ slot, config.hostip, config.hostport);
+ config.cluster_reissue_command = 1;
+ }
+ if (output) {
+ if (output_raw_strings) {
+ out = cliFormatReplyRaw(reply);
+ } else {
+ if (config.raw_output) {
+ out = cliFormatReplyRaw(reply);
+ out = sdscat(out,"\n");
+ } else {
+ out = cliFormatReplyTTY(reply,"");
+ }
+ }
+ fwrite(out,sdslen(out),1,stdout);
+ sdsfree(out);
+ }